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Glass How-to: Getting Started

MilkmanDan says...

I was mainly providing counterpoints for those that DO want them, except for privacy concerns (ie., concerned about their own privacy when wearing them). That represents most of the vehement opposition to these things that I've seen, and I just think that is a bit odd. Plenty of other good reasons not to like/want them.

Regarding #2 though, definitely fair point. On the other hand, smartphones have already made an abundance of cameras available to catch our every misstep or faux pas whenever we're in public, so I doubt that these glasses will accelerate that trend any more. Heck, a big chunk of YouTube (or the Sift) is made up of people being caught on camera doing less-than-perfectly-intelligent things; perhaps that ship has sailed.

probie said:

I appreciate the counterpoints but

1) I won't be buying into this latest fad, so no need for a fake account.

2) See #1. And the fancy piece of electrical tape you want to sell me isn't going to help me when I have to adhere it to the sets of glasses staring at me that aren't mine.

The Worst Basketball Scene in Movie History

Incredible Rube Goldberg and Domino Music Video

krelokk says...

Well made but there are a TON of cheat cuts in this, it isn't actually a single shot. Switch is fine, but yeah I noticed. The first I noticed is when it races up the stairs the first time, at the top it swings by a wall at 0:34, that is the first cut/transition I noticed. There are a couple others after that. A very obvious one is at 1:49. The move into the green wall do a transition, the shadows on the wall change and then it continues. The bathtub too. At 2:52 it is the same trick as at 0:34. I think most of it is real, no cgi aside from the compositing to do those transitions. They did this thing in chunks and tried to make the transitions as smooth as possible. Pretty cool.

'Sirius' Theatrical Trailer

artician says...

This kind of bullshit pisses me off to no end. A great chunk of my life is dedicated to education and scientific research, and there are millions of ignorant people who believe this shit. People like these pose as educated minds so they can prey on them, and this bullshit is the modern equivalent of seances and psychics.

Just Released! New Music Video from Psy - Gentleman

Bill Moyers Essay: The Hypocrisy of 'Justice for All'

robbersdog49 says...

So, would you like to tell us which jobs we should get which are sure to be safe for the next 18 years? You know, the ones where it's impossible for the company to go bankrupt or suffer some other financial crisis?


To think that someone's fate is entirely in their own hands is naivety at it's worst. When you're talking about a country like america, if just one percent of the population loses their jobs without it being their fault that's still over 3,000,000 people. That's a hell of a lot of people to condemn for what, not trying hard enough? Being wasters?

I'm british and I live in a welfare state. My wife and I pay a good chunk more in taxes than the average person in the UK. I've never claimed any welfare and with a little luck I'll never have to. But I'm proud to live in a country where caring for those less fortunate than ourselves is deemed important.

Jerykk said:

Defending the poor is all well and good but that costs money too. If the poor aren't contributing to the economy, who ends up being penalized here? The inherent problem here is with irresponsible people. People who have children when they don't have enough money to support them. It seems like such a simple consideration yet so few seem to heed it. Don't start a family unless you have a steady and secure job that can support one. Think of the long-term expenses that a family entails, save your money whenever possible and make safe investments. If people did all this, both poverty and crime would decrease significantly.

Also, the pledge of allegiance is ridiculously antiquated. What exactly is it supposed to accomplish? Loyalty to the nation? When kids only regurgitate it as a matter of routine at the start of the school day, it holds no meaning. It's not like religion which is ingrained through constant reinforcement and conditioning both at home and in church.

How to make a Toothbrush Robot

50 Common Misconceptions

poolcleaner says...

I've always put metal in the microwave. Downside is that it gets really hot and makes food around the metal taste bad. I'm sure if you filled one to the brim with metal spoons and some chunks of an engine block, it would fuck some shit up. But anything in large doses will screw with any system. Dependent factors are edge cases.

chingalera said:

Dude, no way! Metal in microwave shall most surely fuck up the interior and perhaps start a fire or cause a chort....dependent factors include duration of course, metal introduced, the unit's manufacturing material, and amperage.
The more amperage the better yer chance o' damage.
Just dig the flashy-flamey dance when he turns it gets better!

hotdogs inhaled multiple times

chingalera says...

Downvotes came fast and furious for the probie-Why does everyone hate so much the down-voting of tenured members anyhow....I don't get it...

Is it because he din't answer your questions??

BTW, the video blows chunks, trailer-douche bagger guy... I voted for it as devil's-advocate/provocateur

Wealth Inequality in America

deedub81 says...

When payroll tax went up on Jan 1st, I had to subtract about $200 from my monthly retirement investments. At my average rate of return over 30 years (when I plan to retire) that's a HUGE chunk of change. It's hundreds of thousands of dollars out of my future pockets.

I thought Obama wasn't going to raise taxes on the middle class???? He's trying to raise taxes even more now!!!! How am I supposed to accumulate wealth when he keeps taking money off the top of my paycheck?

Chubby Wombat wants to play!

How Not to Move a Freezer

Russian Firefighter Hit By Snow Falls Down a Ladder

Amazing Last Second Shot!

Tax the Rich: An animated fairy tale

bobknight33 says...

The rich pay a higher rate than the poor.

Tax Bracket Married Filing Jointly
10% Bracket $0 – $17,400
15% Bracket $17,400 – $70,700
25% Bracket $70,700 – $142,700
28% Bracket $142,700 – $217,450
33% Bracket $217,450 – $388,350
35% Bracket Over $388,350

These are just Federal Tax rates. Then add state and local and you could end up paying over %50 in taxes. Is that fair?
At the top rate if one was earning 400k then they would pay 140k just in Fed tax. That's a big chunk of government cheese.

My CEO pulls down a base of $3million a year. That would give him a $1 - 1.5 million in Federal / State and local tax.

Sure he makes a lot but he also pays a lot.

The left would say that he needs to pay more of his "fair share" .

Even though I think he could pay more I believe that he is paying his fair share.

I am sure he hires the best accountants to take every possible deduction, as you and I would do in that situation.

IF you want the rich to pay more then eliminating some deductions form the rich seem like a good approach.

messenger said:

The only numbers up for debate here are percentage of income that goes to tax. If poorer people are paying less income tax, it's because the rich are making so much more, which is yet another problem, but one for another comment thread.

Do you, @bobknight33 , think rich people should pay a lower % of their income in taxes than everyone else? If so, why?

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