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Zero Punctuation Review: Duke Nukem Forever

spoco2 says...

Dear God dd... really... I think I can safely say along with many others. 'Who cares?'

Really. There are plenty of things that I don't like that others do, and this isn't even a case whereby you can go 'I'm pissed off that a large, large portion of people are entertained by such utter, utter rubbish (read Brittany Spears or Pussycat Dolls, or Bill O'Reilly), this is a niche thing. Plenty of us enjoy it, if you don't... bloody hell, what's there to get shitty about.

I think you need a long session lying down on a couch talking about some childhood experience with hats or English people, or those living in Brisbane or something... really. Man, I can fully understand the 'man, I've kinda got sick of these now, I'll stop watching them'. But to decide to come on here and go on a little rant?

I think you do have something deep-rooted... and it's not a potato.

The Dagfather gets his Silver Diamond, suspects Barzini (80s Talk Post)

Extremely Short Jokes - Jimmy Carr

Mormon Man Can't Pray The Gay Away

spoco2 says...

A fantastic demonstration of the hurt that 'religion' does.

That's not to say that having a personal belief in some higher power is wrong, but basing your entire life around some book (or books in this case) and not questioning their words is madness.

'Teachings' like 'if you are tempted by something, put yourself out of situations where that temptation exists' is just insane.
a) If it's actually a really bad thing (like being an alcoholic) then you need to be able to be able to handle being exposed to that temptation unless you're going to be a hermit for the rest of your life.
b) Most of the things that they say you shouldn't be tempted by are natural, perfectly fine things to begin with. (same sex attraction, sex before/outside of marriage, questioning faith, believing there may be no god etc. etc.)

Bloody hell, 44 before you accept that you're gay? So, so sad.

To echo the others, poor woman. I mean, poor both people really, the church have robbed them of so many years where they could have been happy with people of the correct sex

My utter disbelief is that they can still be Mormans after all of what they've been through. How can they think 'Righto, well they were completely wrong on this point, but I reckon they are right on the others still... yep, don't see any issue there'

Ferrari F430 Crash in Times Square (1:55)

spoco2 says...

Uuuummm, a beatup perhaps?

Bloody hell what a hooplah over nothing. ALL the people involved were extras and actors, so everyone will have signed off on being in such a situation. The crash was next to nothing, no-one was seriously hurt.

Really... what a load of shite.

Torture With Tools By Fisher Price! Coulter and Hannity talk

Hillary Clinton Is A Needless Embarrassment To Our Country

Rally driver survives 550-foot fall after crash in Portugal

Siftquisition of Member UsesProzac (Siftquisition by burdturgler)

spoco2 says...

And bloody hell burdturgler, how does it help anything when you decide to go apeshit at UP and send vile comments to her? Really, you've lost any sort of high ground you might have had.

Maybe you need to go away from the interwebs for a little bit and chill.

If UP was directing that at YOU, then maybe YOU have the right to be horrendously offended, but when two people are talking amongst themselves, DO NOT think that you have the right to dictate how they are allowed to address each other, that's between them and no one else.

REALLY think you need to remove profile comments from the discussion feed guys, this probably would never happen if that were the case.

Downvote Bias? (Sift Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Bloody hell, is this still going on?

This was a siftquisition of qualm, even if it was not advertised as such. Qualm was judged based on the evidence - downvote spree -> 2 week suspension. This is not arguable.

CP420 had been warned time and time again and as soon as our vigilance slacked, he invoked the channel again. He had been warned about this several times, was siftquisitioned about it once, and did it again now. There is little room for discussion about his current ban. It may have been prudent to make a second siftquisition, but the line had been drawn at the last one, so I doubt anything good would have come of it.

Berticus made his channel invocations in ill will, knowingly breaking the rules for a political purpose (to get cp420 banned). This is just foolish behavior and is no better than to attack any given sifter, by downvoting his entire library. This should have warranted an siftquisition, so that we all could have agreed that he broke the rules and given him his two-week suspension. This was not done, because the case is very clear and cut, so no amount of democratic debate would make him not guilty.

Top Gear Bloopers

Cop tasers innocent victim

Band of Brothers - Concentration Camp Liberation

Mark Wahlberg threatens Andy Samberg

Kronosposeidon - 1000 Sifted Videos !! (Books Talk Post)

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