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Rep. Alan Grayson's Apology To Republicans

dystopianfuturetoday says...

>> ^thepinky:
^What are you talking about, "hollow invective?" That tirade was full of content. And cliches, yes.

Well miss pinky, I just so conveniently happened to have posted the knowledge you seek in the self-same comment that you responded to. Here is an encore (Now with 500% more bullet points for added clarity!!!).

-Timothy McVeigh?
-Socialized Medicine?
-Self-delusional group-think?

Rep. Alan Grayson's Apology To Republicans

Rep. Alan Grayson's Apology To Republicans

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

That assumes both sides want health care to improve for Americans in general. One side sees that goal as contrary to the goals of their campaign donors, friends and selves so they bicker to stall for their lives. The other side wants what you want.

Not true. Once again it is my pleasant duty to trouble the self-delusional groupthink of the neolib left wing.

Only 41% want Obama-style socialized medicine. 56% do not. When you look at Rasmussen internals, the only people who really want Obama's plan are Democrats. 72% of unaffiliated voters do NOT want the plan. 79% of Republicans do NOT want the plan. Shock you silly - 42% of the UNINSURED do not want Obama's plan.

What people WANT is insurance portability and legal tort reform. Two things glaringly absent because they (A) don't require a massive government system and (B) would screw over the trial lawyer lobby (big Democrat donors).

Regardless, I reject the propogandistic attitude that Republicans 'want' people to die. Preposterious. The only people who could possibly believe that tripe are neolibs who really have gone absolutely insane and drunk the Flavor-Aide. I could very easily make the case that Democrats want people to die too because social systems also have stories of people dying due to neglect, non-coverage, and delayed care. But that's balderdash. There is no perfect system, and to imply that people who favor a different approach want people to 'die' because their system isn't perfect is pure demagougery and anyone who finds themselves cheering along with that kind of sentiment should really take a good hard look at themselves because they are about 1 centimeter way from being Timothy McVeigh.

G20 Pittsburgh Protests - Students Trapped and Attacked

LostTurntable says...

Hundreds of assholes poured into the streets to pick fights, break shit and overall just be dicks. They trashed my city and caused thousands of dollars of damage, not to mention endangered he lives of countless others. You see those assholes hurl a dumpster down that hill? That's assault with a deadly weapon. They could have killed someone. There were other protests that DIDN'T dissolve into riots that had a very strong police presence. I wonder why. But no one is watching those videos because it doesn't fir into their bullshit view of "OMG COPS ARE EVIL."

Also everyone seems to be forgetting that these protests were ILLEGAL. They didn't stick to where they were supposed to, they weren't organized and the majority of people there (or at least a vocal minority) were intent on blocking traffic and causing as much grief to the city as possible.

As far as those idiots on the stairs go who think they were "severely burned," well, they're idiots too. What were they thinking? "Hey, lets go watch a riot! Oh no! My eyes are burning from the gas!" No pity.

The girl at the end of the video, the cops were ordering her to move, her friend was pulling her away from them, yet she decided that her vapid little voice needed to be heard for some reason.

Finally, to the person who posted this video and said "When the government takes your 1st Amendment rights, there's always the 2nd Amendment to fall back on. This is when watering the tree of liberty is necessary," you all realize he's advocating the murder of government officials right? Timothy McVeigh fans?

Bill Maher: New Rules - September 25, 2009

geo321 says...

^ Psychologic
I agree with you that it wouldn't be possible to pass a single payer bill now, as the senate would destroy any bill put forward.
However, my speculation is that I don't think Obama wanted a universal healthcare bill to pass in the first place. At least that's what all of his tactics have suggested as well as his closed door deals with the pharmaceutical industry last month.
I'm not out to bash Obama in and of himself, I just notice that his actions are a continuation of a long run series of policies.
for instance the US stopped with praise close to 40 million dollars in aid to Honduras, and at the same time with little press gave over 130 million to the IMF to go towards Honduras. Also while we're having these g20 talks towards re-regulating the finacial markets, which are non binding, the US is still going through, with Timothy Geitner at the helm, with the binding WTO measures to further deregulate the markets. The key measure to that WTO agreement is that the size of the financial institution cannot be descriminated against.
Anyway maybe I'm rambling, I guess my point is that the evidence suggests that the executive branch is fully representing high end financial institutions.

Bush Was Warned About Katrina

Rotty says...

Good points, WP. But you see, this is not a forum for actual truth and accountability, it's a group therapy session for the like-"minded". I'd bet if the lefties were in charge during Katrina, things wouldn't have been much different, including the righties blaming the lefties for fucking up. Just look who Obammy picked to solve our current economic problems: Timothy Geithner...hahaha

- Tax cheat
- Bilderberg
- Kissinger lackey

The only jobs created so far have been accountants for the banks and auto companies to count the bailout monies coming in.

Change...what a bunch of bullshit.

How to convert from Hindu to Christianity

California can't pass a state budget, and I found a blog... (Politics Talk Post)

marinara says...

i read in the latimes article netrunner has linked for us, this shocker:

"There was other grim news, as federal officials delivered a sobering response to the state's pleas for short-term help to pay its bills. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner raised doubt that he has the authority to guarantee the loans California needs to avoid running out of cash in the next few months."

It's not clear, but it looks like even silence would have helped democrats more. I think Geithner is openly helping Swartzenegger in this case. But I have an active imagination. In my mentality the banks actually try and make a profit without considering the effects.

rychan (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

Congrats, im officially grossed out for the rest of the day. (and that says a lot) How the fuck am i supposed to eat pasta now that ive seen that?!?

