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Honest Trailers - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

lucky760 says...

Please tell me someone else gets the Budnick reference. LMFAHS.

Anyone? Anyone? Bobby Budnick? Ringing any bells?

Camp Anawana we hold you in our heart and when we think about you it makes me wanna fart.

Salute Your Shorts. See also: Hey Dude.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

radx says...

Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, had this to say about the referendum in Ireland: "I think that you cannot just talk of a defeat for Christian principles, but of a defeat for humanity."

Stay classy, Vatican!

chicchorea (Member Profile)

rougy says...

I am so happy you thought of me and said hello. I was thinking of you, too.

I lost my little doggie, Tess, about two weeks ago, and it really sucked the wind out of my sails. She started breathing funny on Wednesday, and she was dead Thursday night. I had to shoot her, because I couldn't stand to watch her suffer. I'll always second guess myself on that, but she was breathing so hard her tongue was turning if I could have hugged her back to life.

When I pulled the trigger...I realized in the coldest measure of reality...that a chapter of my life had come to an end.

Twelve years, that little shit followed me through thick and thin and I never thought much about it. I loved her, of course, that she's gone...a part of me has died as well.

I'm a bad Buddhist, I guess...this is all chapter and verse....

On the global field, I feel like we have met, or are approaching, the end of an epoch. Out with the olde, in with the new. Kind of hoping it's not WW-III and all...but I can sense a significant change in the works.

I hope you are well, too, and happy, genuinely happy.

This shot of tequila is for you. May you laugh and smile for no reason at all, soon, and for days on end.

chicchorea said:

...been thinking about you for a while.

I hope where ever you are you are seeing far and clearly and like all you see.

Be well and happy my friend.

rougy (Member Profile)

Louis CK Probably won't be Invited back to SNL after this

ChaosEngine says...

Being super pedantic, but I think what you're calling "prejudice" is actually "stereotype".

A stereotype is basically a view that because X is true of most members of Y, it's probably true of an individual in Y. The view itself might be accurate or inaccurate, and it can be positive or negative, i.e. all Asians are good at math, but also bad drivers,
all Irish are alcoholics, but also great story tellers, etc.

Prejudice does imply judgement. It's right there in the name... it literally means pre-judgement.

JustSaying said:

Now saying "I bet all black people like listening to R'nB music" is just prejudice. There's no judgement here. Right? Unless you consider "he listens to R'n'B" an insult. How about "all polish people love ice cream"? Did you just imply polish people are all fat?
The difference between prejudice and racist prejudice lies entirely in subtext and context. It's not what you say, it's what you mean.
Prejudice is a tightrope made of blurry lines spanning over a pit of outrage. That's why politicians should not walk that way.
Being aware of differences between race, ethnic groups and talking about is simply being hones and probably not giving a shit about political correctness. We ARE different. That's the interesting part.

Should gay people be allowed to marry?

JustSaying jokingly says...

That's a great way of thinking. So, you'll be cool with our new "all christian men gonna be pimped out in homosexual brothels" laws we'll pass then. Better start stashing lube for your grandsons now! I think they may need it when they find out the true meaning of the word "blowback".

bobknight33 said:

I agree that religious trend is slipping toward zero. But until then the tables are still turned.

Is the Universe a Computer Simulation?

shinyblurry says...

Newtboy, I know that I am wearing glasses. The problem is that you don't think you're wearing any. I see everything through the lens of the word of God, you see it through the lens of humanistic naturalism. We both have what is called a worldview:

Your worldview is grounded on your belief in certain axioms:

A belief such as the scientific method being the best way to understand the natural world is an axiom. The problem with that belief is that you cannot prove that using the scientific method. It isn't a self-evident truth, it is based on unprovable assumptions. That is the fundamental issue which creates what is called the problem of induction which "calls into question..all empirical claims made by the scientific method"

If you don't think you have a worldview, or don't know what the axioms of your worldview are, then I am sorry to break this to you but you sir are the one walking around completely blind. You believe your filter is wide when it is actually very narrow.

It's easy to think that you're getting a good overall picture when actually you have simply selected sources of information which agree with your underlying assumptions about what you already believe. You are then simply living in an echo chamber.

You also forget that I used to be an agnostic and I understand that point of view. It's not my failure to understand the atheist and the agnostic, it is that I understand them all too well. I rejected that point of view when I found out there was a God. When you find out there is a God your entire worldview will shatter and fall into itsy bitsy little pieces, and you'll marvel that could be so ignorant as to miss the complete obvious:

Which is that It's completely obvious that the Universe was created and is maintained by an all powerful Creator, it isn't something anyone has to strain to look for. The majesty of Gods creation is constantly surrounding us, and our very existence at this moment is proof positive of that fact.

The theory of Intelligent Design looks for design features in the "code" of the Universe. For a good overview for the application of Intelligent Design to many other fields of science, check this out:

newtboy said:

Yes, intelligent design is a valid theory

WTF Cops?! - Two Racist Texts and a Lie

newtboy says...

