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A little techno to brighten your day

BoneRemake says...

>> ^Gallowflak:

Genre obsession is retarded. Is being able to categorize music into different sorts of styles/influences useful? Sure. But I don't think very many good musicians set out to produce a certain genre's kind of music. It's the consumers, not the creators, who freak out over the genre label.

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A little techno to brighten your day

bmacs27 says...

Exactly. Electronica is a bit too broad a term for me. I mean "club music" or producer music. I don't mean synth pop or hip hop. I think Techno is understood by most people to mean something broader than Motown four on the floor or whatever. The only people that get uppity when you use that word are pedantic hipsters that know the 6 other words for that specific sub genre anyway. >> ^rottenseed:

I used to use "electronica" as a catchall and I hated when "techno" was used because techno is specific. However, I've come to realize that hip-hop, indie, alternative and pop are all electronica in many cases. Electronica describes the process (instrumentation) in making the music, not how that music is combined.>> ^bmacs27:
>> ^BoneRemake:
Techno ? this is down-tempo style of electronic.

Meh, I use techno as a catchall. If I'm talking about techno-techno I'll usually call it electro, or what have you. Besides, it's arguably ambient.

A little techno to brighten your day

rottenseed says...

I used to use "electronica" as a catchall and I hated when "techno" was used because techno is specific. However, I've come to realize that hip-hop, indie, alternative and pop are all electronica in many cases. Electronica describes the process (instrumentation) in making the music, not how that music is combined.>> ^bmacs27:

>> ^BoneRemake:
Techno ? this is down-tempo style of electronic.

Meh, I use techno as a catchall. If I'm talking about techno-techno I'll usually call it electro, or what have you. Besides, it's arguably ambient.

A little techno to brighten your day

A little techno to brighten your day

A little techno to brighten your day

A little techno to brighten your day

marinara (Member Profile)

oritteropo (Member Profile)

The Skyrim Dance

Self-Consumed Raver Thinks He Is Thor

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Rave, Thor, Viking, Berlin, Germany, Fuckparade, Technoviking, techno, viking' to 'Rave, Thor, Viking, Berlin, Germany, Fuckparade, Technoviking, techno viking' - edited by SlipperyPete

Self-Consumed Raver Thinks He Is Thor

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Rave, Thor, Viking, Berlin, Germany, Fuckparade, Technoviking' to 'Rave, Thor, Viking, Berlin, Germany, Fuckparade, Technoviking, techno, viking' - edited by SlipperyPete

Techno Viking invades Skyrim!

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