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You Are Cutting Your Cake Wrong

The Ingenious Way South Korea Unclogs Toilets

cason says...

All I can imagine is applying slightly too much pressure, or not having the perfect seal and ending up, both arms, elbow deep in fecal soup; Creating a lovely splash coating my surroundings, face, and upper torso. No thanks.

Two girls and one fishbowl - Twingo

Hand Made Beautiful Dining Room Table - The Priceless Gift

Sniper007 says...

I did this exact same thing - that is, build a hand made dining room table for my wife. I didn't care about using reclaimed lumber, but I did want to avoid using glues. I used lag bolts and screws - I figured it would last longer than glue. Also, I used about 1/10th the number of tools he used. But I did use a sawsall and a drill.

I used all pine, but did a faux aging process with vinegar and steel wool, and black tea. It turned out awesome (after 12+ coats of spar varnish on the top... ug). I have two matching benches. It's all very rustic, durable, and functional.

Very cool video!

Darcy Oake's dove illusions on Britain's Got Talent

Self-Righting Tree Stump

Molyneax on Bundy Ranch Standown of BLM

chingalera says...

DOOOOD...he's lover of life and a philosopher's friend....Peter J's in another realm of his own fucking mind-Never said you were stupid, on the contrary-Yer smarter than the average bear here on VS, and twice as goddamn fun-School was a shit-storm of disinformation for ya?? Welcome to world of the real

There's no debate here abnout htis recent news for a single reason-Most fucks here could give a rats-ass about anything that isn't coated with the indoctroeducation they all had to suffer....

and Abraham Lincoln had a batshit insane wife just like his crazy fucin' asss

Freed the slaves MY ASS!

Yogi said:

I guess you assume that I'm stupid or something? I don't think I am, I can figure things out and read and a pretty high grade level. Never had any problems in school, just didn't really care to go.

You can assume what you want about me that's fine, I'm not assuming too much about SM because SM doesn't give much at all. If he would explain or cite SOMETHING in his videos I would be able to pin something down and debate it. There's nothing to debate here, it's gossip and bullshit at best.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Open Letter to Ellen Degeneres: Don't Promote A Psychic

chingalera says...

Call em for what they are VoodooV, no need to candy-coat the sentiment or facts, they're media whores be they black, fe-male, she-male, cunt-bag or douche-nozzle, they all milk off the same teat of distract and subvert while being paid to fuck minds with tired programming-Celebrity is the double-edged sword wielded usually to lure dumb motherfuckers into programmed oblivion-Never trust anyone who's 'nice' to everyone and seems to smile more than they fucking remember to breathe-Usually a shit-sandwich buried under the free crisps there a-waiting for ya in the lunch pail...Fuck Ellen and fuck the shit outta Oprah and her skinny-fat-fat-skinny-book-of-the-week-peddlin' ass..... they are opportunistic shit-heals the both of em. doing but nothing meaningful for the planet besides foot-printing carbon more than you or I and our minions combined...

And to alll the trolls who love to call the same on others with dissenting opinions?? Fuck You where you live.

VoodooV said:

and this is what happens when you promote people who really are no better than you and I up to celebrity status. Im sure Ellen and Oprah are really nice people, but I will never understand the adulation bestowed upon them that allows them to make shitty decisions like promoting con artists and the like.

and before some of the trolls of the sift are tempted to turn what I said into something misogynistic. I feel the same way about actors/actresses, sports celebrities, or anyone who's opinion is automatically uprated merely because they're on TV or movies or have a lot of money. Luck, more than skill probably got them where they are today.

Everything You Need To Know About Digital Audio Signals

CreamK says...

It's been tested and the "best" audiophiles can't hear differences between 14bit and 16bit, nor can they hear differences between 44.khz and ANYTHING higher. In some tests they could use12bit sound with 36khz sampling frequency... The differences they hear are inside their head. Thus the description of improved sound is always "air", "brilliance", "organic" etc.. Don't be fooled by their fancy gear, most of it is for nothing. Cables: i am always willing to bet my months salary on doubleblind tests, 10 000€/m against a coat hanger, no audible differences.. It's all about confirmation bias, you think there's a change and suddenly you hear it.

About MP3s vs PCM:
Here we have audible differences. But. Put on high enough energy, ie turn your amp high enough, suddenly double blind studies can't find which is which. But it can be audible, mp3 is lossy format and even 320kbps can be heard. Not with all material, it's about in the limits of human hearing. Some might hear high end loss, if you're in your twenties. Once you hit 40, everything above 17khz is gone, forever. You will never hear 20k again. And to really notice the difference, you need good gear. Your laptop earphone output most likely won't even output anything past 18khz well and it's dynamic range can be represented with 8bit depth.. It can be just horrible. Fix that with usb box, around 80€: you can take that box anywhere on planet to the most "hifiest" guy out there and he can't hear the difference between his 10000€ A/D converter.. In fact, 5€ A/D converter can produce the same output as 3000€ one... That's not why i said buy a external.. It's more to do with RF and other shielding, protection against the noises a computer makes than A/D conversion quality. Note, i'm talking about audible differences, you can find faults with measuring equipment and 95% of the gear price is about "just to be sure".

