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Mad Heidi - Trailer

RANT: 20 Things Your IT Guys Want You to Know

ulysses1904 says...

Damn, sorry to hear that. I could go off on a frothing at the mouth rant at how bad it was, what we went through. To save money our original company, a nationwide US health insurance company, outsourced us right at merit raise time (nice touch, a-holes) to an off-shore company that would probably only ever meet expectations running an assembly line operation for building PCs.

They were out of their league taking over level 1 and 2 operations for a large company, which was already working through the pains of merging with other companies they had acquired. Instead of inspiring the legacy workers to stick around to make the transition work, their attitude was we were lucky the host company insisted we get first crack to reapply for "our" jobs. Like it was all one big assembly line and we could be easily replaced with someone with an A+ cert for $11\hr. The equivalent of pulling up to a storefront and having IT landscapers jump in the back of a pickup truck to work that day. Might work for an assembly line but not for a complex embedded IT infrastructure with 1001 local support quirks. They were completely clueless.

Add insult to injury, their internal processes were so bad, over the course of a year they asked us continually to remind them of the phone# of the iPhone they gave us and the serial# of the laptop they gave us. At least half a dozen times, it was fucking absurd. And when we were offered an incentive to help reduce the ticket log backup, they mailed unsigned money orders to fictional home addresses they had on record for us. With the stamp on the wrong part of the envelope for those lucky enough to receive their unsigned money orders. You had the option of mailing the money order back to get it signed (good luck getting it back) or committing a felony to get the money you legally earned, by not using the first option. Took me 7 months to finally get my money order, who knows where they originally mailed it. Their indifference during this whole mess was staggering, you had to badger management and HR like they were a deadbeat drunk brother-in-law who owes you money.

And they kept putting off the review\raise process until they finally offered us 50 cents an hour for the highest performers. I gave my notice the next day.

Sorry for the rant, it was such a colossal failure on all fronts, except no doubt for the amount the host company saved on IT during that time. But of course nobody is interested in capturing the countless hours of downtime and lost productivity introduced by these IT cost "savings". Last I heard they were putting the contract back out to bid before the scheduled end of the current contract, which doesn't surprise me. What a freaking waste.

I hope you find work soon, Ant.

ant said:

Like me. I will be on my (seven/7)th month tomorrow of being unemployed again.

SSL Now Enforced Site-Wide (Sift Talk Post)

mxxcon says... is advertising 2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe70:f3af as its IPv6 address. However, that address is not listening on 443. So either don't advertise IPv6 or enable ssl on it.

Additionally, your current configuration supports SSLv3 protocol, which is old and insecure and should be disabled. And some other sub-optimal settings.
Check out
Consider updating your OpenSSL library and configuring nginx as shown at

And please make sure you have some sort of automated way to renew letsencrypt cert since it's only for 3 months.

lucky760 said:

Nope, none at all if I"m being honest.


It's incredible that it's so easy to create an SSL certificate supported in most browsers now (and for free!) - good times.

Bragging Rights: Cyber Defense

charliem says...

Im sure the red cell guys had the private key hashes of all their security certs anyway....these guys were NSA.....encryption means nothing to them, unless you are using OTP.

Second Amendment Rights Gone Wrong

chingalera says...

Whose emphasis is inferred?
Some form of gun control: check
You can never get the guns out of the hands of the most dangerous people, and you'd be hard-pressed to find a way to keep them out of the hands of the mentally ill, esp. if they are in the care of someone with guns in the home.
Background checks: check.
Inspections of home gun safes,meaningless. people hide shit under floors, in attics, not to mention "reasonable cause" used as a means of cops in your home. Fuck THAT!
Fully agree with cert and re-certification-One should stay sharp.
Mandatory service has honed many a nation's folk and prepared them for the world. We should try it here,then perhaps the U.S. would slow-down the production of ineffectual pussies and whiners.

digitalbombdog said:

1. The 2nd Amendment calls for a WELL REGULATED MILITIA. Emphasis on WELL REGULATED. The majority of Americans are in favor of at least some form of gun control. The idea is to get the most dangerous weapons we have out there out of the hands of those most likely to misuse/abuse them. And personally, I think accountability should be factored in. Gun owners should be required to have background checks, inspections of homes with required gun safes, ammunition limits, mandatory certification in gun safety courses, with regular testing, marksman training, and insurance to cover any damage done by weapons they own. And honestly, I wouldn't mind if people were required to join their State Militia or National Guard in order to own more than a hunting rifle.

