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Monkey Tries to Break Out of Zoo

ReverendTed says...

>> ^budzos:

>> ^ReverendTed:
Chimpanzees raised in captivity are usually taught to communicate using hand signs from ASL. Anyone here know sign language?

No but I have a good guess at what pointing to an object and then pointing to your palm means.
The sign I'm actually most curious about is the meshed fingers. (He) does that a couple of times.

Monkey Tries to Break Out of Zoo

budzos says...

>> ^ReverendTed:

Chimpanzees raised in captivity are usually taught to communicate using hand signs from ASL. Anyone here know sign language?

No but I have a good guess at what pointing to an object and then pointing to your palm means.

And to the idiots calling me Dr Doolittle. My whole point is that this is pretty obvious and I'm not claiming to be Dr Doolittle but someone who can observe an event and distinguish my own perception from the psychological priming (the description).

Monkey Tries to Break Out of Zoo

Monkey Tries to Break Out of Zoo

RFlagg says...

The sad thing is he clearly knows he's captive and wants out and the people just laugh at him. Not saying they should let him out as they are not safe in the city, but sorta sad that here he is able to communicate his desires...

Lion tells it like it is.

gorillaman says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:
I'm not sure, but I've heard this is captivity stress/anxiety; that big cats do not normally do this in the wild.
Last year I went to a zoo for the first time since I was a kid and every big cat in the place was doing this. It was really hard to enjoy myself when so many animals were apparently miserable.

We barely have any understanding of human psychology. Hard to believe anyone can tell when lions are feeling stressed.

Lion tells it like it is.

xxovercastxx says...

*nochannel *nature

I'm not sure, but I've heard this is captivity stress/anxiety; that big cats do not normally do this in the wild.

Last year I went to a zoo for the first time since I was a kid and every big cat in the place was doing this. It was really hard to enjoy myself when so many animals were apparently miserable.

Dan Savage on the bible at High School Journalism convention

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

What never ceases to amaze me is the inability of conservatives to think with any clarity or nuance.

What is more amazing is the logical pretzels that liberals tie around themselves in order to justify thier bigotry and hate. Savage was attacking thier religious beliefs, and he was doing it in a forum that was supposed to be 'anti-bullying'. You see, it is entirely possible to share an anti-bullying message without attacking religion. What a wild idea! But as with most liberals, he just couldn't help himself from being a rude, selfish, hypocritical jerk. So when He has a captive audience, he uses the the opportunity to flash his bigotry, and then to insult those who were offended by it. Yeah. 'Nuanced'...

The speech was not titled, "Christianity is B.S." If it was appropriately titled, then those who walked out could have just decided not to attend in the first place and saved Savage the embarressment of being shown up as a total douche. But Savage did a bait-and-switch. A bunch of kids sat down and he flies off on his personal obsessions about religion. The apologist justifications you guys are proffering up are not so much about 'nuance' as they are "I agree with his bigotry, and I like it when people I hate get what I think is coming to them. You Jesus people should just shut up and take it."

Whether you agree with Christianity or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that this guy disresepcted and insulted fellow human beings, and thought it was funny. He showed his true colors - rude, selfish, and hypocritical. His lame 'apology' (like the apologies of most liberals) isn't really an apology. It's the typical, "I'm sorry if YOU WERE OFFENDED by my important message" bullcrap. I reject such faux crocodile tears, and also reject the lame arguments trying to justify his bigotry. It isn't complicated. You like his particular brand of bigotry, so that makes it perfectly OK in your perverse, sick minds. So much for leftists and thier sanctimonious 'tolerance' bologna. Tolerance is only for the people you approve of, eh?

If a journalism school advertised a speech about "Happiness and Tolerance", and the headliner was some gay bashing @$$hat, should all the gays in the audience be forced to sit down and listen to his 'clarity and nuance'? What a load of bullcrap you liberals swallow on a daily basis. I can't fathom having to live a life so dominated by that much hypocrisy, irrational hate, and bitterness that such bad behavior gets dismissed as just some BS sort of 'nuance'. How pathetic.

Inglorious Basterds Epic Bloopers - "Hi Sally!"

kymbos says...

It's true. The Basterds were kind of incidental to the 'killing hitler' plot when you think about it. They could have not been in it at all and the French girl still would have got it done. But they were fun, and I think that's the point.

I just want a plot from Tarantino that blows my mind again. He's got all the tools, but I haven't been captivated by a plot line by him for a while.

Prometheus - Full Trailer!

Ruin - Post-Apocalyptic Short CGI Film

Arkaium says...

I'm envious of the visual talents of the people involved, but I'm also endlessly annoyed when such effort is applied with less care for the narrative, the why of it. The concern always seems to be the how.

It's why I'm so enamored with Pixar. The story, the WHY of it, seems to always be the most important thing (Cars 2 aside). There was nothing in this we haven't seen before, but again, it was very well executed on a number of levels.

I hope whatever these talented artists tackle next has an equally captivating story, and not another tired, derivative premise.

Grace Hopper on Letterman

ugh says...

When I was in high school, I had the great privilege of attending a lecture by Grace Hopper in Fulton, Missouri, at Westminster College. This would have been about 1986. She gave every one of us a nanosecond and gave a captivating talk.

I remember clearly one of her stories about going to the Pentagon to "The Room" to ask for funding for one of the early computer projects she was working on. She had never been to "The Room" before and she was very scared because she was asking for, I think, about $500,000. She steeled herself, gave the presentation, and looked at all the generals sitting in "The Room". They were silent for a bit. Finally, one spoke up to say, "Granted." As she was leaving, another General pulled her aside to explain to her that they were all somewhat dumbfounded by her amazing presentation and obvious passion for her work, and oh by the way, no one had ever asked them for less than $5,000,000 prior to that point.

Grace Hopper is also the actual person who found the first computer software "bug". A moth had gotten inside Eniac and was electrocuted in the machine, shorting out some of the circuits involved in the programming.

Little Girl Faces Off With A Lion

Little Girl Faces Off With A Lion

POW blinks "TORTURE" in morse code during a forced interview

chilaxe says...

"Their plane was shot down and the two men were captured by hostile forces. Denton and Tschudy were both held as prisoners of war for almost eight years, four of which were spent in solitary confinement...

"Denton was part of a group of about 11 prisoners known as the "Alcatraz Gang"... which was separated from other captives and placed in solitary confinement for their leadership in resisting their captors. "Alcatraz" was a special facility in a courtyard behind the North Vietnamese Ministry of National Defense, located about one mile away from Hoa Lo Prison.

"In Alcatraz, each of the 11 men were kept in solitary confinement, where cells measured 3 feet by 9 feet and had a light bulb kept on around the clock; the prisoners were locked each night in irons by a guard."

Dallas Teen Missing Since 2010 Actually Deported to Columbia

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'teenager, deported, ICE, columbia, missing, captive, pregnant' to 'teenager, deported, ICE, colombia, missing, captive, pregnant' - edited by calvados

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