If you want a good sound, first, treat your room. Dampen it, shape it.. If you spent 10k on stereo and 0 on acoustics, you will not have a good sound no matter what you do. Spend the same amount on acoustics than what you do on you equipment, room makes a lot more differences than gear. Next comes speakers, they are the worst link in the chain by a large margin. Quality costs, still wouldn't go to extremes here either, the changes are again "just to be sure", not always audible.. Then amps, beefy, low noise, A/B. You don't need to spend a huge lot of money but some. Then cables.. Take the 50€ version instead of 300€ or 3000€. Build quality and connectors, durability. Those are the reason to buy more expensive than 5€. Not because of sound quality.. There will always be group of people that will swear they can hear the differences, that's bullcrap. Human ear CAN NOT detect any chances, even meters are having a REALLY hard time getting any changes. You need to either amp up the signal to saturation point, or use frequencies in the Mhz ranges, thousands of times higher than what media needs to get any changes between cheapest crap and high end scams.

Audiophiles can't be convinced they are wrong, they are suffering from the same thing antivax people do: give them facts, they will be even more convinced they are right.

MilkmanDan said:

This goes beyond my knowledge level of signals and waveforms, but it was very interesting anyway.

That being said, OK, I'm sold on the concept that ADC and back doesn't screw up the signal. However, I'm pretty sure that real audiophiles could easily listen to several copies of the same recording at different bitrates and frequencies and correctly identify which ones are higher or better quality with excellent accuracy. I bet that is true even for 16bit vs 24bit, or 192kHz vs 320kHz -- stuff that should be "so good it is impossible to tell the difference".

Since some people that train themselves to have an ear for it CAN detect differences (accurately), the differences must actually be there. If they aren't artifacts of ADC issues, then what are they? I'm guessing compression artifacts?

In a visual version of this, I remember watching digital satellite TV around 10-15 years ago. The digital TV signal was fine and clear -- almost certainly better than what you'd get from an analog OTA antenna. BUT, the satellites used (I believe) mpeg compression to reduce channel bandwidth, and that compression created some artifacts that were easy to notice once somebody pointed them out to you. I specifically remember onscreen people getting "jellyface" anytime someone would nod slowly, or make similar periodic motions. I've got a feeling that some of the artifacts that we (or at least those of us that are real hardcore audiophiles) can notice in MP3 audio files are similar to an audio version of that jellyface kind of issue.

AIDS is cured! - by serving AIDS in an Egyptian army kebab

chingalera says...

Direct that spiel at every world leader buying air-time or cornering the market in the same. This cunt represents a simple petty thug in a coat pocket. Fascist Egyptian military working for the machine that makes all this possible? God-fearing is what the machine wants you to lay down for, they think themselves little motherfucking gods there, skippy.
Education, education, and education? More-likely re-education and a side-order of the real.

A10anis said:

Scarey stuff. These people are the true enemy of humanity. They are desperate for their once held god fearing control over the populace. A control that focuses on the utter ignorance of their subjects. Education, education, and education, are the only tools necessary to thwart their medieval objectives.

Would You Help A Freezing Man?

shatterdrose says...

It would be better to splice the two videos together to showcase the differences. Oh, and don't forget the pretty blonde girl. Oh, better yet, put the little boy, an older man and a pretty blonde on the bench with no jacket and see who gets offered the most coats. . . Too easy? Kinda how I feel about these videos nowadays since they've been so over done.

To J.K. Rowling, from Cho Chang

My_design says...

I have read the books and I can honestly say that her complaints are complete rubbish. If she is pissed about this, then she better stop reading or else she's in for some huge disappointment when everything she reads doesn't have a useful Asian person in it. I'm German, but I don't get pissed off when my people are represented as mass murdering, goose stepping, lab coat wearing, mad scientist types that are only out so as to sew someone's ass to another person's mouth. Could be worse though... l could be Russian. Bunch of vodka swilling, fun house of death loving, lesbian beating Cossacks over there.

Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

Trancecoach says...

"The police are not a 'foreign' army, like the red coats.""

Um, is this really what they taught you in those private schools you attended? Yikes! The redcoats were the British army/police. The colonies were British (until a small group of colonists claimed otherwise).