I'll disagree.
Non-racists don't make racist jokes. Period. They are disturbed by racist speech, they don't play around with it with friends for fun.
Perhaps you aren't overtly racist, perhaps you consciously make an effort to not discriminate against other races. You could still be racist.
There are many levels of racism.
I think what you describe is a form of what's called 'tacit racism', where (at least publicly) you don't say racist things, but aren't disturbed by others saying them, certainly not enough to say so.
Consider....when someone makes a bad taste, but funny, racist joke in public, do you glare at them, or smile at them, or both? If you find humor in degrading other races, even in private, that's a form/level of racism...IMO. (I think most people will fall into that category of being 'slightly racist', including myself to be perfectly honest, while trying to not let that make them discriminate against others or act on that racism)
Maybe I misunderstand you, but that's how it sounded to me.

heropsycho said:

The only thing I will say is just because blatantly racist jokes are said, that doesn't automatically mean someone is racist.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

newtboy says...

Using your numbers, I'll ask you, why should an employer be allowed to pay an employee $33 a day for full time work? (this issue only covers full time employees)

Now I'll answer YOUR question...employers and the fed should pay for at least that much time off because it's been proven that spending that time statistically reduces the time they'll have to take off caring for that child later, saving work time, child illness, AND healthcare money. It's short sighted VS long term thinking. If you only count today and never consider tomorrow, maternity leave is money wasted...if you DO look at tomorrow, it's an incredibly good investment in uncountable ways.

bobknight33 said:

Using @MilkmanDan experience as the example.

Why should an employer give you $1500 to 5 grand to take off 45 days?
If I were in an accident or such should I get such a paid vacation?

Americans are already paying for paid maternity time off but its not for average Americans.

President Obama signed a presidential memorandum ordering agencies to give federal workers six weeks of paid leave to care for a new child or take care of ill family members.

World's First $9 Computer

Sniper007 says...

It looks like the Beagleboard Black has similar specs. But it's $55. That's more than a few dollars difference.

I'm thinking if you can get a Linux distro with a GUI, a word program, a MS Paint type program, and support for a USB hub, you can turn it into a full fleged computer experience for $9 (+cost of USB Hub-$7, USB keyboard-$7, & USB mouse-$7). Assuming the user already has a composite capable TV. Oh, and you'd need a video adapter. Haven't priced those yet.

Anything keeping that from happening?

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

lantern53 says...

Well it seems we have a situation where people take a lot of comfort and think their beliefs are confirmed by accusing others of being racist.

I think bobknight believes in treating everyone the same, which would make him the opposite of being a racist.

Others here seem to think that you must treat others differently, which flies in the face of equality.

Deray McKesson: Eloquent, Focused Smackdown of Wolf Blitzer

lantern53 says...

As long as you let what you think other people think affect you, you will not succeed.

You are so ate up with hatred you will never succeed.

You need to get off your pity train because it's going nowhere.

Maybe I've never been called a 'nigger', but when I was a child, my own grandfather said I'd never amount to a hill of beans.

There are millions of successful minority people in this country and they don't let other people's prejudices get in the way of their life.

You think you are surrounded by racism. You use that as an excuse.
Why don't you try and overcome it instead of letting it eat you out from the inside.

I grew up in a lower middle class environment, one working parent who dropped out of high school in the 9th grade. My dad taught himself everything he needed to know, became an accomplished pilot and treated the world as his stepstool. He taught us to be positive. We had no money for college so I did 3 easy years in the Army. I met a lot of black guys who had awesome attitudes and wouldn't let what someone else thought get in their way.
When I got out I went to college, a good one because they didn't want to turn down a veteran, even though my high school grades were mediocre.
I graduated and got a good job with the gov't, by the grace of God. I work with minorities. One of the smartest people we have is a girl who has a degree from William and Mary. She doesn't let her skin color hold her back.

I feel sorry for you because all you have to hold on to is this 'racism'. You let it defeat you. It is bigger than you. Until you decide otherwise.

A Summary Of Steam's Stupidest Move Yet!

newtboy says...

Actually, you seem to have said it's up to Valve and the game developer (also Valve often enough), not the mod developer. Did I misunderstand?

True, you didn't do a break down of the 75% (apparently actually 70%?)....but in the case of Valve games, Valve gets 75% (70%?) and the mod developer 25-30%.

The mod maker seems to not get the option of making their mod least that's how I read your description and took the video.
It makes sense to me that the mod maker only gets 25-30%....they only worked with the tools that the game developer spent hundreds of thousands-millions to develop. I think if you count total man hours to create, they would be getting over paid quite a bit at 25%. It's like saying people who write fan fiction should get 75% of anything they can make, and the series creators and distributers should split what's left.

I think they should leave it up to the mod developers how much to charge, but I can support the split. If you make a good mod that 100000 people 'buy' for $10, you just made $250000 for what amounts to playable 'fan fiction' made at home on your free time.
Just how I see it.

