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"Obama Is An Arab"-Says McCain Volunteer In Letters

thepinky says...

>> ^rottenseed:
>> ^thepinky:
>> ^thinker247:
And what would happen if Keith Ellison, the Muslim Congressman from Minnesota, was to run for President? Has he tried to take over America with jihad?
Everybody uses the world Muslim like it's equivalent with terrorist. In that vein, I could call every Christian in this country Timothy McVeigh.
I can't get way from these moronic McCain supporters who think that Obama is a Muslim, as if that would be a bad thing.
Holy fuck.

Yeah, they're kind of like the HUGE group of people who chose Mitt Romney's Mormonism as a reason not to vote for him. The fact of the matter is that people are still very bigoted when it comes to religion in this country. Everyone, including Atheists, could use a good dose of tolerance and humility.
The largest Christian church in this area is almost openly hostile against members of my church. I sometimes wonder if they have ANY idea what Jesus Christ stood for.

maybe it's because Mitt Romney is a douche...maybe it's because mormon's take an already ridiculous religion and make it more ridiculous...
...and yes I'm aware that you are Mormon. You seem like a bright person, maybe you'll figure it out one day.
oh and Mitt Romney is not a douche I just have to include that word in every 3rd comment I post.

I love it when I talk about bigots and then am provided with a perfect example of one.

The question is not whether or not the religion is ridiculous. People tend to forget that. Let's think about this. If Obama DID happen to be Muslim, would it be okay to use that as a reason not to vote for him? I'm simply pointing out that people used Romney's religion in the same way. If you think that this is okay for Romney but not for Obama because "Mormons take an already ridiculous religion and make it more ridiculous," then you're exemplifying the worst kind of double standard.

And, yes, I'm aware that you are an ignorant bigot. You seem like a bright person, maybe you'll figure it out one day.

"Obama Is An Arab"-Says McCain Volunteer In Letters

rottenseed says...

>> ^thepinky:
>> ^thinker247:
And what would happen if Keith Ellison, the Muslim Congressman from Minnesota, was to run for President? Has he tried to take over America with jihad?
Everybody uses the world Muslim like it's equivalent with terrorist. In that vein, I could call every Christian in this country Timothy McVeigh.
I can't get way from these moronic McCain supporters who think that Obama is a Muslim, as if that would be a bad thing.
Holy fuck.

Yeah, they're kind of like the HUGE group of people who chose Mitt Romney's Mormonism as a reason not to vote for him. The fact of the matter is that people are still very bigoted when it comes to religion in this country. Everyone, including Atheists, could use a good dose of tolerance and humility.
The largest Christian church in this area is almost openly hostile against members of my church. I sometimes wonder if they have ANY idea what Jesus Christ stood for.

maybe it's because Mitt Romney is a douche...maybe it's because mormon's take an already ridiculous religion and make it more ridiculous...

...and yes I'm aware that you are Mormon. You seem like a bright person, maybe you'll figure it out one day.

oh and Mitt Romney is not a douche I just have to include that word in every 3rd comment I post.

Eagle Eye: dumbshit pie (spoilers ahead) (Blog Entry by dag)

blankfist says...

I'm not one of those Bond purists that think Connery is the only Bond, although he is the best. And, I think I exist in the minority of most film snobs because I think George Lazenby was a terribly Bond and OHMSS was one of the worst Bond flicks. Not the worst. No, Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton probably served up the worst of Bond. The new Bond is great.

Sarzy: "desperate attempt to contemporize Bond". Of course it is. Did you not think the Roger Moore Bonds were trying to do the same? Moonraker? Come on. That crap was nothing but 80s garbage and we loved it. When's the last time you've seen a Bond drive an Aston Martin DB5?

"Obama Is An Arab"-Says McCain Volunteer In Letters

thepinky says...

>> ^thinker247:
And what would happen if Keith Ellison, the Muslim Congressman from Minnesota, was to run for President? Has he tried to take over America with jihad?
Everybody uses the world Muslim like it's equivalent with terrorist. In that vein, I could call every Christian in this country Timothy McVeigh.
I can't get way from these moronic McCain supporters who think that Obama is a Muslim, as if that would be a bad thing.
Holy fuck.

