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Epic Racist Moment on Game Show

Enzoblue says...

I think what this guy is truly objecting to, (if he had the IQ to work it out in his head), is the black man's sense of entitlement which can be over-bearing in some. I read recently about the difference between self-esteem and self-image. Self-esteem coming from good deeds that make positive changes in your world, (that a stereotypical ghetto black man doesn't have), vs self-image that the stereotypical black man is over-flowing with.

You do see this boisterous in your face self-image a lot, just walking down the street with their heads held high, daring anyone to challenge them. The mistake, however, is to lump all blacks in this category and assume that all blacks with their heads held high are doing so to compensate for low self-image, which this guy is doing.

PROOF!!! Obama Birth Certificate Fraud

Yogi says...

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^spoco2:
Same as 911 nut jobs, same as so many others. Thanks for the simple desc

Yup we're all the same. just like all blacks are the same, and all Asians are the same, and all Mexicans are the same, all Republicans are the same, all Democrats are the same, all Christians are the same, all Muslims are the same....

Don't be such a bitch...just get in your box little man so I can put you on the shelf.

PROOF!!! Obama Birth Certificate Fraud

Duckman33 says...

>> ^spoco2:

Same as 911 nut jobs, same as so many others. Thanks for the simple desc

Yup we're all the same. just like all blacks are the same, and all Asians are the same, and all Mexicans are the same, all Republicans are the same, all Democrats are the same, all Christians are the same, all Muslims are the same....

Here's a Mormon who understands true Christian morality

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^CrushBug:
Did I just watch a video that contained the subjects of Faith and Logic and Tolerance? Mind=blown. She needs to be made Pope or something, like right now.

Your mind is only blown by the fact that only the ignorant get attention on the TV, and you believe the perceptions the Media wishes you to have. All blacks steal cars and abuse welfare, all whites in the south are racists, all cops beat their citizens daily, all religious people have no tolerance.

This lady will never get more attention than this video.

Happy Birthday Mr Edgar Allan Poe (Blog Entry by LadyDeath)

Colbert: Affirmative Reaction

VoodooV says...

I know nothing about this guy so I can't really comment about Kasich. But isn't it feasible that somewhere in the world, there is a place where the most qualified leadership are all white? just statistically speaking? just like somewhere in the world the most qualified leadership is all black/asian/etc etc.

Don't we always make fun of television shows whenever they forcibly insert someone purely because they want to appear multi-ethnic? Colbert referred to the Power Rangers, Weren't they pretty guilty of putting in token ethnic characters?

I don't understand I guess, or is Kasich just known for his racism and this is the latest incident? Wouldn't it be pretty hard to prove that he intentionally hired an all-white cabinet?

I just don't have enough information. but isn't putting ethnic minorities in positions of power just to appear multi-ethnic pretty much the definition of racism?

OH Gov to Black Politician: "I Don't Need YOUR People"

bobknight33 says...

Does the Black caucus (formally known as the Black Elected Democrats of Ohio) have any conservative qualified persons? Their member list is all black. Link

Maybe they are the raciest. No white members.

Unless the Black Caucus have a qualified conservative black then John Kasich I would gather is correct is saying what he said.

Nice try Ed Schultz
Netrunner are you propagating the race card?

Air New Zealand - Crazy about rugby safety video

YT: Just awesome talent

YT: Just awesome talent

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Religious doctrine? Cults? Market research? Corporate policy? Economic policy by banks, hedge funds, Wall St.? Big Pharma? Big Agro? Big Oil?

These are all excellent points, and in my zeal I have to admit that it was rather hyperbolic to say government is the “only” institution that creates the “I was following orders” mentality. In that I stand corrected. However, I stand by the substance of the idea that government is the primary violator, and that history’s most egregious examples are government created.

If you are down on government save us all the time and just denounce humanity and go live in a cave somewhere.

I’m down on big central governments. Limited, small government at the municipal, county, and state level which are held to a high standard of culpability and performance by voters is fine. Big federal government that implements one-size policies on nations for social engineering are lousy. Federal government is for national defense and some intra/inter state trade regulations. That’s it. The constitution was designed to keep federal powers limited. It is no surprise that one of our man-child president’s great irritations with the country he runs is that the constitution doesn’t allow him to do more “TO” the public.

Build your own running water system, police, and fire dept. while you're at it.

Feds don’t do those things. Those are city, state, and county functions.

Maybe instead of bitching about the TSA you could suggest an alternative?

I have. Profile the likely offenders and stop hassling people who are low statistical risks. It will decrease the workload, reduce costs, and speed up the process a hundred-fold.

I'm not going to sit here and scream… even though I don't like them either. … The kid will be just fine. He'll get over it. … It's a brave new world.

Brave New World. Oh, what fools these mortals be. I’d suggest brushing up on your Huxley and Shakespeare. I doubt Huxley would be applauding your, “bend over and take it” sentiment. You might think it is admirable. History suggests that such a docile attitude towards central government is profoundly unwise. Government is meant to be questioned, held to account, challenged, and regarded with suspicion.

The problem, of course, is that the TSA procedures do not work, and using them to only inconvenience a demographic that does not happen to include you, will not make them any more effective.

Well – very true – this is a good point. What the TSA is doing is security theatre. It is not effective at preventing terrorist acts from succeeding. So why are we doing this? If the object is increased SECURITY then the procedure needs to change radically. But if we aren’t willing to do the things that will actually provide security then we’d be better off just abandoning the whole effort as a fruitless exercise.

