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ant (Member Profile)

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firefly (Member Profile)

Umpire booed mercilessly for impeding 'bat dog' duties

Hidden Camera: Jim Jefferies exposed for deceptive editing

newtboy says...

So what? Get off your high horse, buddy, the clip you were specifically whining about is American media....and we are the undisputed leader in partisan media and get honorable mention for bat shit insanity.

Yes, you are making those comparisons.
"The left and mainstream media do more to divide us than anyone else."
Even being exceedingly pedantic, when you take anyone, divide and remove the left and mainstream media, then compare them to what's left, "anyone else", you've made a comparison with anyone not left or mainstream media, including all right wing media. Any normal reader would assume you are making a direct comparison with only right wing media. You're coming off as dishonest as JJ or Trump here.

LOL....I've seen the right wing media nonsense outside America too, Murdoch isn't American and didn't start here, the big three have international fame and fans, and in Europe, Africa, Australia, and Asia right wing media is quite often even more dishonest and bat shit crazy than in America (see Russian or some African state run tv) so my argument would still apply...but you were complaining about an American television show, so maybe first take your own head out of your own ass, then blow all that backed up shit out....I think you're totally full.

NaMeCaF said:

I'm not American. I'm not comparing it to anything you obviously think I am. Think outside your own box. America is not THE WORLD. So blow it out your arse.

Hidden Camera: Jim Jefferies exposed for deceptive editing

newtboy says...

....he says devisively.

Since Faux and Murdoch invented the current partisan fake news industry, and other bastions of right wing media are Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Alex Jones, all three bat shit crazy or insanely hard core drug addicts....or really sound silly whining about leftist media, especially since what you're complaining about and seem to be comparing to right wing 'news' is actually leftist comedy.

Edit: That said, I never liked J.J., and I do think this is a chicken shit move by him.

NaMeCaF said:

Not surprised in the least. Leftest TV always does this.

The left and mainstream media do more to divide us than anyone else.

Students Support Socialism. Until It's Applied To Their GPA

newtboy says...

1) Because they didn't succeed in a vacuum, they benefit from civilization, so are obligated to support it to at least the same extent if not more because they are able while others aren't.

2) swap dumb with rich and Trump is the bazillionaire he claims to be. You can't just swap dissimilar unrelated concepts and say "see, proved it" without looking like a braying moron.

3) Yes it should without question, our best and brightest don't come from the privileged class as a higher percentage. Actually the opposite because they don't have to do their best to survive, poorer people do, and drive matters immensely. If we want to compete internationally, we must educate the uneducated and undereducated, even those who can't afford $500000 to fake a crew history or SAT score. That education needs to be better than the countries we compete with, and it is all too often simply not.
That is a conservative stance, not a liberal one.

4) equating wealth to gpa, like this moronic video does, means Trump, like everyone else, should start at 0 and not get a bonus from daddy. If that happened, he would be zero. He is not self made, he did not only get a small $14 million unrepaid interest free loan. He did squander the money, failing at venture after venture until only Russian gangsters will loan him money, loans he needs because he squandered the money....then he repeatedly lied about it immorally squandering billions from hundreds of duped investors too...THAT is evil, yes.

5) We make $30000 for two people and don't take a dime, even overpaid my taxes...not everyone has my opportunities, privileges, and abilities. You are just spouting nonsense straw man arguments. In a perfect world, we could all be self sustaining with equal opportunity to succeed, we don't live in that communist/socialist one ever has.
I believe we are better off when the least privileged don't have to resort to violent or immoral crime to survive. I believe we are better off as a nation when our best people have the opportunities to succeed that our worst but most privileged are afforded. I believe we are better off being protected from the irresponsibility of purely profit driven commerce that, by design, must walk the razors edge of acceptability to maximize profit and minimize obligations by any means necessary, usually leaving them for socialist programs to clean up/repair. I believe we do more good ensuring the starving among us are fed food humans would willingly eat before ensuring some unrepentant apocalyptic bankers get their multi million dollar bonuses and a free pass on their crimes, and before those making multi millions a year get to hoard more and pay even less of their share.

6) What you are spouting is bat shit insane, not even AOC advocates pure socialism....not even Russia had pure socialism. Your ilk, however, calls any government program that doesn't directly benefit them or their Trumpian masters "socialist", infrastructure, all regulatory agencies, social security, even the fbi have been labeled socialist by Trumpists in the zeal to discredit the report they assumed would expose criminal conspiracy to defraud the United States (ps, it found exactly that dozens of times over), while military welfare programs for equipment we don't want and won't use, bailouts for banks and agribusiness, public funds for private ventures like golf courses and troll roads, (edit:Freudian slip?) and don't forget the unmentioned elephant, the military itself...all that socialism is fine, you think it's not even socialism. *facepalm

I'll say it again.


bobknight33 said:

1)Why should some one work hard supplement someone who didn't work hard or tried hard and came up short?

