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Skewer Us with your Rapier Wit! Winners! (Sift Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I think this entire contest is part of a larger false flag op, designed to draw attention away from the 911 attacks. You and your operatives have lured political malcontents to this site with a combination of videos featuring boobs, cats and far left/far right agitprop/disinfo. Once mentally enslaved, you 1) force these captives to compete for 'power points' (which are not tied to any kind of gold standard), 2) create conflicts among them to keep them occupied, which in turn keeps them from becoming politically active outside the site, and 3) create this contest which just so happens blow right past the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 to 9/12, nullifying all of our voices.

And you almost got away with it. But now you have a full blown mutiny on your hands. Commence DNS attack in 3.. 2.. 1..

Walgreens Pharmacist Fired For Firing at Armed Robbers

shagen454 says...

Oooo, I have a fantastic Walgreen's story. My friend was in Walgreen's getting some prescription medicine when an african-american woman was detained by Walgreen's staff for theft. She was yelling & making a scene & the employees handcuffed her to a pole.

My friend FLIPPED out on the Walgreen's staff surrounding the woman they were holding captive - I forget what he said since I wasn't there - I'm pretty sure he was telling them to let her go, they have no right. He probably went on a Zizek-esque political rant.

Anyway, a couple of days later was the World Series, in which we won. The streets became a riot, people were burning buses, people were running over crowds of people in their cars, it was crazy. My friend happened to be witnessing the mayhem unfold down Market Street. He was passing by that Walgreen's with the entire affair still burning him up on the inside - when he noticed one of the people that had taken part in this incident standing by the entrance to the Walgreens also watching the mayhem unfold. He walked up to the guy, "Hey, remember me, motherfucker?" And then proceeded to SHOVE HIS WHOLE HAND DOWN THE GUY'S THROAT. Haha! Bizarre. This is only one of the reasons employees at large corporations should just let 'em go & let security deal with these issues.

Steve Jobs Presents the Building of the Future

Steve Jobs Presents the Building of the Future

Steve Jobs Presents the Building of the Future

How To Repel Sea Lampreys

Bear Attacks Russian Man

ryanbennitt says...

Don't know whether to upvote or not. What's the story behind the cub? What happened to its mother? What's going to happen to a bear kept in captivity until its too big for its owner to handle?

Matt Damon defending teachers [THE FULL VIDEO]

Porksandwich says...

Seems to me this is just another facet in an agenda to push needed public facilities into the private sector where they can be monetized more effectively.

Privatized prisons, there's incentive to imprison more people. Including bribes to judges to send more people that way.

So a privatized school.... they have kids as a captive audience unless they get out via home schooling (which I guess will be attacked next if it's seen to be growing when privatization takes over). It will be in their best interest to pack the most kids they can into facilities. And I'll venture to guess that testing to insure kids are being taught will be influenced through lobbying or bribes to be catered specifically to the material taught in schools. There may even be incentive to punish kids with detention and saturday sessions to increase revenue by showing discipline problems that need more funding to correct......whether they exist or not.

In my opinion, right now schools spend too much money, time, and long term investments on sport related costs. The maintenance costs on upkeeping, repairing, and maintaining a stadium that's only used a few times a month or a field which is only used by a handful of students is just dumb. They claim that football and other ticket entry events pay for a lot of it, but I have never seen numbers to support that in the majority of cases. Plus you add in equipment, coaching, and busing costs to take students to other schools or play offs.......there's just no way you are recouping those costs. Meanwhile you have kids using 10-15 year old textbooks that are falling apart, in classrooms with leaky windows and roofs.

So I don't think privatizing schools is the answer, but I think there are programs which could easily be cut.......but it would not be popular at all with the local communities who've had those programs for decades. Which is why they don't do it and continue to piss away money on sports facilities and programs which eat up a lot of funding and benefit a minority of students. Where as art/music programs, which also benefit a small number of students but could be grown to include more, where the school needs to provide a room and instructor and the kids bear the cost of instruments/materials and other odds and ends get cut.

Upgraded Planetarium - 64 megapixels @ 30 frames per second

westy says...

I bet you could so something with 1/50th the computer power that the end user perceives to be pretty much the same.

I think individual domes using two 1080p projectors that a user sits in and can navigate and exsplore themselves would be far better and far more educational/captivating than this massive set up they have.

the fundamental issue with planitarums is that it is not real and so you will always have a disconnect from reality regardless of the resolution. that is why they would de better of with what I said above and then maby building something on a hill that you can get access to that has a huge glass roof.

