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Worst Product Placement in TV

shatterdrose says...

People started skipping commercials, then bitched about commercials, and then pirated to avoid commercials, then tivo'd pirated material to avoid commercials . . . What did you expect?

But seriously, this isn't new. It's so old it's frightening that people are only realizing they're being sold to through product placement.

Grocery stores . . . the company pays the grocery store to be placed at eye level.

Smokers . . . companies used to pay (and still do) pay hot chicks to go to bars and clubs and smoke their brand. Or vodka. My neighbor does liquor promotions. That's all he does. Hires hot 18 year old to go pass out vodka.

Why? It works. Simple.

World's largest firing revolver unveiled.

TED: A Guerilla Gardener in South Central Los Angeles

SevenFingers says...

Plant that shit! But seriously, food was first commercially grown to pay workers, food WAS the money. If everyone can come together and grow food everywhere like he wants, then the suburban middle-class may actually come back.

Solving a Rubik's Cube While Juggling It

VoodooV says...

someone's getting laid tonight.

but seriously. how can he even manipulate the cube one handed in that amount of time? is that a modded cube maybe with looser tension?

Penn & Teller - Needle Trick

jmd says...

So the loading of the threaded pins is obvious.. but seriously did he swallow the other 100 pins? cant seem to find a point in time where he could lose them.

Btw sagemind.. your looking way to deep into it. You can pretty much swallow any string, doesn't need to dissolve, it will just pass through you.

Jon Stewart on Gun Control

Lawdeedaw says...

But seriously, he should have countered their points about dictators confiscating guns... He is smart enough. It's a good, albeit very superficial argument from gun enthusiast.... even if it just fools the average person, because that's who you must fool...

Chris Rock, Tom Hanks and "the N word" - Jonathan Ross - BBC

chingalera says...

I'm with Louis CK, I am offended by white people using the phrase "N-Word" instead of obeying contextual license with regard to language. Some douchebag on this site with head firmly inserted in ass, saw to it that I was banned on the grounds of "inflammatory" use of what he supposed to be an inferred jab at him personally (and black folks in-general) . I used the term "monkey" referring to humans in general nad I had no idea the guy was a black man. I did however know he was a fucking asshole, in general). The mob ruled with 2 votes to ban me, and I could not come to my own defense because my account was suspended already.

How fucking fair was that, monkey-boy??!

I agree, that the word has become less-than-fashionable, even among the AA community but seriously people, it's 2012 and in context a word has meaning and power as it sits, or you simply turn it into whatever the fuck suits your particular perspective.

So if simply seeing the word "nigger" (here, I'll type it bigger for you because it's easier to see and bigger rhymes with "NIGGER") sends your defective brain in the direction of judgement or racism, you're fucking developmentally-disabled and the schools you went to were shit. I love the word because it makes all you closeted racist's blood boil when you even think of it! I don't use it outside of meaningful context and I refuse to say , "THE "N" word because: the white people who invented it also invented the word "nigger" and just thinking of the phrase and the meaning behind it makes me embarrassed to be a white man.

But seriously, love white people. I think everyone should own one.

How Does Retta Roll? Don't assume anything!

Tim Minchin - White Wine in the Sun (2012)

aaronfr says...

No, but a quiet smirk is usually appropriate.

This is one of those rare times that a song really feels like it is being sung for me, even though that is clearly all coincidence and ego. But seriously, I'm a 31-year-old atheist spending Christmas in the Southern hemisphere ~9,000 miles away from my beautiful blue-eyed infant daughter. That's a lot of coincidences in one song.

rottenseed said:

You don't have to laugh at the "punch lines"

Mr.Fisk no longer called mister. Hail the new King Fisk! (Terrible Talk Post)

MrFisk says...

I'm sure you're all far more stunned than I am.

Who would have ever believed a drifter from the wrong side of the tracks, with a penchant for mischief and nonconformity, would someday be crowned. Only in Siftopia may the lowest-of-low rise to such majesty.

But I couldn't have done it without all of you. And for that, I'm much obliged! Thanks, for watching my videos and begrudgingly upvoting 2/3 of them.

But seriously, special thanks to my friends: kulpims, geo, alco, enoch, kronos, choggie and blankfist (don't they have a reality show by now?), usesprozac, evildisco, lurgee (thanks, for the push), rasch, swarmy, marinegunrock (yeah, you! you big glug), bareboards, dag, chingelera, chichorea, Nicolebee (kicked my ass in Civ), pumkin, mint and netrunner (take me off block, dude), gwizz and lann, selter, lucky, rottenseed, gorilla, eric, playhouse, death kitty, laura, peggedbea (you're one of the best), and all the others (I've overlooked a lot of good ones, but I should be doing homework right now -- I'll promote your videos while you sleep, precious forgotten) wonderful folk who stomp the shores of Videosift.