2. The Constitution was never intended to be sacrosanct. It's a living, breathing work in progress. Hell, the ink was barely dry before the Bill of Rights was introduced. We "amend" the Constitution as needed to address issues that were never foreseen by our forefathers.

Your Stupid Fat Kids Suck* - A Message From Their Teachers

heropsycho says...

Depends on the extra-curricular activity, but even then, the extra pay is crap. When I taught for 4 years and got hard pressed for money, I never bothered volunteering for that because one night of work fixing someone's computer would pay as much as a two or three weeks doing an extra curricular activity. It also would take far more time away from my studying for IT certs to transition out of education, too.

But it wasn't like I was a special case. Teachers who couldn't survive on their salary or needed extra money rarely would supplement from extra-curricular activities. By far the most common tactic was summer school, but after that, it was either side businesses or an unrelated part time job like waiting tables or something like that. The teachers who did extra-curricular activities usually just wanted to do them; it wasn't about the money.

And yeah, I made $32K/yr as a teacher, so obviously, $800/week is way off, but it does depend on the state you live in. NY teachers get paid way more than us VA teachers due to stronger unions and higher cost of living.

Finland's Revolutionary Education System -- TYT

Porksandwich says...


I'd assume the hat restriction is to prevent sleeping and cheating....since you could write the stuff inside the hat.

And most of that stuff sounds like "Duh!" kind of solution to the needs, like it's so obvious that no one thinks it'd work.

In the US a "common" job like janitorial/cleaning often requires certifications or proof of previous a 100-200 dollar training course isn't so bad considering how asinine we are with job requirements here. What's so deficient about our job situation in the states is that a lot of jobs (like wasterwater treatment, or IT certifications) require you to work in the job before you can get the certifications to do the job, but they have requirements of you needing certifications to get the job in the first place. It's like a circle that you need to know someone on the inside of it to have them reach out and pull you in so you can get a small job in the field to get allowance/permission to get the certs. We like to have things arranged this way, so we can keep people out.....without "discriminating".

Fox 12 Reporter to Occupy Portland: "I am One of You"

deathcow says...

I assume you do software or networking Wax. What is your cert in?

I dropped out of HS too, got a GED. My 2 yr college (electronics) cost me less than $10k. I have worked in software ever since.

Obama releases full birth certificate, now STFU idiots. PLZ?

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

That a real American President likes only America, and no other countries?

No – a real American President can like other countries, but has to like America more.

and what about all that fanatical secrecy in hiding his past

All the Bush stuff does nothing but prove my point. There was enough shady stuff in Bush’s past for conspiracy theorists to hang a hat on. Obama is 10X worse. So when conspiracy theorists come along, the average person may not believe the extremes – but there’s more than enough flesh on the skeleton to make them have enough doubts to not dismiss it entirely.

But let's get real. It isn't just the GOP here that is driving this story. The issue here is that Obama's numbers are plummeting across the ENTIRE spectrum. Obama has been hemhorraging Independants, Moderates, and even DEMOCRATS for months. His policies are complete failures. His objectives are counter-intuitive disasters. The people gave him a chance, and he blew it. So they're dumping this epic-fail and in response he's getting desperate.

I'm 100% certain he was sitting on his birth cert and WAITING for just ONE serious GOP contender to start carping about it. None of them ever did. I'm also 100% sure that Trump has no intention of really running. But when he started trending up in the polls, Obama decided to pull the trigger. It wasn't what Obama wanted, but it woudl have to do because clearly all the REAL opponents were not taking the bait.

Then Obama gives a stupid speech about the birth certificate where he is literally WHINING like a moronic jackass about how he's got "important stuff to do". But for two WEEKS he's been doing nothing but going out and FUNDRAISING for his re-election. Total hypocrite. So whatever good will he thought he was going to get just went right out the window. And his poll numbers tanked again. No surprise there.

Tell me what magical wand Obama will wield to bring down gas prices.

The magic wand is a SENSIBLE multi-pronged energy policy. For decades the US policy on domestic energy production has been one of constriction, restriction, and eviction. Permits are denied. Lawsuits are constant. The cost of doing business is so high that companies go overseas, leaving domestic energy production hanging by its fingertips and with very little wiggle room when events start causing uncertainty in the market. A sensible policy would support aggressive domestic production of ALL energy sources – fossil, nuclear, bio, hydro, geo, solar & wind – not just one or two of them. ANY policy would be better than Obama's. His plan is to cram everyone in $50,000 golf carts.

