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Blonde can't see her chips because of.... (Nando's Ad)

Lord Zifnab gets his Crown, thought it would be bigger (Scifi Talk Post)

Why Homosexuality Should Be Banned

Dignant_Pink says...

>> ^MarineGunrock:
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^LittleRed:
It might have been funny if he hadn't stolen it verbatim from the email forward that's been going around for at least three years.

Bloody hell, sometimes you can be a right miserable bastard, lady

Actually, she makes a good point. The entire internet hates Carlos Mencia for this exact thing. Why is this any different?

well, the main difference is that carlos mencia isn't funny to people who have never seen him. i never read that email, and i found this funny. carlos mencia, not so much.

prime example: Dave Chapelle's black president sketch was absolutely hilarious. Carlos Mencia's black president sketch was neither funny nor relevant.

Why Homosexuality Should Be Banned

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^LittleRed:
It might have been funny if he hadn't stolen it verbatim from the email forward that's been going around for at least three years.

Bloody hell, sometimes you can be a right miserable bastard, lady

Actually, she makes a good point. The entire internet hates Carlos Mencia for this exact thing. Why is this any different?

Why Homosexuality Should Be Banned

Corey Haim says what?

LittleDragon79 Swiftly Grabs the Gold Star! (Happy Talk Post)

We Stopped You Because We Thought You'd Kill Your Daughter

Terrible LG phone ad

Jake Shimabukuro as a Child?

Pistol Shrimp

Snooker - 2nd fastest 147 break ever - Ronnie O'Sullivan

L Ron Nutjob - Best Scientology video yet

spoco2 says...

OK, so I have these big, big boots... hey, stay with me here.

So, anyway, there's these boots, they're pretty darn big, except they can be really small, kiddy boots, unless you try them on, then they become normal sized boots... so really these are boots of infinitely varying size.

Anyway, there's these boots, and they're of a size of your choosing I guess, and wait, what was my point again, something to do with crepe paper and doors or something.

I forget, just play a lot of soaring music and it'll seem inspirational.

Bloody hell people are insane dickheads for ever believing this crud.

Honk if you hate Scientology

JohnnyMackers says...

It's probably because it's the only "Religion" you can publicly ridicule and get away with it. Cristianity makes about as much sense as the Xenu thing but bloody hell if you went around with a placard mocking that, Islam or whatever other deity worshipping club you'd get lynched.

Little Boys Don't Do That!!

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