Cyclists bike as slow as possible in a sprint race

yellowc says...

Different strokes for different folks.

I was caught in a web of suspense. The mind games and tactics are excellent to watch, arguably more interesting than the actual sprint. I mean yeah it's fun to see humans go as fast as they can but it tends to be over in 10seconds or less. The build up is the captivating part.

Happy Hyena Cavorting in Puddle

sillma says...

>> ^A10anis:

Unless it is for some breeding programme to save a species, i dislike zoos intensely. The same applies to caged birds, or fish in bowls. Many of these animals exhibit psychotic behaviour -the bears that rock from side to side for example. We have wonderful nature programmes, so what need for captive animals?

It's not the idea of a zoo that displeases me, it's more the lack of space they usually exhibit. They should make em more park-like and put up signs that you may not necessarily see the animal immediately.

Happy Hyena Cavorting in Puddle

A10anis says...

Unless it is for some breeding programme to save a species, i dislike zoos intensely. The same applies to caged birds, or fish in bowls. Many of these animals exhibit psychotic behaviour -the bears that rock from side to side for example. We have wonderful nature programmes, so what need for captive animals?

blankfist (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I too am curious of my motivations. Elucidate away. >> ^chicchorea:

That you, blankfist, for your kind and encouraging words. I often find your comments and stances probative and incisive.
Respective to dft's comment, I am not wounded as he is at the disadvantage of not knowing of a backstory to this situation and I must take a certain amount of responsibility for appearances.
However, your indictment of his motivations captivates me. Would you please elucidate?
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
You used to be somewhat of a gentleman when it came to the womenfolk. Politics before decorum?

In a world of equality, you needn't be a gentleman any more than they need to be ladies. Don't let dft browbeat you. He's motivated in his critiques of others.

blankfist (Member Profile)

chicchorea says...

That you, blankfist, for your kind and encouraging words. I often find your comments and stances probative and incisive.

Respective to dft's comment, I am not wounded as he is at the disadvantage of not knowing of a backstory to this situation and I must take a certain amount of responsibility for appearances.

However, your indictment of his motivations captivates me. Would you please elucidate?
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

You used to be somewhat of a gentleman when it came to the womenfolk. Politics before decorum?

In a world of equality, you needn't be a gentleman any more than they need to be ladies. Don't let dft browbeat you. He's motivated in his critiques of others.

God does exist. Testimony from an ex-atheist:

shinyblurry says...

Wow. You're so ridiculously stubborn that you are actually going to defend your indefensible viewpoint. Fine, it's your funeral. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Did you know that Cyrus freeing of the slaves confirms the bible is true? It was prophecied that the jews would go into exile and be freed at the exact time Cyrus freed them:

"Jeremiah predicted Israel’s second captivity would last 70 years for every year they had not observed the Sabbath year rest of the land. "And this whole land shall be a desolation and a horror, and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years." (Jer 25:11) The Babylonian army conquered Israel in the spring of 606 B.C. Confirmed by history as well as the Bible, Israel’s captivity in Babylon ended exactly 70 years later in the spring of 536 B.C., in the Jewish month Nisan. As was predicted, the Persian King Cyrus freed the Jews to return to their land (Ezra 1:1-3)."

You're right, there is also historical confirmation outside of the bible of what Cyrus did: it comes from the 1st century roman historian Titus Flavius Josephus. The same historian who confirms that Jesus was a historical figure and affirms His life death and resurrection. This agrees with modern historians, almost none of which make the ridiculous claim that Jesus never existed.

So lets far your position confirms the accuracy of bible prophecy and the existence of Jesus as a historical figure. I really couldn't have said it better myself. So yeah..any other evidence you'd like to present to prove my case?
>> ^dgandhi:
>> ^shinyblurry:
lol!! wow this is truly classic.
Maybe you should actually read the articles you're providing as evidence from your desperate google search to disprove me.
Do you know what slaves he freed? The Jews. That's right, Gods chosen people.

Sooo...that means he was a Christian? Do you understand the concept of moving the goal posts?
>> ^shinyblurry:
How do we know this? The bible. Getting a sinking feeling yet?

I have never claimed that the bible does not reference historical events/places/people, but it can not by any objective measure be considered historically accurate itself. Cyrus, unlike Moses and Jesus, is not a construction of the biblical authors, if the bible had never existed we would still know of Cyrus and have a general understanding of what he did.

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