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David Blaine: Real or Magic with Harrison Ford

chingalera says...

You keep thinking that then if you'd like. As I watched this, when he asked what card he was thinking of I thought to myself 'nine of hearts'- NO SHIT

Somewhere embedded in his technique is the answer to the suggestion
Metaprogrammings' a motherfucker.

Anyone else??

Or wait....Maybe it's simply having seen this before and the 9 of hearts was already there, locked into the folds of the hippo-campus/cerebral cortex highway? Don't recall ever having seen this before...

Either ways...If David Blaine came over, I'd prolly tell him what Han Solo here told him BEFORE he had a chance to mind-fuck me..The difference? It wouldn't be......"ACTING!!!"

Seriously though, y'all really thought that Blaine was being rudely and cruelly ejected from his home?? C'mon people...suspend your disbelief for the sake of your hearts and get over yourselves....all he said was the 'eff' word.

"Next up: Blaine will bury himself in the permafrost of Antarctica in a steaming-hot bubble-bath of human blood and for forty days and forty nights with but a single meal-worm to snack on for the duration. When he rises from his ghoulish and self-imposed sarcophagus he will have drunk all the contents of the bathtub...But first, this commercial interruption to your body's natural vibrations."

Eukelek said:

... obviously a suggestion technique... quite cunning though... He suggests the 9 of hearts constantly somehow and make him only come up with that through suggestion. The rest is simple. I concur, terrible reaction... almost to much, kinda forced...

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

David Blaine Freaks Out Ricky Gervais

dannym3141 says...

I have a lot of respect for Blaine since i saw his TED talk. I don't like the stuff he used to do that was on british TV, where he'd basically look googly eyed at people the entire time. This was really enjoyable though.

David Blaine Freaks Out Ricky Gervais

poolcleaner says...

There used to be a magician at Knott's Berry Farm that demonstrated this trick pretty close to the audience and then explained that he had trained for years to create the pathway through his body for the sword to pass through.

The arm is particularly easy because of how the muscles are arranged around the bone. It passes right below the biceps. Not much going on in this particular, dare I say "easy" to pull off location of bloodless stabbiness.
I don't know if the Knott's magician is still there or not, but it was a "magic" show that explained the science behind older, more simplistic tricks like this.

Also included were lots of different types of electricity stunts (static electricity, powering light bulbs through people, etc.), which have fallen to the wayside with magicians because most people nowadays understand electricity and it's not as gut wrenching as this scar tissue build up dealio.

I upvoted for Ricky's reactions and David'd ridiculous goading, but the trick itself is le sigh.

The magician at Knott's had a fairly visible scar on both sides of his arm, as he likely performed the trick A LOT. Serious needle mark action. lol. Blaine probably rarely performs this trick and perhaps used other material, like make up, latex or some such material, glue, creams, etc.

entr0py said:

I won't reveal it in a comment, but if anyone's curious how it's done watch:

You learn a lot here.

David Blaine Freaks Out Ricky Gervais

maatc (Member Profile)

David Blaine Impales Himself with an Icepick

David Blaine Freaks Out Ricky Gervais

David Blaine Impales Himself with an Icepick

David Blaine Impales Himself with an Icepick

chingalera says...

Blaines a talented creature but what he's doing here is pretty unimpressive if it's sticking stuff through a piercing created through discipline. My roommate use to wow party crowds by sticking knitting needles through 2 different parts on his arm. I would imagine that someone could work a large needle between vital places in a hand without damaging tissue too much. OR, it could be the ol', 'hatpin through-the-arm' illusion?? Ooooohh, spooooky!

Starting to really despise Will Smith..wish he'd take him and his kids out of the media loop with the money and run.

Best Reaction Ever to a Magic Trick

Best Reaction Ever to a Magic Trick

Best Reaction Ever to a Magic Trick

Best Reaction Ever to a Magic Trick

Dog Sex Gone Wrong

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