Obama releases full birth certificate, now STFU idiots. PLZ?

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Oo, oo! Let's make a "post your favorite" thread for this vid. Mine is:

"They killed Kennedy.. they can make a fake B.cert"

>> ^Duckman33:
And if you read the comments on youtube you will see exactly that.>> ^ponceleon:

The problem is that people don't understand the mentality of the lunatic fringe. Evidence is not evidence for them, it is just "proof" of a coverup.
Basically, if they don't get the answer they want, they just continue to complain that it is all a conspiracy.

The Story of Citizens United VS. FEC

joedirt says...

Here's what happened...

Some asshole, lazy, pathetic guy named Clarence Thomas ended up on the Supreme Court of the United Stated. He sleeps, sits back, has never once asks a single question or speaks in five years. He along with Bush appointee rule on some insane Citizens United case, and overturn 100 years of campaign finance law. This same Thomas clown also once wrote that.. “the Constitution does not afford students a right to free speech in public schools.” This same asshole uses the pickup line, "Who has put pubic hair on my Coke?"

Cornell Law

The case was actually about a special interest group, funded by for-profit movie maker guy who aired Hillary hit movie 60 days before the election.

Instead of ruling on "Whether a broadcast feature-length documentary movie that is sold on DVD, shown in theaters, and accompanied by a compendium book is to be treated as the broadcast 'ads'" SCOTUS didn't rule on the actual case, but instead made a far reaching leap to rule somehow that corporations have First Amendment rights (a legal arrangement to protect shareholders from liability)... Also, not only do they have First Amendment rights, but they don't have to obey and campaign finance laws or contribution limits.

So an individual can only contribute so much, but if you put your money into any corporation, you can just donate as much as you want to run ads on TV as a special interest.

Two justices should have recused themselves. In fact, if Obama didn't fail to investigate any crimes committed recently, they would have followed up...

"A year after the decision, Common Cause asked the Department of Justice to investigate conflicts of interest on the part of two of the Justices in the majority. The organization noted that Thomas's wife was the founder and president of Liberty Central, a conservative political advocacy group that would be empowered to accept corporate contributions to run campaign advertisements. In addition, Scalia and Thomas had participated in political strategy sessions organized by David H. Koch and Charles G. Koch, who stood to benefit from the decision"

Tea Party: Only Property Owners Should Be Allowed To Vote

volumptuous says...

I am CERT trained and on my neighborhoods CERT team (Community Emergency Response Teams), I organize a weekly neighborhood cleanup, my girlfriend is on our neighborhood city council, and we rent our house where we've lived for four years and have no plan on moving. If we do, it will be to another house in our community.

According to WP, we don't have any "skin in the game".

Although, I'll bet a gazillion dollars that WP has probably never lifted a finger for his community.

Also, as is usually with the fake conservatives who squack loudly on the internet, let's look at this a different way:

Home Ownership:
Whites: 70%
Asian American: 51%
African American: 42%
Hispanic/Latino: 41%

I think I now know the real reason why people like WP only want home owners to vote.

Anderson Cooper humiliates a willfully ignorant birther...

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Anderson, Cooper, texas, birther, obama, birth, cert' to 'Anderson Cooper, texas, birther, obama, birth, cert, leo berman' - edited by xxovercastxx

Some Meerkats Just Weren't Cut Out To Be Sentries

grinter says...

Meanwhile, six meerkats have stealthily circled behind the crowd of giggling, overfed zoo-goers and are riffling through their bags for cash, credit cards, and the much coveted Certs.

Wingnut bigotry- so very, very unchristian (Blog Entry by dag)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Wise up, quantum, bringing up "Mexicans" in the context of a health care debate is a clear pander to the sizable racist wing of your republican party, just like their other recent racist hits like: focusing on black preacher Reverand Wright, making a fuss about Barack "HUSSIEN" Obama, and the whole nonsense about the birth cert. Now I'm not outright calling you a racist, per se, but let's not be so naive to believe your party doesn't constantly use racism, fear, hate and other dark aspects of humanity to manipulate their followers. You've even gone so far as to publicly admit you don't like to argue using 'facts' or 'reason'. You are republican to the core, my friend. Republican to the core.

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