2) Swap out "GPA" with "Hard Earned Money" and these people are capitalists 100%!

3) Also higher education shouldn't be funded with tax dollars.

4) What does Trump have to do with this? His dad paid for his schooling and gave him $ to start his life on. He did not squandered the $. And you look at this as evil or such?

5) You want all to be dependent on government cheese or self sustaining?

6) American Government programs are 1 thing. Socialism as the main form of government is another.

cloudballoon (Member Profile)

cloudballoon says...

Thanks for your concern, I can feel it and much appreciated.

Those church goers doesn't dictate me, I'm more like one of those that love to call out on any BS hypocrisy shit-disturber in the church. Why? Mainly because I don't really care about going to heaven and belong to a religion organization. But I do look up to Jesus as a great philosopher/role model. Actually, to be honest, the bigger role model in the Bible to me is Paul.

So far, there are many good people in my church that are genuinely involved to the community at large (not just within the church), those I would
sincerely call friends and partners, a vast majority are the regular church goers - there for their own purpose (like to belong to a community, trying to figure things out), and some bad apples (the alt-right type in the USA).

I'm just glad I'm a Canadian, where Christians doesn't play the political game as hard-core (read: bat-shit crazy) as in the States. Pretty European, clearer separation of religion and state.

If one day my church is too much for me (i.e. I see a negative value in the community), I'm more than happy to go.

I hope people like you on Videosift can keep me grounded. This community is pretty unique to me.

BSR said:

If you know how to love, why do you need anything else? Put the world in the palm of your hand. Love is ALL you need. Free yourself.

Rapping 1000 Words in 2 Minutes!!! Mac Lethal

Zawash says...

Okay y’all. One thousand words in two minutes
Let’s do this
(Verse 1)
In a couple minutes I'ma have to kill it
All the haters that just sit up on the web
But they will say that they don't feel it
But I'm never gonna listen to these idiots who dumb as fuck
I'll punch 'em and I'll kick 'em and I'll hit 'em with an uppercut
They told me that I got a record that I gotta break it
Get your woman naked in the garden she’ll be talking stank
I’ll fill my lungs up full of air and bust you till I hyperventilate
A thousand words, a hundred twenty seconds imma get it straight
I'ma grab the mothafuckin' sun and take a bite of it
I see a rapper try to say he sick but he a vitamin
You know that Mr Mac up on the track like it's a Viking ship
I rip the fucking beat up in to bits when I go psycho quick
All the ladies in the world is like "I love you, Mac"
I fry their brain up in your fuckin' noggin' when I bust a rap
I find a beat I really wanna kill and then I do
And all the mumble rappers in the game are dumb and sounding stupid
I’m an artist with a plan and stacking money in the videos
If that shit is a gimmick, tell the truth I wanna spit it slow
You don’t like the way that I be rappin’ fuckin’ sue me
I’ma get up on the stage and whip it out, just call me Louis
I’ma kill the crew but danny Mac is lethal with the skill
I am the king, I order you to have a pizza every meal
You acting cheesy like a bag of Doritos
I swear to god I’ll tape your mouth shut and throw you in the back of a vehicle
I’m a missile with the flow, I’m like a rapid torpedo
I got a gun up in my hand the size of Danny Devito
But now you sinkin’ like the fuckin’ Titanic
If anybody want a piece of this I’m thinner skinned and having to plan
Now listen to me, I don’t give a fuck about the shit that rappers meant
The world of fuckin’ choppin’
There’s a hundred million chapters baby
I could probably squat a fuckin’ elephant for fifty reps
I need to breathe a little bit of air right now and get my breath
I climb right up the wall like I’m a ninja with a weapon
I’m an angel and I’m evil pulling bitches up in heaven
Everybody call me Lethal, I’ve been rapping twenty years
And walk on water like I’m Jesus only rappin for the cheers before
I get up in the ring and fight a rapper I'm a black belt
And my hands on broken glass so I can leave the fucker battered
I’ma hit them with a bat right in the head until they dead
And make him take back all the dumb and stupid words he ever said
Let me take a breath so I can get back on the drums again
And sneak up on you like I’m the Phantom of the Opera
With a mask over my face but my teeth under your throat
And then I’m drinkin’ every droplet of your motherfucking blood, my friend
I’m just a product of Peter, the clip will pop in the heater
I got the spots of a cheeta
So when the gotta da vida
You better walk away
I’m rapping like a lunatic up on the mic and post it up on YouTube for the stupid chips
(Where’d you go?!)
(Verse 2)
So let me take another breath, I’m lookin’ hella dope
And I’ve been poppin’ since I made the pancakes cook up on the stove
And all you rappers up on YouTube had to treat me like the pope
‘Cause I’m the fuckin’ original
And you’re just huffing the chemicals and you’re just suckin’ like tentacles
Anybody this lyrical better just know I’m coming with the illest flow ever
Tryna kick that bull shit, you get your toes severed
Flames comin’ out my lungs you know I’m crushin’ every drum that ever popped up in the war path
Burning everything that I can see or smell or hear
That starts a fire in the sky and that’s the mother fucking forecast
People wanna say “Mac just raps fast. Really, he ain’t sayin’ shit”
You just mad ‘cause you can’t speak alien
Let’s do it
Gotta spit a lot of fuckin’ words in just a little time
I’m about to put a bomb inside your soul so I can blow your mind
I make it look so easy everybody wanna try it
But your lungs will probably suffocate and then you’ll end up dying
I’ma take a sword and cut my fuckin’ capillaries open
Lava coming out my mouth and all my raps are fuckin’ smokin’
Anybody wanna try to play the game with Mac is losin’
I be comin’ like a wolverine and show my teeth and chew ‘em
I’ma bite a silly rapper on the throat until he bleedin’
I’ll be taking every dollar out your pocket, now we even
I’ll be taking every crumb right off your plate, that’s how I’m eating
What the fuck you gonna do? I‘ll crack your soul and then I reach in
I’m the best that ever did this, other raps, they’re not a match for me
You gotta know that I can drop a line so hard it cracks a tree
I poke you in the eyeball with a microbe
Now you have to see that when I rap I don’t have to breathe