Yeah, they're kind of like the HUGE group of people who chose Mitt Romney's Mormonism as a reason not to vote for him. The fact of the matter is that people are still very bigoted when it comes to religion in this country. Everyone, including Atheists, could use a good dose of tolerance and humility.

The largest Christian church in this area is almost openly hostile against members of my church. I sometimes wonder if they have ANY idea what Jesus Christ stood for.

"Obama Is An Arab"-Says McCain Volunteer In Letters

thinker247 says...

And what would happen if Keith Ellison, the Muslim Congressman from Minnesota, was to run for President? Has he tried to take over America with jihad?

Everybody uses the world Muslim like it's equivalent with terrorist. In that vein, I could call every Christian in this country Timothy McVeigh.

I can't get way from these moronic McCain supporters who think that Obama is a Muslim, as if that would be a bad thing.

Holy fuck.

Sam Harris: What happens if you really follow the bible

gwiz665 says...

In other words, it's pure fiction.

>> ^Dadeeo:
Sam Harris is clueless and clearly a forerunner of the Beast. I pity people like Mr. Harris that will lead others to destruction, his will be the greater damnation. No one that has read the Scriptures with a open prayerful mind, and knowledge of their own need of salvation, could come to those ignorant conclusions.
Anyone who reads the Bible should know 2nd Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Then "Rightly Dividing" the word of God we understand that Scripture is given to us THOUGH the writings of holy men INSPIRED BY God. There is no conflict, the Bible was written by men and still is the Holy Word of God.

Sam Harris: What happens if you really follow the bible

Blocky says...

>> ^Dadeeo:
Anyone who reads the Bible should know 2nd Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Then "Rightly Dividing" the word of God we understand that Scripture is given to us THOUGH the writings of holy men INSPIRED BY God. There is no conflict, the Bible was written by men and still is the Holy Word of God.

The last part is the point that drives me insane when discussing Evolution vs Creationism. If The bible was written by men and should be interpreted with an "open prayerful mind", why is the supposed science and natural history in it all fact?

How can some parts to be interpreted, while others to be taught as fact with no rhyme or reason.

Sam Harris: What happens if you really follow the bible

Shepppard says...

>> ^Dadeeo:
Sam Harris is clueless and clearly a forerunner of the Beast. I pity people like Mr. Harris that will lead others to destruction, his will be the greater damnation. No one that has read the Scriptures with a open prayerful mind, and knowledge of their own need of salvation, could come to those ignorant conclusions.
Anyone who reads the Bible should know 2nd Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Then "Rightly Dividing" the word of God we understand that Scripture is given to us THOUGH the writings of holy men INSPIRED BY God. There is no conflict, the Bible was written by men and still is the Holy Word of God.

I fail to see how this affects anything in the video.

The beginning of the video is talking about how you used to stone women who weren't vigrins on their wedding night, Gays, and children that talked back.

You follow a book that from your own words has been written by men who were inspired by god, and he's telling us to kill people?

You clearly aren't aware of how people stand on the sift, you may feel more comfortable on godtube.

See, to me, if there truly is a higher power that created life, he wouldn't have made mistakes. He wouldn't have made people who enjoy the company of the same sex by accident, he wouldn't have given children free will to talk back to their parents, and he certainly wouldn't have given women the ability to have sex before they were married. See, had god not wanted things to be that way, he wouldn't have made them that way.

But, something just tells me that the all-powerfull being, doesn't make mistakes.

Sam Harris: What happens if you really follow the bible

11527 says...

Sam Harris is clueless and clearly a forerunner of the Beast. I pity people like Mr. Harris that will lead others to destruction, his will be the greater damnation. No one that has read the Scriptures with a open prayerful mind, and knowledge of their own need of salvation, could come to those ignorant conclusions.

