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Skater punched by kid's mom

Procrastinatron says...

I'm with neither of them, because shit happens, but... seriously, that area looked wide open and the kid came straight at him. Couldn't either the skater or the guy with camera have, y'know, just looked in the direction they were moving at some point? If you're riding your skateboard in a public space and you've got your eyes locked on your feet because you totes want to stick that ollie (or whatever the fuck us crazy kids are calling it these days), accidents like this one are just waiting to happen.

Holocaust Survivor's Message To Germans

spawnflagger says...

Yeah, there should be a museum or something...

But seriously, the holocaust museum is very powerful, and although sad, everyone should visit at least once.

JustSaying said:

I certainly appreciate the message but I believe that this particular piece of human history needs to be preserved at all costs. Our species shouldn't be allowed to forget what we're capable of. Everyone should know about this, see all that death.

Kids React to Controversial Cheerios Commercial

poolcleaner says...

One word: mulatto


But seriously, if we build REALLY tall walls -- and I mean, like totally totally tall (in the mall), we keep darker creature human things outside AND we block out the sun so we don't get cancer on our weak, racially inferior skin.

Oh I'm sorry, did I just call white people racially inferior? That's actually what bugs me about this video. The white wife. Fuck that bitch.

I mean, don't fuck her, unless she's on the pill. That way you don't create the abomination called the mulatto.

Seriously. I'm not joking. Ban me. Just kidding. Don't ban me. But I'm not joking about the other thing. Except the Jew Savior part. I like jews. they're BASICALLY white. Oh wait, no, I hate white people. Crackers.

Northern Colorado ~ Secession Abuzz in State Legislature

chingalera says...

That square-state thing always bothered me, too-Idaho has a sexy shape, Kentuckys' totally bad-ass!

Fewer states through fusion-What would work well would be about 10-20 states broken up into chunks of punks, skunks, drunks, chumps, etc. A prison state, pick a shitty one where hardly anyone lives and make it for prisoners and those employed by the private concerns for profit (slave-labor).

One state for all the hippies.
One state for all the insects (experts at whatever it is they do)
something along these lines....let's try a NEW experiment-

Any change should start with a year of trials and executions for all the cunts who have flagrantly usurped the golden rule-(sorry atheists, adepts of Crowley, pagans.....even YOU folks live by "do unto" )-These other types of hu-man can't help it, they're broken and retarded and need not breed or teach their kind their ways....I'm talking about the 1%-They and their offspring are now OUR slaves!

But seriously, the criminals who control the planet need their dirt showcased on the telly, then and only then I might decide to watch TV.....

spawnflagger said:

There would be more stars on the flag (51), not fewer.
This is about Colorado splitting into 2 states, not about some counties in Colorado leaving the USA.

Although I think it would make more sense for those counties to just become part of Nebraska instead of forming their own state. Colorado is too square.

Barbara Boxer worked so hard for her title

not_blankfist says...

Why, I do declare, the big strong Choggie came to my rescue. But, seriously, you do realize you quoted me not Drachen, right?

chingalera said:

@ drachen_jager-Why really give a fiddlers-fuck? Part of the blankfist's infamy is self-endorsement and grand-standing and he has more than a few fans-I've been perusing accounts and dropping promotes all morning to satisfy my own devices so, there ya go. Good work on scanning those radar screens, great insect work! Srsly tho, give the poor guy the benny of the doubt till he jets and see what happens, this place needs some perky tats and enormous heads...livens the place up!
There's a place in my world for you cat-fart-man, always has been, always will be

☙ ☚

Fighting Giraffes!

lucky760 says...

Holy shit that's nuts. I can't believe I've gone all my life without anyone ever discussing how violent giraffes can be. They always seem so docile; they must have a great public relations department. But seriously, why has this [apparently] never been "officially" documented or explained?


So that's why they have horns!


Reasons for Driving on the Left vs Right Side of the Road

lucky760 says...

Oh, is that how they drove their waygins?

But seriously, those are excellent explanations, left side of the street for sword fighting and right side of the street for horse steering.

Bill Maher - Bush Biking With Iraq Vets Nauseating

Yogi says...

The thing I would say is if Justin Beiber did it I would be ok with it because maybe a hundred million people would send in money to support the Vets. With Bush doing it I would say the same thing, although I'm not sure that's true. Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think Bush has the kind of support he used to have. If people are still following him and paying attention than yeah this is great. However I can see a lot of people being turned off by this as well, although maybe that would happen if Beiber did it too, I don't know just whatever. Bills wrong, he gets a lot of things wrong.

Holy shit Brit Marling...I love Another Earth but seriously get off that show.