And thank you, for not kicking me out that one time. Let this be a lesson to weigh dooming judgements when the waters are muddied by anger.

And to all the haters ... a motherfucking crown, mofos!!!

Now that I've finally earned the right to deflower every maiden on her wedding night, I'm starting to warm up to this place.

Now guzzle your drinks, and salute your favorite things!

Documentary - Official Call of Duty Black Ops 2

SevenFingers says...

Worst commercial ever. The documentary part was good. But seriously, the last line is "We are not ready for it"... And then the product is shown. Some way to get people to want it.

Dumb Ways to Die

spoco2 says...

>> ^PHJF:

>> ^spoco2:
I love it, the kids all loved it, the wife loved it. As to whether it'll get the message across, I don't know, but I think it's awesome. Considering the number of times recently the trains have been stopped due to death on the line, something needs to be done.

Stop stopping the trains? How much damage can one bipedal cause a locomotive...

Not much, but they spend so much time cleaning up the mess and 'investigating' how the person died... it's way heaps inconvenient to everyone.

But seriously, I've had my train line shut down during peak hour three times in as many months, it's happening quite a bit, so I can see why they felt the need to do something.

2012 Mashup of 24 Pop Artists - This is REALLY Good!

Jinx says...

I like how all pop hits are similar enough to mash together seemlessly!

No but seriously, don't bother releasing songs next year pop people. Just let this guy distill it all down to the chorus/hook and we won't be missing anything.

Walmart on strike

Shepppard says...

Okay.. Honestly, I've been holding this back. But I can't honestly say that the people who work at wal-mart need more money for what they do.

I get it, you've got bills to pay, and the minimum wage you make at wal-mart isn't cutting it. But seriously, can I play devils advocate here for one second and say: you work at fucking wal-mart.

Any store clerk of any kind, work in a grocery store as a stock boy, bag boy, cart boy, cashier, anything that A) A teenager could do well, or B) you need little to no education to do shouldn't GET more than minimum wage. Yes, people make mistakes in their life, but should the person with 3 kids and no husband be getting paid 15 bucks an hour for putting clothes on the rack simply because she has a sad story behind her?

The rest of the points, respect, hour slashing, discrimination, all that - completely justified, and power to you all for attempting to change that.

I get it, it's only one part of the bigger picture that i'm picking apart, but it still bothers me.

Excellent Excuse for Being Caught Looking at Boobs

Jinx says...

>> ^Deano:

You know this suddenly makes me genuinely concerned as to whether I've been caught doing this but they've let it go. I was working with a lady last week and I was so darn bored I just kept peeking glances, I really couldn't help myself.
After leaving I barely recall doing it until I really thought about it.
Any tips for avoidance? I'm serious! I don't want to give undue offence.

She totally noticed. Doesn't matter how discrete you think you were. She noticed. Hell, I've been behind a girl checking out her ass for split second and I could tell she knew when our eyes met. She knew I knew she knew too. Awkward.

No but seriously. Lets talk tactics. Those guys who wear sunglasses indoors during winter? Its not because they have some ugly eye infection, its because they want to look wherever they fucking please without being judged. Downsides? They get judged to be douches anyway because they're wearing sunglasses indoors in the middle of winter.

Another option is just to drill yourself into looking into her eyes. Imagine they are a pair of perfectly pert breasts and the pupils are the nipples. Downsides? She'll be able to see right into your lust filled soul. She may call the police or take out a restraining order.

Next - adopt a gay lisp, get totally up to date on fashion/clothes. Be that guy. That way you can happily look at the breasts, hell you can even comment on them, suggest clothes that might better accentuate her curves. Its pretty much all fair game when your a gay best friend. Cons - Your her gay best friend. Looking at those breasts/any breasts is all you're ever going to be able to do unless you pull the whole "I think you made me turn straight" thing which is a huge gambit.

4th - Masturbate furiously at every opportunity. Keep your libido as low as possible at all times. I personally used this method for much of my teen years with some success. Its not fool proof but its generally better than nothing. Cons - blindness (although this also serves to solve your problem).

Lastly you could just try to be yourself and hope women aren't too offended by your primal desire to reproduce. If you are attracted to her even more so than normal then consider asking her out. Perving over somebody is somewhat more socially acceptable if you are dating. Hell, maybe love will blossom. Cons - she might say no.

Thats all I got. Hope it helps.

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