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Louis CK Probably won't be Invited back to SNL after this

Payback says...

Prejudice - Walking down a city street, seeing 2 black kids dressed like they're in a gang, being scared.

Racist - Walking down a street, seeing two black men in decent suits and briefcases, thinking they are probably defence lawyers for gangs.

Prejudice - Finding out the white guy you just hired goes to AA meetings, so you fire him before he shows up drunk.

Racist - A theft happens at your store, so you first check the black girl's handbag, even though she says it was Cindy, the blonde with the nice ass.

Prejudice is hardwired into the human psyche. The term "intuition" is just prejudice with coating of deodorant.

Racism requires generalization. You have to have a unwarranted view of the majority of a race to be racist.

Prejudice can exist without racism. Racism on the other hand MUST contain prejudice.

Lunar Base Using 3D Printing

newtboy says...

I prefer the idea of caves dug out of the moon itself then sealed with some spray on type sealant coating. Then there's room to put on wings and fly around! That's the best thing I've heard of to do on the moon.

Giant floating face watches you as you gamble

This Is How You Balance In A Sub Rising At 29 Degrees

Homeworld : Remastered trailer

ChaosEngine says...

Well, they've been doing that for years.

But I don't see this as a reboot. It's a very respectful coat of polish on the original. There's a 37 minute gameplay demo, and one of the artists even talks about resisting the urge to play George Lucas.

Also mod support!

Frankly, Gearbox are doing a lot of things right here and earning a tonne of goodwill from me.

Payback said:

Here's your proof that games are art. They're rebooting games now...

Fox News anchors try Vegemite for the first time live on-air

oritteropo says...

Did you have a coating as thick as these guys? They have easily used 10 times as much as most Aussies would See every other comment here for instance!

eric3579 said:

Yep, exactly how i reacted when i tried it. Damn stuff gave me Kidney failure as soon as I took a bite.

Fox News anchors try Vegemite for the first time live on-air

Asmo says...

It is a yeast extract that is not dissimilar in taste to demiglaze stock off the bottom of a pan (ie. stock boiled down to the consistency of, well, vegemite...)

Aka, incredibly concentrated.

With melted butter on toast, you apply would be lovingly described as a smear. You mix it with the melted butter to form a savoury topping rather than a "good old US PB&J thickness coating".

As an aside, a single teaspoon of vegemite makes a reasonably strong broth in a mug that is great for sore throats.

But please America, keep on spreading it on like cake frosting, we love the videos... =D

May be the cutest weasel ever

Mess With The Cat, Get The Fangs (And Claws)

The bobcat didn't know I was there... For almost a minute.

oritteropo says...

I now realise that some of the comments above were describing Canadian Lynx (Lynx canadensis) as "Lynx" even though Bobcat (Lynx Rufus) is also a Lynx and so is Lynx Lynx (Eurasian Lynx).

All the pictures of the Canadian Lynx that I had previously seen were ones with their shaggy winter coat that makes them look like they're wearing pyjamas ( But anyway, I agree with you that it ticks off all the bobcat signifiers. It's also a long way from Canada or Alaska.

Chairman_woo said:

Pretty sure it's a bobcat though they are easy to confuse.

I reference this

Specifically I'm thinking: short tufts, visible spots, and rear legs & hips similar length to front and most significantly longer tail. (Lynx barely has enough tail to swish unlike this chap)

To my eye you can tick off all the main bobcat signifiers here anyway.

Edit: Lynx Rufus is a Bobcat! (should have read further before commenting DOH!)

crafting a Patek Philippe 5175R Grandmaster Chime Watch

artician says...

The Gist:

Guy in business suit looking thoughtfully out of window.
(Doubtful anyone who designs fine consumer goods, *actually designs consumer goods*, wears a suit). Maybe its supposed to be you! You avant-garde millionaire, you!

Person sketching watch designs. This is probably semi-close to reality, though they don’t show the hundreds of designs the visual designer creates that are dismissed at whim by the aforementioned, assumed (but inevitable even if not shown) suits.

People fiddling with plastic representations of what one would assume as the model for said watch design. Maybe realistic, though with the caveat that two people are sitting there going over said physical design, in any serious discussion concerning the actual physics of the end product. I can *not* imagine that nearly the entirety of this process today, both visual and mechanical design, are not done digitally.

Okay, there’s some CG. Because CG is the next step, rather than the first, least expensive step in any design process today. Who wants to quickly model everything in a matter of hours when you can fabricate expensive, physical material for iterative testing?

Holy shit, was that guy just looking at a wood cutout? I can’t even think of a shitty, sarcastic/realistic remark about that one. I might have misunderstood that shot.

Alright, now we’re machining shit. You can’t really fake that with a few grand for marketing. That’s the real stuff. (1.5m in)

No, they don’t sand/polish things by hand during the fabrication phase. That’s entirely too inaccurate and subjective to the assembler to leave up to human hands. (But hey: it’s a 2.5 million dollar piece of metal, so lets make those buyers feel good about their money spent).

Oh look: gemstones! (???) That's kingly.

More faux machining that is veritably inferior to quality mechanical assembly.

Oh shit, someone just turned a nob!

3.5 minutes in, and we see some actual hand-polished work that is legitimately viable to perform by hand.

Hey lets sand those nodules off the finished pieces, and micro-inspect those printed markings, because nothing about us says “accuracy” without a fallible human to do it. Also: what are they printing shit on there for? Was it pushing the price to $3mil to engrave the timestamps on the faces? That better be the highest quality electroplated coating, but even then I can't imagine that's superior than a tactile, physical representation.