Allan stole a loaf of bread. Allan is a thief. Allan is black. All blacks are thieves.

Except that’s not what I said or even anything remotely close to it. I’m saying…

“Over 95% of all air travel terrorism has been committed by foreign-born Muslim males between 17-40. The TSA should focus its efforts on this population to increase efficiency.” That isn’t saying “all Muslims are terrorists”. It is only saying, “This population sector is the highest risk”. Correlation does not equal causation but it does tell you where to weight your cases and analysis. Right now, even a basic statistical model would heavily weight the probability of a terrorist act towards foreign-born Muslim males.

Pprt (Member Profile)

KnivesOut says...

Totally pointless and useless comment is totally pointless and useless.
In reply to this comment by Pprt:
Beyond reasoning with...
>> ^KnivesOut:

The end does not justify the means.
If we start forming special lines at airports for anyone that might be Muslim or Arab, who else should we be singling out for that treatment? What about Irishmen?
A very, very small % of the Arabs or Muslims in the world have actually blown up planes. There's 1.5 BILLION Muslims on the planet. How many have blown up planes? 20? Statistically speaking... how close is that to 0%?
>> ^Pprt:
Amazing that people like this can remember to breathe.. Just how far can we go into denying evident and verifiable facts so that we don't "offend" someone?
Half of AIDS infected Americans are Blacks, yet they are roughly 15% of the population.
White Europeans are more likely to be serial killers than any other ethnic group.
Muslims, mostly Arabs, are responsible for almost all transnational terrorist attacks in the past 20 years.
My guess is that most people are only "offended" by two of the last statements. Why must we completely ignore any racial data we have?
It's akin to directing half of breast cancer awareness efforts to men just because they're half the population. Yes, men CAN get breast cancer, but would it really be the most efficient prevention effort?
>> ^KnivesOut:
The logic goes like this:
Allan stole a loaf of bread.
Allan is a thief.
Allan is black.
All blacks are thieves.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:blah blah blah I'm a racist.

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

Pprt says...

Beyond reasoning with...
>> ^KnivesOut:

The end does not justify the means.
If we start forming special lines at airports for anyone that might be Muslim or Arab, who else should we be singling out for that treatment? What about Irishmen?
A very, very small % of the Arabs or Muslims in the world have actually blown up planes. There's 1.5 BILLION Muslims on the planet. How many have blown up planes? 20? Statistically speaking... how close is that to 0%?
>> ^Pprt:
Amazing that people like this can remember to breathe.. Just how far can we go into denying evident and verifiable facts so that we don't "offend" someone?
Half of AIDS infected Americans are Blacks, yet they are roughly 15% of the population.
White Europeans are more likely to be serial killers than any other ethnic group.
Muslims, mostly Arabs, are responsible for almost all transnational terrorist attacks in the past 20 years.
My guess is that most people are only "offended" by two of the last statements. Why must we completely ignore any racial data we have?
It's akin to directing half of breast cancer awareness efforts to men just because they're half the population. Yes, men CAN get breast cancer, but would it really be the most efficient prevention effort?
>> ^KnivesOut:
The logic goes like this:
Allan stole a loaf of bread.
Allan is a thief.
Allan is black.
All blacks are thieves.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:blah blah blah I'm a racist.

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

KnivesOut says...

The end does not justify the means.

If we start forming special lines at airports for anyone that might be Muslim or Arab, who else should we be singling out for that treatment? What about Irishmen?

A very, very small % of the Arabs or Muslims in the world have actually blown up planes. There's 1.5 BILLION Muslims on the planet. How many have blown up planes? 20? Statistically speaking... how close is that to 0%?

>> ^Pprt:

Amazing that people like this can remember to breathe.. Just how far can we go into denying evident and verifiable facts so that we don't "offend" someone?
Half of AIDS infected Americans are Blacks, yet they are roughly 15% of the population.
White Europeans are more likely to be serial killers than any other ethnic group.
Muslims, mostly Arabs, are responsible for almost all transnational terrorist attacks in the past 20 years.
My guess is that most people are only "offended" by two of the last statements. Why must we completely ignore any racial data we have?
It's akin to directing half of breast cancer awareness efforts to men just because they're half the population. Yes, men CAN get breast cancer, but would it really be the most efficient prevention effort?
>> ^KnivesOut:
The logic goes like this:
Allan stole a loaf of bread.
Allan is a thief.
Allan is black.
All blacks are thieves.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:blah blah blah I'm a racist.

Young Boy strip searched by TSA

Pprt says...

Amazing that people like this can remember to breathe.. Just how far can we go into denying evident and verifiable facts so that we don't "offend" someone?

Half of AIDS infected Americans are Blacks, yet they are roughly 15% of the population.
White Europeans are more likely to be serial killers than any other ethnic group.
Muslims, mostly Arabs, are responsible for almost all transnational terrorist attacks in the past 20 years.

My guess is that most people are only "offended" by two of the last statements. Why must we completely ignore any racial data we have?

It's akin to directing half of breast cancer awareness efforts to men just because they're half the population. Yes, men CAN get breast cancer, but would it really be the most efficient prevention effort?
>> ^KnivesOut:

The logic goes like this:
Allan stole a loaf of bread.
Allan is a thief.
Allan is black.
All blacks are thieves.
>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:blah blah blah I'm a racist.

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