Anyone who reads the Bible should know 2nd Timothy 3:16 "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
Then "Rightly Dividing" the word of God we understand that Scripture is given to us THOUGH the writings of holy men INSPIRED BY God. There is no conflict, the Bible was written by men and still is the Holy Word of God.

Man takes a bubble bath in Burger King sink!

mintbbb says...

I live in Ohio, and this was posted today in local 10TVNews's site:
(*chuckle* 'The video had been removed by Tuesday night.')

XENIA, Ohio — Burger King Corp. said Tuesday it has parted ways with an employee who was recorded taking a soapy bath in the restaurant's utility sink.

The nearly four-minute video, which was posted Thursday on, shows him taking the bath to celebrate his birthday. The employee, Timothy Tackett, refers to himself only as "Mr. Unstable" in the video and appears to be naked.

Tackett, 25, told Dayton television station WDTN that he made the video for his MySpace page because it was his birthday and he wanted to do something to entertain fans and friends who follow his aspirations to become a full-time singer. The video had been removed by Tuesday night.

Tackett said he would like to apologize to Burger King Corp., and he said he regretted taking the bath because it led to the firing of the employee who did the recording, as well as the restaurant's shift manager.

"She had three cash registers and a safe open," he said Tuesday in an interview posted on WDTN's Web site. "What can you do when an employee is already in the sink?"

Tackett said he's also pleased that more people have gone to his MySpace page in recent days to listen to his music because of the attention he's received from the video.

Burger King spokeswoman Denise Wilson said earlier Tuesday that two employees involved in the incident were fired and another quit. She declined to identify the employees or say whether the man who took the bath quit or was fired. Tackett said he was fired.

The sink is used to clean large pieces of equipment, said Greene County Health Commissioner Mark McDonnell. Bacteria or viruses on the skin could have potentially contaminated equipment, but there have been no reports of any customers becoming ill.

McDonnell said he dispatched an inspector to the restaurant, but at that point the restaurant had sterilized the sink. Tackett told WDTN he spent more than an hour cleaning the sink just after the bath.

Miami-based Burger King, the nation's No. 2 hamburger chain, said in a statement that it also disposed of all kitchen tools and utensils used in the incident and is retraining the staff in health and sanitation procedures.

Tackett said the restaurant's regular customers shouldn't worry about eating there again.

"It's totally a safe place to eat," he told the TV station. "I would eat there still, but I'm not allowed."

Scott McClellan Exposes Fox Network

MrConrads says...

At what point is this going to stop being an issue of free speech and "journalism" and start being called for what it really is? Fox "news" represents a clear and present domestic threat to the American people and consitution and they should be treated no differently than the Timothy McVeighs and Terry Nicholes of this country.
Those at fox hind behind a veil of patriotism yet fight for a state that would operate in direct contradiction to its original founding and purpose.
This is not a matter of just turning off something you don't like or don't agree with or chocking it up to them being up to their ol tricks as usual, this is a matter of a state sponsored propaganda/terrorist machine working to silence those who disagree with it.

8369 (Member Profile)

A grizzly bear gnawed on my brain

Ignorant Bigot Needs A Science Class.

12433 says...

Hey! I see there’s a lot of Cafeteria Christians out there – you know, those folk who pick and choose which bits of the Bible that they think you ought to believe. Why, they tell you that you should “love your neighbour” and “We’re all equal”… They aren’t Christians, they are people who’ve never read the Bible and have no Faith in God’s Word – they are leading you astray like false prophets.

Let’s see what the Bible really says about homosexuality - the Bible (and don’t forget, that’s God’s words) calls this an abomination (Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13) punishable by death.

Now, how can I be a Christian and love my sodomite neighbour when God says I must stone him to death? That’s heavy stuff! But that’s God’s Word, and God’s Word is absolute and immutable. Anyone who says he or she’s a True Christian accepts this happily because it is God’s Word and God never lies.

