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Oh My Goat! Such Cuteness: Baby Goats in Sweaters, Jumping

Top 1% Captured 93% Of Income Gains In 2010 --TYT

Porksandwich says...

Some sort of spending policy was needed, but the bailout as it was put forth was pretty dismal in it's results. The companies that received it were the ones who created the mess for the most part (banks), and we really still haven't addressed punishing them OR putting laws in place to either:
A) Punish them if it happens again, really the laws now should be sufficient.
B) Make it impossible to happen again....all those acts, they repealed over the last 20-30 years.
C) Prevent some of the more insanity driven investing, such as over abundant speculation and similar cost creating but non-value creating (Call it a Private Tax, if you will) things.

Really the more I look back on the bailout, and look at the attitudes of most of the politicians at that time...they were saying let the auto industry fail. But the bailouts to the auto industries have at least halfway been paid back. Chrysler is likely going to short the government 1.3 billion last I read. GM gave the government stock and 22 billion. Stock is worth about 13.5 billion. They borrowed 50 billion. So 28 billion is what we have to get out of that stock to recover fully. And as far as I know there is no interest accumulated, so losing money in those deals is a kick to the crotch considering.

I think the auto industries might have been able to enter bankruptcy and come back out of it with some lessons learned. But vehicles like the "Volt" show that......they don't really know who they are selling to. Chrysler ended up being taken over by Fiat. And Ford handled it's own business. The one in the worst shape was GM, and I can't say that they probably didn't have it coming. And they still ended up pretty much killing the economy dead in my area despite the bailout when they shut their plants down that they really hadn't "kept up" in was really dumpy looking. No one would take it over because it was just utter trash when they left. I'm more against than for the bailout of the auto industries, but I can see that they were probably beneficial there although GM seemingly learned nothing of note from it.

Banks on the other hand......they took in 1.2 trillion. And a bunch of the borrowed money went to European firms. Along with other financial institutions. And many kept taking loans into 2010.

Has lots of info on it. I haven't taken the time to confirm every last portion of it, but we know the bailout/loans of 2008 that were announced ended up being MUCH larger than they told us. So the information is kind of hit and miss since they kept it hush hush for awhile.

But, the money was to help keep the banks off people's backs about foreclosures. It hasn't, in fact they took the money and foreclosed anyway to get both the cash to make it possible to allow the person to keep the house AND the house. That should be criminal.

The bailout of those institutions probably did stop a economic meltdown, but I think that bailout still should be criticized. The people who caused it suffered no punishment by law, financially, or by failure. And they have been fighting have regulations and such put in place to stop it from happening again and from practices like speculation being allowed in such quantities. It's affecting the oil prices and they are using it as a argument for "foreign oil" ALL the time.

Sure the bailout saved us from financial meltdown, but we aren't safe from it happening again. In fact we're probably even more precariously perched at the edge than we were before, and people are making money off that instability. If they could have made money during the total collapse, I don't think they would have gotten bailout to all those institutions.

So, we should criticize the bailout, simply because it has made it possible for the people who control the money to continue making money, and no one has corrected the conditions that caused the collapse in the first place. The people who caused it keep on keeping on, the politicians get some money stuffed in their pockets, and the people who got hurt most by the crash whether you lost your house, job, savings, pension, etc are just lined up to be knocked down again and no one is trying to fix it. The people who had money to weather the crash, are recovering and the people who didn't are still hurt by the crash they had no way of avoiding.

Too big to fail institutions are still too big to fail. Now they know that they can leech all the money from the government whenever they start to lean a little as a collective. Nothing was learned by anyone there, because nothing ended up happening to them besides some bad press...when they should have gotten a major investigation that was more like a full cavity search to determine wrongdoing.

Coffee Shop Customers - Tales Of Mere Existence

Porksandwich says...

Which do you suppose would be dirtier? Homeless man crotch money, or stripper dollars?

Im voting stripper dollars.

Now, imagine being a bank teller near a strip club. All that glitter, sweat, tears, and other stuff........all over those dollars.

Coffee Shop Customers - Tales Of Mere Existence

Payback says...

>> ^NaMeCaF:

LOL. Eddie Van Homeless's crotch money is genius!

That was disgusting. Just the thought of the bacteria alone makes my skin crawl.

I would NEVER put cash down my pants before sanitizing it first.

Coffee Shop Customers - Tales Of Mere Existence

Videosift 5.0 Request: Allow block of user Avatars (Terrible Talk Post)

Kreegath says...

Maybe the people who like blue bulging crotches could install an addon instead, which changes avatars into those pictures? That way you can have any freaky fetish you like displayed to you, and not impose it on everyone else.

Fireworks Idiot

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'fireworks, idiot, mishap, ouch, not stupid' to 'fireworks, idiot, mishap, ouch, not stupid, crotch, groin, charred weenis' - edited by SlipperyPete

siftbot (Member Profile)

Dude Takes a Mountain to His Crotch at 120 mph (no joke)

Dude Takes a Mountain to His Crotch at 120 mph (no joke)

ReverendTed says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:

I saw a documentary on base jumpers a while back. It seems that for most of the base jumping community that when you decide to buy a wingsuit you're pretty much going to lose a lot of your basejumping friends because they now things are approaching an end for you...
Just like folks that buy motorcycles, that's the best time to become a great friend! ...And call dibs on their choice goods.

Dude Takes a Mountain to His Crotch at 120 mph (no joke)

Jinx says...

>> ^TheSluiceGate:

I saw a documentary on base jumpers a while back. It seems that for most of the base jumping community that when you decide to buy a wingsuit you're pretty much going to lose a lot of your basejumping friends because they now things are approaching an end for you...

Its true that often times people live before they die.

No but srsly, I saw that documentary too. I'd love to wingsuit once but I fear I'd be trapped in the obsessive pursuit of lower and faster, a trend where altitude and velocity approach 0 and terminal. I wonder if this guy clips his wings after this...I bet against it. It wasn't good enough, if it had been he'd be dead.

Dude Takes a Mountain to His Crotch at 120 mph (no joke)

shveddy says...

>> ^Ghostly:

All judgements about his sanity aside, is no one else impressed that he managed to regain some control over his flight and had the presence of mind to still pull his shoot after his pelvis just exploded!

The craziest thing about it is that it was actually the landing that broke both of his legs. Hitting the rock in freefall only skinned his shins.

shveddy (Member Profile)

Dude Takes a Mountain to His Crotch at 120 mph (no joke)

Turkish Oil Wrestling -- Life is stranger than fiction

Porksandwich says...

Is it wrestling or hands down the pants prize quest?

Looks like some sort of weird public courting ritual...especially with the crotch area pants grabs and the dismissive slap.

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