Here's what I don't like. Liberal Cunts saying shit like "Well he's justifying what he did and it was awful." What HE Did. HE Didn't do it like some kind of Dictator you idiot. The fact that you sit around masturbating with iGadgets is why this fucko and his cronies were back in office in the first place. We have SOO many privileges and shit is sooo easy for us here but none of you bother to organize you just collect your thoughts for bitching. It's like America and it's Democracy are the latest piece of shit iSomething you bought, and you're rolling out of bed to make a comment on a blog post "Yeah I like some of it but other parts are just messed up I don't know what they're doing with my stuff." This is LIFE Mother Fucker in one of the Freest nations to ever exist in History, Wake up and participate.

People in Fucking Turkey are protesting while getting destroyed because they fucking care so much. If you care you would've done something, but you didn't you sat there and whined because you're a consumer. You've been completely neutralized and all you can do is sit there watching the rest of your life tick by.

Bush wasn't a Dictator, he was a dude that got elected and brought in a whole ton of other dudes who ruled the country before, and fucked it up plenty. Wake the fuck up and stop blaming others.

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

chingalera says...

"I just don't see YOU enough. It is all attitude and attempting to pick a fight. Why would I bother with that?"

Uhhhh, I'm always here-This persona on the sift is nothing but who I am, always. I am just as ineloquent and acerbic in person and online-You should know this- How many times have you blocked my profile on now??

But seriously now, how many times have you sought me out in another forum or discourse?-You know absolutely everything there is to know about me should you care to, and the door has always been open for anyone who wants to shed their sift-ego and have a go-Ask anyone with whom I chat regularly, there are several varieties of fruit grafted to this tree-Perspective is much more broadened when you gather information from a vantage greater than a single point.

"Ignore" is the same thing to me as someone saying, "Have a Nice Day"

Have a nice day sounds like a "fuck you" to me-

and I will be the first to accuse myself of abusing "The Word."

"In the beginning, was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god."-I am guilty of abusing the medium of information exchange available to us monkeys and robots....The worst violator of all, since I know what I'm doing and when.....Ego is a motherfucker, innit??

Xbox One unveil highlights

Yogi says...

I like both. I absolutely LOVE Half Life and everything to do with that universe, I'll play it forever I don't even care if they release Half Life 3 (but seriously motherfuckers release the damn game!). That being said, I love Halo too, it's a great series. I don't mind that I have to play it with a joystick, it's just another challenge. I don't play PC games because I like to point and click more than joystick it, I play whatever games are good.

00Scud00 said:

They pretty much always play coy when it comes to announcing whether or not there will be a PC version of major AAA title like GTA. It's all about seeing how many people they can sucker into buying a new system just to play that one game. Honestly I don't really care what you play your games on, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, PC, an abacus, I really don't give a fuck. I think people are just tired of being jerked around by manipulative assholes and being treated like chumps, that's where a lot of the anger comes from.
There are also certain games I don't find fun on a console, like FPS games, you can make the worlds most awesome FPS ever and if it can only be played with a control pad then I will not touch it, ever.

DUI checkpoint refusal to search, arrest for DUI 0% BAC

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Welp, that explains that. I guess I need to buy issue #2.

But seriously, if there were ever a scariest soldier contest, they would win. And seriously, we need that contest. I am leaving it in your capable hands. Seriously.

gwiz665 said:

It's a storm troopers in the Justice League of Denmark.

Talking with the Siftbot (Sift Talk Post)

cason says...

"(...)to stand as a permanent record of someone's mistake for all to see."
Why I shake in terror at the dreaded asterisk, for fear of public humiliation and an angry mob led by a tin can with torch and pitchfork.

But seriously, knowing he's lurking just behind the corner, waiting to pounce and proclaim your mistake for all to see can be intimidating.

Welcome to America (Cop vs German Tourist)

coolhund says...

30 MPH over speed limit. Even in Germany he would get a 160 Euro fine and wouldnt be allowed to drive for 1 month not to mention points in his register - and German police will NEVER be so generous to just let it be.
Instead he got a free lecture which was a little overdone. But seriously, nothing that bad.
He should be lucky because at 30 MPH over speed limit he would normally get jailed. In Virginia for example its one day per every mile over 90. 8 days jail.

And then you guys would complain too.

WTF Japanese Bikini Waxing Commercial - (Wait for it)

artician jokingly says...

I remember how good it felt down there when they were eleven!

But seriously, I wish the world would let the brainwashing go. Not even my American girlfriend will accept my acceptance of an unshaved woman, and I (probably in the minority), agree wholeheartedly with gwiz.

chingalera said:

"Hey ladies, remember how good it felt down there when you were eleven?"

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