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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

THE PEOPLE?!? THE PEOPLE are firmly against THESE very few people who think their imagined rights trump everyone else’s actual rights.

Isn’t it funny how much of a problem you had with black people protesting being murdered and imprisoned for their skin color, you were outraged they disrupted traffic and business….but when white truckers do exponentially worse, much more economic damage to protest their having to get a tiny pin prick to secure a privilege (sniveling little crybabies that they are) you are 100% in favor of disrupting traffic and business to the extreme.

Clearly having to get a small shot to have the privilege of free travel between countries is far more draconian and a much bigger, more serious issue than having zero recourse against being gunned down in the streets and in their own homes by organized thugs with immunity from prosecution and military equipment, and of course that makes the disruptions to economies and livelihoods not just excusable but laudable.
Holy fucking shit, dude.

Maybe it’s true you aren’t actively racist, I’m not there to see, but it is definitely true you always stand with active racists and against equality under the law on every single issue.

bobknight33 said:

Now the people have had enough so they gather and shut down traffic and now the government is upset for essentially doing the same thing.

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

bobknight33 says...

Government had been shutting down businesses / schools etc for last 2 years. Disrupting lives and incomes. Now the people have had enough so they gather and shut down traffic and now the government is upset for essentially doing the same thing.

All Trudeau needs to do is end the the restrictions, which are not even needed anymore.

Bangladeshi bus driver skills

SFOGuy says...

People always wonder how they are going to get hurt traveling or touristing in what we charmingly used to call the 3rd world--and the answer is--it's going to happen in a traffic accident.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I feel like, if integrated here, this could drive traffic to the sift. Not sure if that’s your plan or wish, just a thought.
Also, copyright it now!!! Wordle sold for “low seven figures” to the New York Times.

lucky760 said:


Is Your Car Safe From Supermaneuverable Air-Defense Fighters

cloudballoon says...

Both my reply & the video itself are both tongue-in-cheek. So who knows the "stop before the line" mistake is intentional by the narrator or not?

What you described is pretty much correct. Where I live (suburb of Toronto - Canada's largest city of ~6 million) I've only seen 2 aroundabout in my area, and they're in located in low traffic residential area and they're the tiniest of aroundabouts. But I love them, they're confusing to us North American, I guess, but they're quite efficient.

eric3579 said:

Oops, my bad. I just focused in on the one minute mark where he said "step one is to stop before the line. Then make sure to yield to vehicles..." I falsely equated that to a stop sign in my brain, but who stops first and then checks for traffic? Seems he has it backwards. Check for traffic while approaching and only yield/stop if necessary.

I've had very little experience with different kinds of roundabouts. The ones i've used are very basic. I know there are more complex ones with multiple lanes, bike lanes, and pedestrian cross walks but never have i personally come acrossed one. Decades ago however i did cross, as a pedestrian, the roundabout at the Arc De Triomphe In Paris. I couldn't imagine navigating that thing in a car.

Is Your Car Safe From Supermaneuverable Air-Defense Fighters

eric3579 says...

Oops, my bad. I just focused in on the one minute mark where he said "step one is to stop before the line. Then make sure to yield to vehicles..." I falsely equated that to a stop sign in my brain, but who stops first and then checks for traffic? Seems he has it backwards. Check for traffic while approaching and only yield/stop if necessary.

I've had very little experience with different kinds of roundabouts. The ones i've used are very basic. I know there are more complex ones with multiple lanes, bike lanes, and pedestrian cross walks but never have i personally come acrossed one. Decades ago however i did cross, as a pedestrian, the roundabout at the Arc De Triomphe In Paris. I couldn't imagine navigating that thing in a car.

cloudballoon said:

There is no observable Stop sign in the video nor IRL at roundabouts though. It would be absurd and a huge faux pas if the animator added Stop signs in it. Yield and Stop signs shouldn't co-exist.

Time to review user ratings? (Internet Talk Post)

newtboy says...

I’ve been thinking about how to rate users and had a few ideas….
First I thought it might help to incorporate comment votes, but that doesn’t really take into account the lowered traffic in the last few years and still leaves inactive members as the top.
Second I thought maybe only count votes from the last year (or two)….but that discounts the efforts of those who are still active but less so than before.

