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Avicii - Levels

Newt Gingrich Mind Melds with Terence McKenna (psychedelic)

shagen454 says...

I worked in a somewhat radical, punk rock art department once. We all listened to music all day, speakers, headphones, whatever. There was a guy that worked next to me that was always blaring Mckenna fused with techno. I hated it. I still do not like McKenna mixed with music. I thought McKenna was insane. And he was to a degree, haha.

Somehow I got into to him on my own time, specifically for his DMT talks and branched out. Without the techno he is very soothing to listen to. I often put on the cassette tape series he made "True Hallucinations" just to go to sleep. Those ultimately become some very adventurous times in sleepy land.

Incredible accoustic guitarist playing techno

Ewan Dobson - Time 2

The Saddest Kitten Of All Time

Skyrim - Unarmed Badass Viking Guide


G-bar says...

So theyr'e trying to say that we'll view facebook on the side of our car, create a giant LED screen out of gazillion cars just to empower our techno music with colors, and basically have a scantily clad GPS lady that will wink.

Well wooptie fucking doo

When trance meets metal

power electro mix-superb mashup

power electro mix-superb mashup

power electro mix-superb mashup

KoRN feat skrillex-get up

EvilDeathBee says...

I really, really dislike dubstep. Usually I don't care if another evolution of techno "music" becomes popular, if people like it that's fair enough, i just don't want to hear it and can usually avoid it or ignore it. But dupstep has perverted so much and is so god damned irritating. It's everywhere and it all sounds shit to me, the same shit. That remix of the old Syndicate theme song on one of the recent trailers for the new game was the last straw.

I quite liked Korn, recent albums have been a bit of a hit and miss, but I was looking forward to hearing the latest one. Now i guess there's one song i wont be burning, which is a pity because it sounds like it might've been good. Hope there's a dubsteppless remix (oh the irony)

The Channel Depot (Sift Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^critical_d:


techno = #electronica, boats are in #water, and evil is crazy subjective. Just imagine the resident wingnuts putting every Dan Savage video in it because gay = sin.

Everything else is added.

The Channel Depot (Sift Talk Post)

NCIS- The ultimate slap in the face for computer geeks

ButterflyKisses says...

>> ^Morganth:

Ugh. My suspension of disbelief only goes so far - and I'm a SciFi nerd. Seriously, leave your brain at the door.
When shows use techno-babble crap like this to solve their problem, they really might as well say they fixed everything with magic.
Also, NCIS is miserable. The characters are so wooden it's a joke. Watch Bones on Fox.

I lost interest in Bones when watching an episode, Booth claimed that he would have supported the British during the revolutionary war, claiming that the founding fathers and revolutionaries were terrorists.

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Beggar's Canyon