"You've spent a bunch of time and effort trying to convince me of your points"

I have done no such thing. Like I said, you've done nothing to interest me in correcting any of your errors in thinking.

"Well, I'm confused."

Yes, I'd say so.

"shirking your duty to pay taxes is theft and treasonous"

If serfdom make you happy, then by all means, be a serf! For me, there are many legal ways to avoid the non-duty. Just ask Romney and practically any/every crony and rich non-crony, and anyone who's actually paying attention. In the meantime, I've far better things to do with my time than attempting to argue you out of the kind of thinking which conduces the bottom of the social ladder.

newtboy said:


Oakland CA Is So Scary Even Cops Want Nothing To Do With It

newtboy says...

2. I'm fairly certain there was drug dealing going on in at least one of those crowds harassing the cops. If not, it would be out of character for these groups.
3. Well, you said crime on private property is no one's business but the owner...that's Bullshit, which you admit now.
Shooting a gun violates public discharge laws, sends a projectile on a random arch to impact somewhere, and creates noise violations (especially in the middle of the night like these)...or can I come to your neighbors property and start my shooting range.
4. My point exactly
5. Use of taxpayer services while shirking your duty to pay taxes is theft and treasonous.
6. once gain, business regulation didn't cause the crime problem.
7. Are you suggesting giving the public property to private industries for them to 'take over' the entire city? First, can't happen. Second, shouldn't happen. Living in Disney is terrible, oppressive, expensive, and draconian. I don't see a difference between paying taxes for services and paying 'homeowner fees' for services, except homeowner fees are usually far more expensive for fewer services and more regulation. Not the direction I think most want to go, or a place where most Oaklandites could afford.
So, you aren't anti regulation, only if a Kenyan is doing it to you? That's just dumb.
8. Yes, but those reasons are not capped and/or solely created by having a democrat in power, as you and others suggest.
Most property owners in Oakland are absentee landlords that don't inspect their property regularly, because private ownership does NOT mean better management.
I get mob justice because you keep pushing for it, it's what the Mexicans did that you keep referencing, and it's what you get with a private, unregulated, armed 'group'.
9. Send me the URL to a company that gives actual security for $35 a month that isn't simply a guy you call on the phone who then calls the police. Never heard of any such thing, and if it exists, you are paying your on-post 24/7 security guard $1 a day, I don't think they'll care so much when you get knifed in the throat for that money.

So, you don't drive, you don't US dollars, food products, electricity, mail, internet, phones, water, sewers, public property, items that are imported, items that traveled inter-state, television, or any other service provided by the feds? Impressive. So many of your fellow Americans do that it makes semse for everyone to pay for part of these things so they are available to EVERYONE. Private institutions taking over make all of these for profit, removing their usage from many if not most people.
Yes, really, many people in the bay are having trouble paying their bills and feeding themselves, it's insanely expensive there.
I don't pay much in taxes, only my fair share. That's not enough to support one indigent. If you pay enough to support Oakland by yourself, you are either Bill Gates or a liar.
Most law abiding citizens have no inclination to grab their gun and go on the streets to patrol.
This didn't seem like you ignored me, neither did the 2 other posts that followed.
Sorry, mixed up the insanity.
You always have terrible governing from any governing body, from some point of view. It's a fallacy to conclude otherwise.
If you got your 'lack of governing' you would quickly get foreign governing.
So, there is no utopian free market, just the real, regulated one you're complaining about.
I don't think most libertarians agree with you that libertarian government is anarchy. I don't.
Well, I'm confused. You've spent a bunch of time and effort trying to convince me of your points, but you claim you know it's futile to even what are you doing then?
To me, good government means doing the minimum it can to do what the populace wants, with safeguards to keep one group from taking unfair advantage of another. Better safeguards could make better politicians (yes, that's regulation, of politicians).
I know very little of 'praxology' that I didn't read in Foundation. Not in my science publications that I read regularly.
The tea party took over the libertarian party, and the republican party.
I do, I vote, and I pay my taxes. I don't have these problems, or over-regulation problems where I live. WOW! It worked!

And I paid for my excessive education, I only did 2 years in public school which was daycare. You don't seem to have any information I'm looking for.
If you think a mob of only your friends and family should roam the streets armed to 'protect your interests' then you support gangs. That's exactly what they are. To get enough to regulate activities in a place like Oakland would take a HUGE mob, far more than you have friends and family I'm certain.
I might hope you DO need the police to help you (with something minor, but enough to create your 'need'), then you might realize they are not all your enemy or useless and not far worse than anarchy. It's sad to think that it would take a personal need for you to realize that, but apparently it would.
The police are not a 'foreign' army, like the red coats.

Trancecoach said:


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