Third, and this one made sense to me, maybe rank by “golden one” and/or “silver tongue” badge level. That ignores traffic rates and rates by percentage of current votes but doesn’t ignore older poster’s contributions, it rates/ranks them. Then, people who submitted many popular videos aren’t outranked by people who submitted fewer and less popular videos but at a time when there was just more site traffic.
Just my thoughts…

lucky760 said:

These are some totally valid points.

I reckon I'd totally be up for making some changes, especially as it relates to quality of life for those of us who still come around.

@newtboy What top users list did you have in mind?

@ant Did you have any specific updates for VS in mind? Large-scale changes probably wouldn't be doable any time soon, but we could get away with doing some smaller changes.

If anyone has any thoughts, do share!

Horrific Multi-Car Freeway Wreck - Los Angeles

Digitalfiend says...

Not that it seemed to apply to most of the vehicles that crashed but a lot of modern cars with LED or HID lights have a VERY aggressive cutoff, with the driver's side light being angled down slightly to minimize blinding oncoming traffic. Unless you have your high beams on (which you can't really on a busy highway), it's quite easy to outdrive those lights on a poorly illuminated section of highway.

On another note, I wonder what happened to that dude in the red shirt that got back into his car just before it was hit. I didn't see him get out... Also, I wouldn't be milling about in the middle of a freaking highway; I'd stay in the car or maybe even better, get to the damn shoulder as soon as you can!

Horrific Multi-Car Freeway Wreck - Los Angeles

BSR says...

Correctomundo, but I don't believe that many drivers were not paying attention. The person taking the video had a light on the very first car and also during the whole video. There were enough brake lights from cars approaching the wreckage but that didn't seem to slow down oncoming traffic too much. I'm thinking there must have been something distracting that many drivers before they could notice what was happening up ahead. Billboards, neon signs, other drivers can be a distraction that calls for your attention also and can be distracting no matter if you are a good driver or not. "Expect the unexpected."

Afterthought: The distraction may have even been the cars pulled over on the shoulder of the road too.

ant said:

Drivers need to pay attention. There's no fog, rain, wetness, etc.

Congress requires new tech to detect and stop drunk drivers

newtboy says...

I hope they make it detect people on their phones too. That’s apparently more dangerous than drunk driving…..
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), driving a vehicle while texting is six times more dangerous than intoxicated driving. The Transport Research Laboratory found that writing a text message slows driver reactions by 35 percent, while drinking alcohol up to the legal limit slows reactions by 12 percent. Another study stated that texting drivers react 23 percent slower than intoxicated drivers do.

The Biggest Herd Of Giraffes You've Ever Seen Cross The Road

Parrot Photobombs Highway Traffic Cam...

newtboy says...

We paid for them, why do commercial news operations get exclusive access? Maybe I want to see traffic now, not what it was during the morning news. What could it hurt? It wouldn’t cost a dime, just allow access.

ant said:


Parrot Photobombs Highway Traffic Cam...

Cristal Baschet (an instrument that needs to be wet)

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

So, to paraphrase, Forget legality, forget definition, forget reality, I want to call it murder so I will.
What utter infantile nonsense.

Texas doesn't call it murder, so they can't execute anyone. In fact, if I read it right, they just fine you like a traffic ticket. The legal consequences prove you're alone in calling it murder, the fact that you don't think execution is the right outcome for every person involved from the doctors and nurses to the taxi drivers all the way to the mothers should be executed proves you don't think it's murder either, you just like to exaggerate.

The unborn are not human beings by definition or by law, not even by religious definition or law, so murder is impossible. That is by all definitions and by all laws. Get over it. You're simply wrong and have to fudge definitions, the law, religious teachings, and all logic and reason to make the arguments you're making.

It's clear you didn't read the article @noseeem linked for you. You really should.

Anom212325 said:

Legally its not, you just have to look at the punishment to see that. legality aside, killing another innocent human being is murder. I'm just calling it for what it is and not hiding behind a legal term.

"TX can execute them. If the doctor and staff that performed the termination are known and enter TX they are murderers also. They can be killed by the state, too." When did I say that ? Your grasping at straws now. You know the legal consequences of those actions in Texas.

Murder: the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another

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