In reply to this comment by rychan:
And another expert says it's NOT Bryozoan:
"Dr. Timothy S. Wood who is an expert on freshwater bryozoa and an officer with the International Bryozoology Association. I sent along the video and this was his reponse…

Thanks for the video – I had not see it before. No, these are not bryozoans! They are clumps of annelid worms, almost certainly tubificids (Naididae, probably genus Tubifex). Normally these occur in soil and sediment, especially at the bottom and edges of polluted streams. In the photo they have apparently entered a pipeline somehow, and in the absence of soil they are coiling around each other. The contractions you see are the result of a single worm contracting and then stimulating all the others to do the same almost simultaneously, so it looks like a single big muscle contracting. Interesting video."

This video makes it a little more believable that it could be a clump of these worms
if you imagine that they would look deflated and slimy when the water in the pipe is drained.

Mystery Life Form in NC Sewer

rychan says...

And another expert says it's NOT Bryozoan:
"Dr. Timothy S. Wood who is an expert on freshwater bryozoa and an officer with the International Bryozoology Association. I sent along the video and this was his reponse…

Thanks for the video – I had not see it before. No, these are not bryozoans! They are clumps of annelid worms, almost certainly tubificids (Naididae, probably genus Tubifex). Normally these occur in soil and sediment, especially at the bottom and edges of polluted streams. In the photo they have apparently entered a pipeline somehow, and in the absence of soil they are coiling around each other. The contractions you see are the result of a single worm contracting and then stimulating all the others to do the same almost simultaneously, so it looks like a single big muscle contracting. Interesting video."

This video makes it a little more believable that it could be a clump of these worms
if you imagine that they would look deflated and slimy when the water in the pipe is drained.

Manifesting the Mind: Sneak Preview

Trancecoach says...

This film is the first in a series of three films discussing various aspects of shamanism. This first film, Manifesting the Mind, is a broad look at psychedelics in general. Why are psychedelics so brutally suppressed in our culture? What exactly are some of the psychedelic plants and chemicals and how can they benefit us? With philosophy and insight from Denis McKenna, Daniel Pinchbeck, Alex Grey, and many others, this film is not to be missed by anyone interested in psychedelics and shamanism.

Interviews include - Robert Bussinger, Mike Crowley, Timothy Freke, Peter Gandy, Alex Grey, Clark Heinrich, Nick Herbert, John Major Jenkins, Dennis McKenna, Terence McKenna, Daniel Pinchbeck, Dr. Rick Strassman, and others.

Too Close to Grizzlies?

ElJardinero says...

>> ^alizarin:
Apparently this man has never heard of Timothy Treadwell

Actually, he has.

He says that the difference between them is that he sits at his cabin and the bears come to him, while Timothy put up a tent in bear country.

Too Close to Grizzlies?

People with middle name initials that spell A.C.E. (Mystery Talk Post)

Throbbin says...

You wanna some REALLY weird middle-name stuph?


The Classic Middle Name (all-new!)
Arrested Recently and Awaiting Trial for Murder: Kevin Wayne Dunlap, Hopkinsville, Ky., October; Richard Wayne Smith, Marietta, Ga., January; Joshua Wayne Cubbage, St. Helens, Ore., February; Timothy Wayne Murray, Slidell, La., convicted on a 2005 cocaine possession charge in March 2009 while awaiting trial for a 2006 murder. Indicted for Murder: Arnold Wayne McCartney, Lewis County, W.Va., March; Arthur Wayne Blood, Pendleton, Ore., March. Convicted of Murder: Michael Wayne Charles, Beaumont, Texas, October; John Wayne Graves Jr., Lancaster, Pa., November; Michael Wayne Sherrill, Charlotte, N.C., February; Douglas Wayne Hall II, Richmond, Ky., February. Sentenced for Murder: Charles Wayne Warden, Brownsville, Texas, January. Murder Conviction Upheld on Appeal: Thomas Wayne Weaver, Gastonia, N.C., February. Executed for Murder: Kenneth Wayne Morris, Huntsville, Texas, March. Died in Prison Awaiting Retrial for Murder: Michael Wayne Jennings, Martinez, Calif., convicted of murder in 1984 but granted a retrial in 2002. Dunlap: [Times Leader (Princeton, Ky.)-AP, 10-27-08] Smith: [Marietta Daily Journal, 1-12-09] Cubbage: [South County Spotlight (Portland, Ore.), 3-4-09] Murray: [Times-Picayune (New Orleans), 3-3-09] McCartney: [MSNBC-WBOY-TV (Clarksburg, W.Va.), 3-4-09] Blood: [KTVZ-TV (Bend, Ore.)-AP, 3-5-09] Charles: [Beaumont Enterprise, 10-30-08] Graves: [Lancaster New Era, 11-7-08] Sherrill: [Charlotte Observer, 2-20-09] Hall: [Lexington Herald-Leader, 2-28-09] Warden: [Brownsville Herald, 1-30-09] Weaver: [Charlotte Observer, 2-25-09] Morris: [United Press International, 3-5-09] Jennings: [Contra Costa Times, 3-3-09]

And this is not a one-off phenomenon - the site lists murderers with Wayne as a middle name every few weeks.


Ron Paul volunteer detained by TSA agents for having cash

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