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Interview with the man who rescued three kidnapped women

Interview with the man who rescued three kidnapped women

Charles Ramsey Rescues Amanda Berry

Charles Ramsey Rescues Amanda Berry

Interview with the man who rescued three kidnapped women

The Pre-Mortem One-Liner

Zawash says...

The Commando bit was epic in Norway. It was heavily used in trailers show at the start and end of other video tapes, but was censored and cut from the video release itself. When Arnie gets back to the car, and the others ask where the captive was, he just answers "I let him go". Well - in a slightly different fashion, anyway.

Smarter every day - Destin's cat vs Luna Moth

poolcleaner says...

They don't really spend much time confirming their data. This video is interesting, but I'd like to see them extend their testing to a hidden cam over the course of a day+, repeating the test at varied zipper positions. Science is time consuming so I suppose these observations are not important to entertain audiences, but they could captivate if the time invested returned interesting results.

Crow Trolls Polar Bear

Best/Worst Entertainment of 2012 Thread (Cinema Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Radio: My favorite discovery of 2012 is "Radio Lab", a story telling show reminiscent of another favorite, 'This American Life', but with a much more sophisticated sound design. All episodes are available for free in the podcast section of iTunes.

Music: I fell in love with the New Orleans second line scene after Issy and I paid a visit to the crescent city this year. We saw the 'Rebirth Brass Band' live and had a great time. We also had a mini-meetup at the show with @dotdude. New Orleans music culture is like no other.

Music: Louis Cole & Genevieve Artadi: Highly unique and energetic electro-acoustic music. Hard to explain.

Music: Austin Texas band 'The Black Angels' - Dark, bluesy rock obviously influenced by the Doors. To be honest, I'm not crazy about blues rock or the Doors, but 'The Black Angels' manage to meld these influences into something I really dig.

Music: UK band, 'Metronomy'. Their sound is eclectic, hooky and heavily influenced by all the cool British 80's bands I loved as a kid. Goes down easy. Works in the background as well as the fore.

Movies: Django and Looper were the two films that captivated me from start to finish. Both films by gifted auteurs, one at the top of his game, the other on the rise. Great writing. Great Directing. Great performances.

Horror movies: The Cabin in the Woods (A clever and absurd meta-horror mashup) and the The Lady in Black (A classic, classy ghost story) both satisfied. It's nice that there were a couple of diamonds in sea of Paranormal-Activity-esque-found-footage detritus.

TV: same stuff that everyone else likes - BB, GoT, DoAb and Sherlock. I also got into Always Sunny in Philadelphia this year - very dark, very funny.

Books: Started a bunch, finished very few. Nothing to recommend. "Checklist Manifesto" is pretty interesting so far - it's about how the brain functions (or fails to function) in the information-dense present.

Games: 'Xcom' was a worthy update of the original. Loved all the detailed micro/macro strategy. 'Journey' was beautiful and fairly moving for a videogame.

Best/Worst Entertainment of 2012 Thread (Cinema Talk Post)

radx says...

I'm always behind the curve by a few months, in some cases even years, but still, here's the short version:

My favorite MOVIE this year was "The Intouchables", hands down. Only the French can come up with such a captivating story.

As for GAMES, well, since I have played just two AAA titles this year, my favorite has to be an indie game, unsurprisingly. "FTL: Faster Than Light" was a blast. Perma death rarely works in favour of a game, but in this case, it became the foundation of the thrill FTL provides.
"Deadlight" was also fun, very stylish, but not extraordinary. And "X Rebirth" was postponed once again, so it'll be my game of the year 2013 instead.

TV was just the same ol', MUSIC as well.

BOOKS is a hard one. Or maybe not. A cursory check of my collection tells me I haven't read a single book that was published this year.

Chimps vs. Raccoon WAIT FOR IT

robbersdog49 says...

Ok, I'll bite. I have no issue with the chimpanzees. They are just doing what they do. In the wild they hunt, and they will in captivity given the chance. They also struggle for stimulation in captivity hence the relish with which they approach this situation. It's a game to them, they know no better.

What really irks me about this video is the braying spectators. They way they find it funny that the raccoon is being treated this way. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's OK to take pleasure in the suffering of another animal. They are laughing at an animal being hurt.

The chimps don't understand the situation, but the laughing idiots should. There are funny things in nature and there are horrific things in nature. The chimps are blameless, but that doesn't stop what they're doing from being horrific.

That's what my issue with this video is. By upvoting a video here people are saying 'yes, I enjoyed watching that'. I can't imagine who would enjoy watching this demonstration of the awfulness of people.

seltar said:

I don't understand why people are getting their panties in a bunch as much as they seem to do over this video. Especially the people chanting for the guy who was laughing to be torn limb by limb!?

How is it different from a cat playing with a mouse before eating it? Or the thousands of other examples of fucking NATURE!

Maybe something to do with them being bipedal? Might hit a bit too close to home for some people..

Also, there are no rules in the animal kingdom, so there are no "cheap shots".
Humans invented rules to all sorts of things in society, including fighting, and I'm pretty sure other animals don't really have that. At least not towards other species.

I'm not saying I enjoyed what the monkeys were doing to the little fella, but I can understand somebody laughing at the entire scenario unfolding before their eyes. To chant for his head on a stake seems worse than what the chimps were doing.

Guy Plays "Highway to Hell" on Guitar During a Traffic Jam

Magic Carpet

Magic Carpet

Curiosity's Descent footage

Dread says...

I am fascinated and quite proud of humanity for this feat. It is no small accomplishment and the NASA engineers should be congratulated on their planning and execution of a near flawless automated landing.

However all that being said this video is not very exciting nor captivating, the majority of it is simply a brownish blur of an image.

An overlay of what is taking place and maybe even some highlights would help this video have more general impact.

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