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Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

Jerykk says...

Now this is good footage. You see and hear what the cop sees and hears and you actually have context before the incident. This why all cops should wear body cams and why body cam footage should be released to the public.

The cop was entirely justified here. The suspect tried to flee the scene, refused to cooperate or comply with commands and physically resisted arrest. When the suspect repeatedly tried to keep the car door open with her legs, the cops made the correct choice in pepper-spraying her. It's very hard to close a door when someone is aggressively pushing it open. Brute force might have worked but that would have been dangerous and potentially lead to accidental injury. Pepper spray was the safest option.

And newtboy, ignoring the police is not "totally fine." In fact, it's one of the dumbest and most dangerous things you can do. Police are authority figures with the right to detain or arrest you. As such, the best way to deal with police is to listen and cooperate in a civil manner. If the girl had done that, she wouldn't have been cuffed, carried off to the police car or pepper-sprayed. I know it's cool to hate cops (and authority figures in general) but at a certain point, pride needs to give way to reason and logic.

So Much CO2 That Trees Can't Save Us

greatgooglymoogly says...


It likely is too late, as soon as these short-lived but potent gases are released it will get unpleasant very quickly. I know dumping iron in the ocean to stimulate algae growth which then sinks as acts as a carbon sink has been discussed. Also, spraying aerosols into the upper atmosphere constantly can decrease warming, but that doesn't reduce the CO2.

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

newtboy says...

Yes, and she does "come here", then he lets her get on the bike without telling her not to. It didn't look like an escape attempt to me, but may have to them. That's not the point, the point is they didn't tell her to stay there when she turned around and went back "here". It's clear to me that her problem is being touched by strangers, and had they simply told her to sit, no one would have had to touch her, and things would not have escalated.

Detained is not under arrest, so you can't be charged with resisting detainment. Ignoring the police is totally fine until they give a lawful that doesn't end with "OK?".

Again, you're assuming she was trying to flee and not just being an OCD (ADD?) teenager trying to avoid being touched. That's how she appears to me, spoiled, trouble, disrespectful, yes, but also scared, troubled, confused, and under assault.

I do think they should stop her from fleeing, (if that's what she was trying to do) I just think they should start with "sit down" or "stay right there" before manhandling a child that's just been in an accident, especially if the contention is they are "detaining" her because she might need medical treatment. "Come here" is a command satisfied when she returns "there", it does not command her to stay anywhere, no matter how logical it is to infer that.

As a citizen, you do have the right to arrest her (which they should have done if they thought she was fleeing the scene, not just "detained" her) but you had better be able to totally justify any force you use to hold should the police. The force used must be reasonable, minimal, only what's required to prevent escape, and on par with the crime she's being detained for. They might have 1 out of 4 covered in part if they stretch it.

My issue is far more about the pepper spraying her for not moving her foot rather than the manhandling, but I do think both were wrong and more about disrespect and power trips than trying to calmly handle the accident. ONce she was handcuffed and in the car, she wasn't escaping anything, nor was she a threat to anyone. The pepper spray was totally out of line. The rest is just questionable to me and absolutely not how you make the community support you, but probably not illegal.

bcglorf said:

Come here is the very first thing the cop with the body can says to her. She responds with don't f'ing touch me, dodging back around him and trying to ride off on her bike. Officer then physically restrains and tells her she IS being detained. Pretty straight so far in support of the officer unless you think ignoring the police and resisting arrest is cool.

She had very good reason to be detained as from the only report so far, she was fleeing the scene of an accident. Whether she caused it or not, tracking down teenage girl on a bike isn't going to be easy without some manner of identification first. Maybe you and I disagree this fundamentally, but in the case of fleeing the scene of an accident, not only do I think police should physically prevent that, I believe private citizens should have the right as well.

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

newtboy says...

If she was trying to escape, she wasn't trying hard. She looked like she was slowly riding circles to me.
When, exactly, do you hear them tell her to stay? I don't here them say anything of the sort before she's handcuffed, not that I think she was trying to leave.

Being detained for cooperation of investigation? You do not have to submit to handcuffing and detention without a suspected crime, and "cooperation of investigation" is not a crime I've ever heard of. Detention is not arrest, so she wasn't resisting arrest.

Because I warn you I'm going to shoot you if you don't do something, that makes it OK if I do? Hmmmm. They can legally use spray and tasers in self defense, but should not be allowed to use them as a coercion technique. She posed no threat seated in the car handcuffed, so there was no legitimate use of force, and certainly no legitimate use of weaponry.

Again, this was only detention, not arrest. I've never heard of anyone charged with resisting detention.

bcglorf said:

I'm gonna have to side with Sagemind on this and disagree. First interaction right on video with the officers there is her trying to leave the scene. They tell her to stay, and she just tries to escape anyway. At this point she IS being detained. She fights and struggles against them the entire remainder of the video. That's resisting arrest. Not once do the cops use anything resembling excessive force. Even the pepper spray at the very end is warned 2(3?) times before being used.

Sorry, but the right to actively fight and resist arrest does not exist and I do not believe it should. If you forcefully resist arrest the police not only may, but should use force to make the arrest.

