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Biker inches away from being hit

David Blaine tricks rednecks

The new see-through airplane of the future

Cell Phone Popcorn UNBELIEVABLE!

Cell Phone Popcorn UNBELIEVABLE!

poolcleaner (Member Profile)

David Blaine Street Magic, Part 5

arvana (Member Profile)

Stuntman one-ups David Blaine: jumps 150' into stacked boxes

TED - David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min

mentality says...

pssst, magic isn't real.

Pssst. Magicians aren't actually trying to do real magic.

anyway you bringing up magic is meaningless in this context. This was a stunt. Nobody but you is claiming that this was magic.

It's quite relevant since Blaine gained fame through his magic specials, and his stunts are often televised along with his magic performances. Besides, you're not the only one to engage me in this conversation about magic in this thread. But I agree, Blaine has morphed into more of a stuntman lately.

And to me holding your breath for 17 minutes means you're in league with some dark forces for certain.

The problem I find with all these stunts is that when David Blaine does it, he gets huge publicity because he is a celebrity, and when other people do bigger and better things, nobody gives a f*. For example, Tom Sietas beats Blaine's record not long afterwards. Does he get a TED talk even though he's been breaking static apnea, static apnea w/ O2, and dynamic apnea records for years? There's so many feats of human accomplishment out there. Do they all need David Blaine to make an attempt before they get some recognition in the media?

Maybe I'm just too cynical about our celebrity obsessed culture.

TED - David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min

dannym3141 says...

I hated david blaine before watching this video, now i still think he's a tosser but a little less so. Damn good video, gave me a lot more respect for him, but i felt the tears were a little contrived in lieu of the sympathy ovation.

mentality (Member Profile)

gwiz665 says...

I did indeed. I tried to respond to that whole "is this magic" argument that was going on, and I couldn't very well call David Blaine "technology"

And to me holding your breath for 17 minutes means you're in league with some dark forces for certain.

In reply to this comment by mentality:
>> ^gwiz665:
Any sufficiently advanced feat is indistinguishable from magic.

I hope you're misquoting Arthur C. Clarke deliberately for the lulz, and not actually trying to be serious =P

TED - David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min

Fade says...

>> ^mentality:
>> ^Fade:
>> ^mentality:
When did feats of endurance, like staying in a box for 44 days, become magic? Or for that matter, entertaining to watch?

when people died from not eating for 44 days or from staying underwater for 17 minutes. duh.

Maybe you think holding your breath is magic, but psssst: it's not. But hey, maybe you also think the Guinness World Records is a book of magic tricks. Duh.

pssst, magic isn't real.

TED - David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min

TED - David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min

mentality says...

>> ^Fade:
>> ^mentality:
When did feats of endurance, like staying in a box for 44 days, become magic? Or for that matter, entertaining to watch?

when people died from not eating for 44 days or from staying underwater for 17 minutes. duh.

Maybe you think holding your breath is magic, but psssst: it's not. But hey, maybe you also think the Guinness World Records is a book of magic tricks. Duh.

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