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wraith says...

LONG, sorry.

>> ^Aemaeth:
I've always been an advocate of the second amendment for a lot of reasons, such as, I've heard there are fewer violent crimes committed in areas where more people have guns (don't rob someone who may shoot you). Guns don't kill people, people kill people. If no one had guns, we'd all be talking about knife control next, then fingernail-clipper control, etc.

Do you have any evidence supporting this? I mean ANY envidence?
Look at other countries with tougher gun-control laws. Look at Japan for crying out loud. About the toughest gun control laws around, and - Surprise! - one of the lowest murder rates in the world. (There are, of course, other sociological reasons besides gun control for that.)

Do you know why the London Metropolitan Police (the "Bobbys") only wear Truncheons (Night-Sticks, Clubs, whatever you call them) and no guns? Because the expect most criminals to be unarmed. Seems to work there.

You are right Guns, on their own, don't kill people, but they make it so much easier.

And consider this: Have you ever read a news story like, "...and then ten year old Bobby, while showing off his father's kitchen knife, accidentally stabbed his four year old brother thrity times in the chest."?

>> ^Aemaeth:
We need to consider this, however. We no longer fight with muskets and military weapons are no linger identical to hunting weapons like they were then.

That reminds me of the segement from "Bowling For Columbine", where Moore asks that Gun-toting nut-job cousin of Timothy McVeigh if he thinks that under the 2nd Ammendement, US-citizens should be allowed to posses Anthrax or nuclear weapons. Gues, what the guy answers...:-)

>> ^Aemaeth:
In conclusion, I think gun control is rubbish. It doesn't work.

Aehm. Evidence? If you mean that gun-control, in coutries who practice it, does not lead to a totally gun-free society, then you should also say that laws don't work and costitutions don't work.


Come on, e'rybody! Let's see your pets! (Pets Talk Post)

Issykitty says...

This is Miss Isobel, aka: Issy, or maybe I should say Queen Isobel? She is my strikingly beautiful girl, and she'll be 4 yrs old this October. I also have a new plucky little kitten (about 10 wks old) named Dr. Franklin Timothy, or Frankie for short. You can see what he looks like in my blog. Both of them had pretty rough starts, and they were both rescued from certain death. Issy fell very ill with a severe kitty flu at about 8 weeks old, the day after I brought her home. I had to nurse her back to health by having her rehydrated at the vet's and giving her antibiotics and eyedrops. She is just the picture of health now, and she is so supercool and smart, opening doors, and fetching and bringing things to me all the time. She and I have an extra special bond, and she enjoys talking to me.

Frankie is really starting to settle in, and he is still very young. If you check out my blog, you can read about his raccoon attack when he was only 6 weeks old. He's already more than doubled in weight since we had him at 7 wks old. He just got his first set of vaccinations, and he went from previously weighing just one pound to 2&1/2. His leg has healed nicely, and he's gaining strength in it everyday. He's only recently just started to climb, and we have a rad cat tower for him to play in. He has a wonderfully loud purr, and he loves Issy and thinks she is soooo cool. DFT and I are lucky ones to have the both of them as they are endless joy and amusement.

Finally... Pics of Frankie (Plucky Tim)! (Blog Entry by Issykitty)

Issykitty says...

I know, it's confusing. We keep changing the name, but I think we've settled on Dr. Franklin Timothy- Frankie for short- as his nomenclature. DFT added the "Dr." title. You like?

A Man vs. A Lion

Chelsea Handler sexually assaults her staff

Best Friends Forever: Fox News and Senator Clinton


Farhad2000 says...

You lost that on Godwin rules.

But seriously I was raised in this so called ideology you claim is so dangerous. Am not practicing muslim and I haven't met anyone who cared if I was or not so far, even though they can act all superior if they are themselves but thats besides the point.

My main complaint is that westerners are claiming Islam is so 'dangerous' without really understanding the people and the faith of close to a billion people in the world. The fastest and largest growing faith on the planet.

This 'dangerous' religion only came under the microscope now after 9/11 where a radical terrorist groups and their originating faith became suddenly a singular group. That's bullshit, its like saying Timothy McVeigh represents Christian Terrorists. No one connected Islam the faith and the radical terrorists before 9/11, but they were there in the first Trade center attack, in Israel, in PLO attacks of the 60s, in Egypt and countless other terrorist attacks.

The faith doesn't have anything to do with it, its being used just as fear is being used through films like that to cut down dialog between people, to incite fear and misunderstanding. Are you really surprised that faith based language is being used to incite conflict? What did George Bush say? Its God that told him to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. He used Christian based language countless times. What do you think those terrorists do? Same shit different words and God. They are simply using the faith as a vehicle to further their own ideas and power, the Taliban is a perfect example of this, they claim to be Islamic, but closer inspection shows that they don't know shit about Islam and impose their own hard line interpretation with Pashtun tribal overtones.

How many innocent Muslims were attacked post 9/11 for being simply Muslim? Since when is Osama Bin Laden or any of those crazy imams representative of the Islamic faith?

