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The Grid

ambassdor says...

what would really have impressed me would be if he said "okay, last night, while you were asleep, take your pants off and spread eagle for me please, yes that's right, last night while you were asleep, we had a tattoo artist come into your bedroom and only just so happened to tattoo number 4 on your left buttcheek, and the number 2 on your right buttcheek" *david blaine stare*

How The BLOODY Hell.............??

Holy *$#@! How you do that!?

Fusionaut says...

The one ability that magicians usually lack, but would benefit from greatly, is acting. Take some theater lessons, dammit! Just look at Chris Angel or David Blaine. Such bad actors. This dude is worse...


Telepathy exists!

Quboid says...

>> ^njjh201:

That's telekenesis.

It depends whether the spoof David Blaine was pushing the cat over (telekinesis), or making the cat want to roll over (telepathy). We'll never know, but this is definitive, 100% proof that at least one of these exist.

Derren Brown Guesses Professions

Derren Brown Guesses Professions

Deano says...

>> ^sillma:

He's act is starting to remind me of david blaine, which isn't necessarily a good thing.

Have to say I always found his act a bit insufferable and smug. Particularly when he kept hyping these big stunts/illusions and didn't really deliver.

Derren Brown Guesses Professions

sfarias40k (Member Profile)

David Blaine Street Magic Part 4 - OFFICIAL!

David Blaine Street Magic Part 4 - OFFICIAL!

mxxcon says...

>> ^Deano:

>> ^artician:
So... I've seen 2 or three of these parody videos, but out of context I don't fully understand them. I went and watched a few of the real "Street Magic" videos. The parody definitely copies Blaines way of speaking, but I just don't get the whole "staring into camera dramatically" gag. Can someone link whatever caused this joke to begin with?

It's something that Blaine had a tendency to do but they've exaggerated it for comic effect.
I think this idea is a bit past its sell by date now but I did laugh out loud a few times. No more though, they should do something new.
indeed, surprising that they resurrected this skit so many years after the 1st few

David Blaine Street Magic Part 4 - OFFICIAL!

Deano says...

>> ^artician:

So... I've seen 2 or three of these parody videos, but out of context I don't fully understand them. I went and watched a few of the real "Street Magic" videos. The parody definitely copies Blaines way of speaking, but I just don't get the whole "staring into camera dramatically" gag. Can someone link whatever caused this joke to begin with?

It's something that Blaine had a tendency to do but they've exaggerated it for comic effect.

I think this idea is a bit past its sell by date now but I did laugh out loud a few times. No more though, they should do something new.

sfarias40k (Member Profile)

David Blaine Street Magic Part 4 - OFFICIAL!

artician says...

So... I've seen 2 or three of these parody videos, but out of context I don't fully understand them. I went and watched a few of the real "Street Magic" videos. The parody definitely copies Blaines way of speaking, but I just don't get the whole "staring into camera dramatically" gag. Can someone link whatever caused this joke to begin with?

David Blaine Street Magic Part 4 - OFFICIAL!

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