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WTC remains molten iron beams cut in an angle

westy says...

lol sacred grounds, The spiritual aircraft hanger. bloody hell some amercans are so far gone. its a shame that the trade center wasent full of all the retards usa has then whoever did the attacks would have done the world a huge favor.

Tracy Chapman - 'Fast Car'

C-Walk - Amazing Crip Dancing!!! (best bit at 1min40secs)

Conspiracy of Silence (55:56)

NickyP is Newest Gold Star! (Sift Talk Post)

benjee says...

Bloody hell: I almost missed the NickyP Gold party! Huge congratulations Nick on your shiney star in time for Christmas...I doubt you'll be getting a present much better than your new Sift jewellery!

UCLA student tasered by campus police

NickyP says...

Who the fuck are campus police, are they real police officers? I too would refuse to show ID, how dare some trumped up 'CAMPUS POLICE MAN' ask for ID. Oh and why do they have weapons, bloody hell! This is extreme, how can it be condoned? This has truly shocked me. I'm glad I'm a student in the U.K. I know some americans think europeans are pussy's, but at least I don't get electrocuted for the most minor of things. This is very wrong.

Danny Wallace's How to Start Your Own Country Anthem

benjee says...

Bloody Hell - he did a song to go with the book & TV show? Oh, I don't know: Danny Wallace & his Join Me / Join My Country malarky... I bet the banjo sealed its submission to the Sift for you!

Robot Chicken - Dance Dance Revolucion

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