Oh shit! Two minutes and three seconds!
Well that was one thousand and thirty words
New world fuckin’ record! Yeah!
Oh shit... new world record

VaevTissue - "Train Your Immune System" With Used Tissues

newtboy says...

Really? Has it been debunked? Your evidence please.

Yes, I understand it's bat shit crazy and only a true moron would buy this....but I also understand there are millions out there willing to pay $80 for used tissues and other such nonsense, so that wouldn't mean it's not real.

mxxcon said:


Ten Cent Beer Night Was A Total Disaster

C-note says...


So Ah when are they going to do a story of the time the Cleveland Indians had Mini Bat Night? Or the time they had Dog Bone night. I'm not making this up. They gave out free cookies in the shape of dog bones and half way thru the game the fans started raining them down on the field. Awe Cleveland how can you not love that town.

School Board member verbally attacks police chief

bobknight33 says...

Giving respect gets respect. If she was cool and nice and NOT I'm Such and Such important community person, She might have been given a warning.

People who put on airs turn others off.

I work with about 300 customers Those who work with me get breaks. Ill put them first in for service events. I'll try to concede as much billable items under their contract. Ill even go to bat when their bill exceeds my limit of 5K and get my boss to concession it.

Those who don't, at times get delayed service and billed for even the minor of things.


McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

Short answer, yes.

He, personally, has done severe, possibly irreparable damage to our government and it's safeguards, and the rule of law, has been the most divisive president in my lifetime, a high bar, is driving the very companies he claimed to have saved overseas, like Harley Davidson, is starting multiple trade wars, even with our allies, wasting tens of billions already, and has been mired in criminal and moral scandals since before day negative 45 when he told the Russians he would remove sanctions over election tampering even as Obama was instigating them, well before taking office which is a crime if you don't know.
Trump himself has divided America, intentionally, with his own words and policies. Reporting on those words and policies is not slanderous or fake. If they lied about what he said, Trump would sue for slander/libel like he did over Steele, a case he just LOST. He hasn't, and he won't.

Again, you take the lying convict's word about the evidence and the law over court rulings and fact. I know you won't investigate, so you'll continue to be duped. That's a conscious choice you are making, to be wrong but righteous instead of correct and guilt ridden.
The investigation predated the Steele Dossier, and it was never a key bit of evidence or the cause of the investigation....and it is not some baseless fantasy fabrication like you believe, it beats any Trump speech for honesty and correctness by a factor of 10.

His Twitter is his official policy, they are clear about that. It is almost always bat shit, and is never civil or honorable.

bobknight33 said:

Trump is Anti American?


Trump has been wonderful.

I would say that media have been more destructive than Trump.
They have divided Americans via their slander and bias and fake ( partial truth) news.

The Steele dossier. is a fabricated document used as the linchpin to tear down Trump. Is Trump supposed to roll over and play their game. Trump is a New York fighter. Trump is not going anywhere.

I'm not saying Trump is perfect and his twitter is at times bat shit . But overall the sky is bluer than with Obama 8 years.