Its all about power and pushing people into taking complex topics to basic levels. Wilders only wants to incite hatred and division in Netherlands and gain political momentum off peoples fears, its xenophobia parallel to blaming all the problems of Germany circa 1930s and WW1 on the Jews.

Its so much easier to say its the evil Muslims!!!111 then saying perhaps our foreign policy with regards to Saudi Arabia, Israel, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq is and was deeply flawed. You look at the middle east with a western slant without thinking about what people in this side of the world have seen and witnessed from the great western powers, arm sales and unconditional support for Israel to kill Palestinians, support of ISI and Mujahedin to attack the USSR in Afghanistan, support for corrupt and oppressive Saudi Royal Family, support for Egypt that is 20 years under emergency dictatorship rule, support for Central Asian despots who now imprison and vilify Islam so they can rule for ever, sale of arms to Iraq and Iran. Tanks and troops spreading freedom across Iraq and Afghanistan. People don't forget.

But you people like it simple and easy to disgust and process back through "Its the faith" I guess. Islam is evil. Bush is right. War for ever against a strategy and a religion.

For people who claim a diversity of opinion you enter intellectual lock down pretty quickly.

Battlestar Galactica: Great show, or GREATEST show? (Scifi Talk Post)

choggie says...

Youdiejoe, agreed. Writing very credible, sets unbelievably realistic, characters addictive-Best western ever made for television-(saw Hitman yesterday and there was bald Sheriff Bullock, Timothy Olyphant, killing ever cocksucker in sight.....

Favorite line from the first season, came from Johnny Burns (Sean Bridgers), as he watches Mr. Woo walk up the stairs at the Gem, to see Al Swerengen...

"Those people worship a fat man, seated on his ass!"

Cat and Bunny R friends!

EDD says...

<sarcasm>Thing is, Timothy wasn't really unsuspecting in this video and our cunning Bunny friend knows that.</sarcasm>

But seriously? YAY! Friendship for the win!

Animal Collective - Peacebone

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Animal Collective, Peacebone, Strawberry Jam, Timothy Saccenti' to 'Animal Collective, Peacebone, Strawberry Jam, Timothy Saccenti, united states, 00s' - edited by Eklek

Animal Collective - Peacebone

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Animal Collective Peacebone Strawberry Jam Timothy Saccenti' to 'Animal Collective, Peacebone, Strawberry Jam, Timothy Saccenti' - edited by Sarzy

Fedquip (Member Profile)

qruel says...

THANK YOU ! it has been updated


In reply to this comment by Fedquip:
Good Video, here is a playlist embed if you wish

In reply to this comment by qruel:

Kansas GOP Chair Sends Email Boasting of Voter Caging

Raging Caging
What the heck is vote caging, and why should we care?

Voter Caging & Housing Works

Greg Palast on Rove and Timothy Griffin

PBS NOW: Republicans illegal use of Voter Caging in 2004

qruel says...


Kansas GOP Chair Sends Email Boasting of Voter Caging

Raging Caging
What the heck is vote caging, and why should we care?

Voter Caging & Housing Works

Greg Palast on Rove and Timothy Griffin

Totalitarianism In America: Vaccinate or Go To Jail

qruel says...

I thought this follow up on that Rollingstone story was pertinent as it talks about the reaction to the article.

Kennedy Report Sparks Controversy (from the editors of Rollingstone)

"Deadly Immunity," our story about the link between mercury in vaccines and the dramatic rise in autism among children [RS 977/978], sparked intense reaction from the medical establishment and several leading news organizations. The story, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -- part of an ongoing collaboration with -- documented the government's efforts to conceal alarming data about the dangers of vaccines.

What is most striking is the lengths to which major media outlets have gone to disparage the story and to calm public fears -- even in the face of the questionable science on the subject. In a segment on World News Tonight titled "A Closer Look," ABC pointed out that Kennedy is "not a scientist or a doctor" and dismissed his extensive evidence as nothing more than "a few scientific studies." The network also trotted out its medical editor, Dr. Timothy Johnson, to praise the "impeccably impartial Institute of Medicine" and to again state that Kennedy is not a scientist.

South Park: Ms Garrison explains Evolution

rembar says...

Hmmm, I've been wondering recently why we live so long after we get done reproducing. Isn't it terribly inefficient for us to live for another 40 or 50 years after we are done reproducing? It seems like that should have evolved away.

Modern medicine."

No, that's just us living longer, modern medicine isn't the correct mechanism to explain Timothy's question. If you're speaking strictly about why a species is characterized by lifespans extending beyond reproductive age, having older organisms around provides numerous benefits (being around to raise their children, contributing to society / workforce, passing on knowledge and skills). These are explanations beyond "modern medicine", as thousands of species have adults whose life spans well beyond reproductive age without the benefit of modern medicine that humans enjoy: all primates, dolphins, bears, lions, frogs, penguins, the list goes on and on. In particular, higher organisms like mammals are often characterized by these extended lifespans.

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