Here are some more of God’s unchanging laws:

*A woman who is raped must marry her rapist. (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)
*A woman who is found to have lost her virginity before her wedding night must be put to death. (Deuteronomy 22:20-21)
*Anyone who strikes (Exodus 21:15) or curses (Leviticus 20:9) his parents must be put to death.
*Anyone who works on Sunday must be put to death (Exodus 31:12-15). That includes homework! ;-)
*Anyone who follows another religion must be put to death. (Exodus 22:19) Notice a pattern here?
*Soldiers may rape their enemies’ wives and enslave their children. (Deuteronomy 20:10-14)
*In some cases, even children and infants must be slaughtered. (1 Samuel 15:2-3)
*Women must never be teachers, and must obey men’s authority in silence. (1 Timothy 2:12)
*He who refuses to kill in the name of God is cursed. (Jeremiah 48:10)

And while these laws are in the Old Testament, all of them apply today. Jesus said so.

“For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” (Matthew 5:18) .. so what Christ is saying here is that the Old Testament is still God’s Law or as Jesus says in Mark 10:34…“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” (Matthew 10:34)

My favorite passage in the Bible is 2 Kings 2:23-24, in which God sends she-bears to tear apart forty-two children for the crime of laughing at a bald man. What’s yours?


Aemaeth says...

>> ^wraith:
Do you have any evidence supporting this? I mean ANY envidence?

Of course. You can find "evidence" to support pretty much whatever you want to say. You've already heard quite a bit from Wynder, but if you need more just google "guns reduce crime" and read any of the 447,000 hits on that. It's difficult to compare country for country because we have such different cultures. Unfortunately, we have a culture that is more accepting of violent crime than others, so we tend to experience more violent crime.

You are right Guns, on their own, don't kill people, but they make it so much easier.
And consider this: Have you ever read a news story like, "...and then ten year old Bobby, while showing off his father's kitchen knife, accidentally stabbed his four year old brother thrity times in the chest."?

I've heard that the exact number of times I've heard that about getting SHOT thirty times. If you have to reload, it's not an accident. Now, I'm not saying I'm in favor of COMPLETE LACK OF CONTROL of all guns. I believe that you should be QUALIFIED to own a gun and undertake the necessary gun safety training. If your kids can get into your guns, you should be held criminally responsible for accidents. Lock them up, don't keep them loaded, don't teach them how to use them until they know how to do it safely, use extra safeties, etc. My father owned about a half dozen guns while I was growing up. I first shot a gun when I was four, but before then it was firmly impressed on my mind that guns are DANGEROUS if not handled properly. I knew that I had better NEVER get them out for any reason. My father never treated them like a toy, so I never thought that I should.

At this point, I own ZERO guns. I have two small boys and don't feel I have the means to safely store them in a way that will keep everyone safe, so I don't.

That reminds me of the segement from "Bowling For Columbine", where Moore asks that Gun-toting nut-job cousin of Timothy McVeigh if he thinks that under the 2nd Ammendement, US-citizens should be allowed to posses Anthrax or nuclear weapons. Gues, what the guy answers...:-)

Sorry, I don't think Michael Moore has a terrific corner on truth. I also don't think the opinion "nut-jobs" matters much. My point still stands. I certainly don't think either of those options would be good for fighting a revolution because where would we all live when it was over? Your point is fallacious, I'm afraid. If the question was, should people own tanks, my answer would be maybe. We would need a way to properly police and control it, the same way we do with guns.

Aehm. Evidence? If you mean that gun-control, in coutries who practice it, does not lead to a totally gun-free society, then you should also say that laws don't work and costitutions don't work.

Didn't you already ask for evidence? I agree, the laws don't work, but it's because they are built on a flawed concept. I'd be interested to see how many violent crimes are committed by individuals who follow all gun laws versus breaking them in the process.

Consider something for a moment: let's say we buy into the fear-inspiring arguments that are presented that Bush cancels the November election, disbands congress, and declares himself president for life. What would you do? Would you live in a police state for the rest of your life? Would you pick up rocks and start throwing them at tanks? Would you take a gun and vainly fight the tanks? Don't we need some kind of way to even the odds, so our "by the people, for the people" government and way of life is protected by and the for the same, instead of by permission, for the man?

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