McCain defending Obama 2008

bobknight33 says...

Trump is Anti American?


Trump has been wonderful.

I would say that media have been more destructive than Trump.
They have divided Americans via their slander and bias and fake ( partial truth) news.

The Steele dossier. is a fabricated document used as the linchpin to tear down Trump. Is Trump supposed to roll over and play their game. Trump is a New York fighter. Trump is not going anywhere.

I'm not saying Trump is perfect and his twitter is at times bat shit . But overall the sky is bluer than with Obama 8 years.

newtboy said:

Did you ever consider they ganged up on him because he's so incredibly anti American and destructive that anyone who cares about American Democracy would oppose him, Democrats, Republicans, independents, honest media, the intelligence community, law enforcement, etc? Probably not, you're convinced his party is turning on him because he's winning too much.

Lol. Steele dossier....the one that was just upheld in court when Trump's lible/slander cases were thrown out....or did you not know that?

Yes. It was the turn to backing him that was the wrong, self serving, proven short sighted move.

Trump has not sold out conservative principles, he's thrown them in the trash and shit on them. Clearly principles are NOT what you hang your hat on, he has none and you've admitted it privately.

The creature from the bronze lagoon was hardly the one to help clean up the swamp, and his most criminally convicted administration ever is pretty good proof of that.

That $80 you got goes away in a few years and becomes a raise in your taxes by around $160, in case you won't read the actual law. You didn't get a tax break, you got a tax raise and a 5 year loan packaged as a tax break, and you bought it. Trump, according to economists that studied his public holdings, stands to gain around $1 million per year forever....his tax breaks are permanent. Not what he said, but you don't care he outright lied to you about it for months, do you, yet one corrected mistake by Clinton (Benghazi was a protest over Koran burnings in America, quickly retracted) and you still think she'll be indicted for....something you're incapable of naming, but something.

Fuck, Bob. Your insistence on backing Trump's every move no matter what has made you bat shit insane, inconsistent, and totally disconnected from reality. I hope you can get therapy.

McCain defending Obama 2008

newtboy says...

Did you ever consider they ganged up on him because he's so incredibly anti American and destructive that anyone who cares about American Democracy would oppose him, Democrats, Republicans, independents, honest media, the intelligence community, law enforcement, etc? Probably not, you're convinced his party is turning on him because he's winning too much.

Lol. Steele dossier....the one that was just upheld in court when Trump's lible/slander cases were thrown out....or did you not know that?

Yes. It was the turn to backing him that was the wrong, self serving, proven short sighted move.

Trump has not sold out conservative principles, he's thrown them in the trash and shit on them. Clearly principles are NOT what you hang your hat on, he has none and you've admitted it privately.

The creature from the bronze lagoon was hardly the one to help clean up the swamp, and his most criminally convicted administration ever is pretty good proof of that.

That $80 you got goes away in a few years and becomes a raise in your taxes by around $160, in case you won't read the actual law. You didn't get a tax break, you got a tax raise and a 5 year loan packaged as a tax break, and you bought it. Trump, according to economists that studied his public holdings, stands to gain around $1 million per year forever....his tax breaks are permanent. Not what he said, but you don't care he outright lied to you about it for months, do you, yet one corrected mistake by Clinton (Benghazi was a protest over Koran burnings in America, quickly retracted) and you still think she'll be indicted for....something you're incapable of naming, but something.

Fuck, Bob. Your insistence on backing Trump's every move no matter what has made you bat shit insane, inconsistent, and totally disconnected from reality. I hope you can get therapy.

bobknight33 said:

McCain was a turncoat to me in 2008. ( well even before 2008) Same for Bush 44.
Deplorable Republicans. I did not vote for McCain in 08.

Bush 44 turn me against ( # walkaway) the Republican party and I then registered independent.

Republicans and Democrats are fundamentally the same .
In public they will "fight " each other for show. Behind the doors they serve their own self interest. They enrich themselves and family. Author Peter Schweizer book (Secret Empires) shines light on this.

Trump comes along, a true outsider, and both sides gang up on Trump, to the likes America has never seen. Media is right along for the ride (ratings). McCain, in my opinion had his hand in the Steele Dossier to destroy Trump.

The Republican kept their anti Trump position for nearly a year, and only then started to back Trump.

If you are a Republican you don't sell out conservative principles.----------------This is where I hang my hat. --

Bottom line DC is a self interest swamp. Every one wants something done. Liberals wanted Bernie. Republicans wanted Bush. America ended up with Trump.
I'm happy it was not Bush
My pocketbook is happy it wasn't Bernie.

As far as Trump Tax cuts They touted that average family of 4 making 70K would see something like 140$month
I see about 80$.. Not what they said but definitely noticed.

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