NaMeCaF said:

I mentioned that pretty clearly in the description. And it wasnt originally going to include pay what you want until the backlash started.

I also never said Valve gets the full 75%. They get their cut and the publisher of the game gets the remainder. Dont you think if their real intention was for the mod maker to make a living off their work the split would be 70-30 in favor of the mod maker? They're clearly shortchanging the mod-maker giving them only 25% and taking the rest. Which is of course going to make the mod-maker push up their price so they see more money.

Implementing built-in donations option for all mods on the workshop of which 70%-80% goes to the mod maker and the rest to Valve and the game maker makes much more sense. It doesn't close off or segregate the modding community and is a more democratic way of making sure the good, quality mods get promoted and get more money than shit, money-grubbing mods.

Bethesda has as much blame here as Valve do. And besides, both see they were completely wrong on doing this...

"We missed the mark pretty badly"

Cops Tazer Horse Thief, Then Beat And Kick Over 50 Times

dannym3141 says...

If it were left to the moderates - and you are not one, you are the other extreme - then change would never happen, because no one would be angry enough. How far would the abuse have to go, how rife would it have to be, before you got angry enough to try and change it? During the height of racism in america, you would have wondered why the million man march was necessary given that you never had any problems on your traffic stops.

I have read comments from newt praising the actions of the police when they act in ways which deserve praise.

Yet you - you never seem to rule out that a beating is unacceptable. You always add the caveat "maybe he wasn't putting his hands behind his back," (or similar) but in the same breath claim that you've never been in that situation. Perhaps if you had, you would understand that the human survival instinct is not something that can be turned off when you are being attacked.

Do you honestly, even in your closeted, warped and twisted mind, think that you can kick and punch someone in the face UNTIL they put their hands behind their back? You are excusing them on the basis that they make an impossible demand and the demand is not met.

Your guarantee is worthless, on what authority do you make it!? You have a pathetically ignorant world view in which if it works for you, it works for everyone - damn the evidence, and damn those who it doesn't work for. If your traffic stops went without a hitch, then all these videos of psychopaths in uniform are outliers and don't need to be dealt with. You're an excuse maker and an apologist for violent, dangerous individuals who are given exceptional power which they abuse.

Unless some people get angry about it, nothing will change, because people like you will always find a justification for them, and that's more reason to get angry.

lantern53 said:

Awful lot of hyperbole in some of these comments, especially from the poster, cop-hater newtboy.

The cops appear to be beating this guy w/o much cause, and that's illegal and improper. But newtboy seems to think every arrest is carried out this way.

To repeat myself, 700,000 arrests are made every year in the US. I can't predict what percentage involve illegal violence, but I can't imagine it being anywhere near even 1%.

What we can't tell by the video is whether the perp is refusing to comply by not putting his hands behind his back, etc, which would certainly justify some physical act by the cops to get compliance.

I agree that from the looks of it, it does appear to be illegal violence. But 10 deputies were suspended, so due process is being followed.

As for me, I've never been arrested. I've gotten traffic tickets, but never once did I give the officer any shit and never once was I treated unfairly. Your mileage may vary. But if you behave yourself, you are pretty much guaranteed to be left alone by the police.

Chinese People Try Panda Express For The First Time

poolcleaner says...

I married into an Asian family that run restaurants, are professional bakers, and wow, even the bad cooks can kick my ass in the kitchen. No one I've spoken to in her family has a problem with Panda Express style food ON OCCASION because the horse it's really high but it's so much more comfortable just enjoying food. Go eat a goddamn big mac, but before you take your first bite SAY OUT LOUD, "I'm just a dumb slut living on the planet earth. Eat fuck and shit motherfucker" and then eat the frelling burger. Frack you. It's good, bitch. Just stop lying to yourself, you food slut

And drink a Pabst. Hey. Asshole! Yeah YOU. Not me i know me bad but u worse so you, this I say: Go buy a 6 pack of non-lite budweiser, smoke some shitty weed out of an apple, and proclaim to the sky and no one in particular -- FUCK MY TRADITIONS AND FUCK MY AFFILIATIONS -- I will eat anything that my SLUT taste buds will enjoy. My brain may proclaim "But people and science says" -- SCIENCE and PEOPLE aren't your taste buds, bud(ette). Stop thinking what can create competition and power, the red queen effect its EVERYWHERE. When you think you're making conscious choices about your perception of food matter reacting with your taste buds, in reality your brain is making complex judgements on the world around it, cut throat and always seeking gain. You will seem to just "know" your tastes. Liar. You're competing with your surroundings. Points within time and space colliding and reacting. You don't know the difference between a tastey butt hole and the centerfold back cover of a Mad magazine.

Ok, but, don't always not think. Sometimes you must think and get vaccines and stuff. Do that. Eat orange chicken. Smoke weed. Drink a steel reserve once a month. Then go to a grocery store, buy a bunch of meat and vegetables, and FUCKING COOK BITCH. That's really the only lesson.

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