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

newtboy says...

Then doesn't that mean you agree?

If you say they didn't need to spray her, you agree the police escalated to using weapons for no good reason, making them the one's more out of control. You should expect more self control from an authority figure (or 4) than you do from a scared 15 year old girl (with OCD?), should you not?

Refusing on scene medical care is reason for arrest?!? In what world? That's just insanity, even for a minor. I'm lucky that wasn't the case when I was a kid. She sure didn't seem to need medical attention...until they got hold of her that is.

They say "you're being detained for cooperation of investigation", which is not a crime, and neither is not cooperating. They should not have let her back on the bike, and should have told her to sit if they needed her to stay until they contacted a guardian, they didn't say that until after pushing her around and handcuffing her. Even then they don't give a lawful command, they ask..."...OK?". If a cop ends his command with "OK?" it's not a lawful command, it's a request. They know this. It's at least their responsibility to give the command before attacking her for not following one, imo. She didn't seem to be trying to escape to me, but she shouldn't have been allowed back on the bike at all.

I saw no need to grab her, push her around, handcuff her, and continually escalate a battle with a 15 year old to use of pepper spray because she wouldn't move her foot. That was totally uncalled for, and was use of force for contempt of cop because they were feeling disrespected, not for their safety.

I do agree, she was seemingly in the wrong in the accident and not acting like an adult....but she isn't one. They are. They were FAR from calm or collected, evidenced by the repeated violent manhandling of a girl 1/2 their size, and spraying her for trying to comply with their earlier request instead of following the current one (listen, she's saying 'let me get my phone to give you my mom's number' when they spray her...twice). I think that's the part that will bite them in the ass, because she was not a threat in any way when they sprayed her, just annoying.

Sagemind said:

Well, I have to disagree. I hate brutality as much as anyone. This girl however was uncontrollable, and all they were trying to do was ask some questions. She was uncooperative, and wouldn't let them even close the car door. (putting her foot in the door).

She wouldn't give her information, and was refusing on scene medical care while under age.

I can agree maybe they didn't need the spray, but she escalated this, not them. She got herself arrested. The police were calm, and collected through the entire ordeal.

She had no reason to loose it, and to be uncooperative.
But wait, maybe she did..., does it say she was also charged with possession. Could be she was freaked out over what her parents were going to say or do - didn't want to get caught by her parents..., unfortunately it was too late for that - she just made it worse on herself.

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

bcglorf says...

I'm gonna have to side with Sagemind on this and disagree. First interaction right on video with the officers there is her trying to leave the scene. They tell her to stay, and she just tries to escape anyway. At this point she IS being detained. She fights and struggles against them the entire remainder of the video. That's resisting arrest. Not once do the cops use anything resembling excessive force. Even the pepper spray at the very end is warned 2(3?) times before being used.

Sorry, but the right to actively fight and resist arrest does not exist and I do not believe it should. If you forcefully resist arrest the police not only may, but should use force to make the arrest.

newtboy said:

A good example of why people don't respect or work with cops.
I hope they get sued and she never works again...even though she was in the wrong, this reaction by all officers involved was insanely overboard, abusive, violent, and just created another 1000 cop haters. Without a badge, this would be totally unjustified battery with a weapon...and with a badge it still is.

Remember, the answer to every question, including "what's your name" is "ask my lawyer" or "am I being detained? I would like to leave now.".

Cop Pepper Spraying Teenage Girl

Sagemind says...

Well, I have to disagree. I hate brutality as much as anyone. This girl however was uncontrollable, and all they were trying to do was ask some questions. She was uncooperative, and wouldn't let them even close the car door. (putting her foot in the door).

She wouldn't give her information, and was refusing on scene medical care while under age.

I can agree maybe they didn't need the spray, but she escalated this, not them. She got herself arrested. The police were calm, and collected through the entire ordeal.

She had no reason to loose it, and to be uncooperative.
But wait, maybe she did..., does it say she was also charged with possession. Could be she was freaked out over what her parents were going to say or do - didn't want to get caught by her parents..., unfortunately it was too late for that - she just made it worse on herself.

Acid Bird Bath

Acid Bird Bath

ant (Member Profile)

Ants spray formic acid.

Crazy Acid Spraying Women (Ants) from Smalltalk Diaries

Ants spray formic acid.

New laser zaps mosquitoes out of the air.

transmorpher says...

This is soooooooooooooooooooooo much better than spray chemicals everywhere(especially onto crops/food). Very cool.

Of course there is also an easy solution - usually if there are mosquitos around it's hot. And well a simple fan keeps them away and keeps you cool at the same time.

Cop Vs Vicious Dogs FTW

vil says...

More like:

"This is fun, join our gang or fight us, unless youre much bigger than us, in which case we just dont want to embarass ourselves, so we will bark at you a bit but also wag our tails just to be safe, but dont turn your back or we will bite your ankle! Have any food? That sucks! This is kinda boring, sure you dont want to fight? WT actual F, pepper spray?! What, ride? What if anyone sees us? Its a strange car, look out! OK, ride. Come on man, get in and lets go!"

Payback said:

We're Gonna Kill YOU!

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