Now they’re hand-engraving the sculpted ornamentation, but it’s one more point I can gladly give them because those kinds of human touches let you know at least some sort of artisan was involved. I can appreciate that, though realizing what I just said causes me to reflect on the inaccuracies of mass-production, and why we would take one over the other…

More microscopes. (Because if one notch is off, it’s back to the furnace for you!)

Awe shit, payday. A guy in a suit looking confident is walking towards your building!

Finally, the gear assembly. It certainly looks fantastic, photographically speaking. I can’t help but notice that all that detail is lost to hundreds of textural indentations or are due to stylized alternating polish/grinding. However, I’m confident that spending $2.5mil on this product would get me the absolute, most accurate, unnoticeable details (hand-made!) within a micro-millimeter of accuracy. Those indentations are like chrome on a street-racer in the 90’s: the more you have, the greater they perform.

@~8min, I’m pretty sure no one works like that at their desk. That posture would kill you in a month.

They know you can’t spin the head of a watch while it’s on your wrist, right?

Awe! It’s got 5 ringtones! That’s way more than any other watch I’ve even heard of! Except everything that doesn’t cost $2.5mil.

If I can take anything away from this that’s even remotely positive, it’s that at least millionaire shitheads are now being just as suckered as the rest of the consumer base. Let me sell ONE of those watches, and I would have enough money to overtake their business within a year, except for that I don't have the greed, dishonesty, and overall lack of morals that it would take to set up a quality factory, and trick such dickheads into buying (even superior BS) products.

Evolution's shortcoming is Intelligent Design's Downfall

leebowman says...

They apparently didn't know that that nerve innervates the heart and other chest organs. From Gray's Anatomy:

"As the RL nerve curves around the subclavian artery or the arch of aorta, it gives several cardiac filaments to the deep part of the cardiac plexus. As it ascends in the neck it gives off branches, more numerous on the left than on the right side, to the mucous membrane and muscular coat of the oesophagus; branches to the mucous membrane and muscular fibers of the trachea and some filaments to the inferior constrictor."

And as the lady is separating the nerve from the chest area, she is actually cutting those nerve innervations. Oh, and one more thing. The long nerve does NOTHING to weaken the neck, or the animal itself, as is seen in the following video.

the outlaw josie wales and ten bears

timtoner says...

Based on the book The Rebel: The Outlaw Josie Wales, written under a pseudonym by Asa Earl Carter, a White supremacist. There was a This American Life ( which goes into AEC and The Education of Little Tree. It's interesting how, based on that, AEC's pecular point of view comes across quite clearly in this clip--the distrust of Blue Coats, the disdain for government, and even viewing the Native American as a "Noble Savage".

Awesome music: rhymes clips from the best of TV and film.

Zawash says...

Lyrics from the YT page:

We accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!
Gooble gobble gooble gobble!
We accept her, we accept her!
We accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!
Gooble gobble gooble gobble!
We accept her, we accept her!

(We-we) we came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
I was testing you - and you passed,
Dental plan! Lisa needs braces,
Be required to fart on a regular basis,
I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse,
Channel 13 - Eyewitness news!
Robocop, who is he?
Dead or alive you're coming with me.

In a hurry to be fed, beady eyes and big blue head.

I'm telling the truth Doc, you gotta believe me,
Why does everything I whip leave me?
My beautiful chocolate! Candy is dandy,
Fava beans and a nice Chianti,
You can count on Slippery Pete,
Suicide will be nice and neat!
I didn't build the Panama canal,
Open the pod bay doors please, HAL,

These aren't the droids you're looking for,
These aren't the droids we're looking for,
I am not a number I am a free man!
To The Idiotmobile!
Right away Michael,
I-I-I-I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
You don't understand I coulda had class,
Round and tasty on a bun,
Ooh Zippy look what you've done!
Finally! Cast off those lines!
No, I've been nervous lots of times,
Red Rum! What's the matter honey?
Just robbed Boss Hogg all of his money!

We came, saw, we kicked it's ass,
Writing checks your body can't cash,
I was elected to lead, not read,
I feel the need - the need for speed,
Watch out for snakes, a good man's loafer,
HQ - my hat looks like a muffin - over,
My god it's full of stars,
There was no driver in the car..

In the car (repeat)

Well you see I'm in hot pursuit!

There are only two things I love in this world - everybody and television!
#The Simpsons
#Run With Us!
Ugh - you must be shrooming,
Wait for me Moomin!
Cross live to meet the host of that show, Meat Boy,
I want to go to there.

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
An oil tycoon - like a.. moustache,
Nice beaver! I just had it stuffed,
I don't give a shit, close enough,
Where's me washboard? I'll get me coat,
Y-y-y-you're gonna need a bigger boat,
What'd she say? I think she bought it,
Suck it monkeys! I'm goin' corporate!
C'mon let's take a drive! A drive?
Number 5 is alive!
It's only a laugh, no harm done,
Pickles, french fries, yum yum yum,
Bueller, Bueller, Bueller,
It's 2 degrees cooler,
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long,
Six words in the whole song.

We-we-we accept her, one of us, we accept her, one of us!
Gooble gobble gooble gobble!
We accept her, we accept her!
You are number 6 5 4 3 2
I am not a number, I am a free man

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
Give me my 20,000 in cash,
We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
I think you woke up the dead with that blast
We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
I think fast, I talk fast,
We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass,
Lois, this is not my Batman glass,

How to make a Formula 1 Tyre

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