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World's Smallest 5 Axis Milling Machine - Pocket NC V2

Drone Cuts Hornet Nest In Half

CrushBug says...

That is wild.

It could be screaming at them in hornet-speak, with its 4 sets of blades. AAAAHHHHHHHDEATHTOYOUALLLLLLLAAAAAAA!!!!

It has self-defense, if any hornet heads to the drone and into the blades.

I usually just use a spray, or a flamethrower, if flammability allows.

Man exacts revenge on package thieves with a loud trap

SFOGuy says...

You would end up dying your front steps lol.


More interesting to have a triggered spray of Butyric Acid triggered at his boulders at the edge of the lawn by an electric eye AFTER the box trap is triggered.

olyar15 said:

I wonder if it would be legal to use dye packs like banks use. That way you could mark the offenders and everyone would know they were up to no good.

Fantomas (Member Profile)

Ordering 4 flaming Greek cheeses at the same time

jmd says...

Nice text book presentation of "sprinkler" water, or the really nasty stuff that sits in the pipes for years because it only moves when the sprinkler system finally goes off. You can easily see the spray starts out black and the ceiling has black marks left from the initial spray. These guys wouldn't be laughing much after this as they find their cloths now have an irremovable deathly smell.

John Oliver - Mike Pence

newtboy says...

"saying humans are born with either a penis or vagina isn't a hateful statement against people."
It absolutely is hateful to hermaphrodites, clearly saying they aren't human. Use the qualifier "usually" or "almost always".

"As for gender being something different than sex, if you define it that way"
No, you said that. I'm saying all the physical attributes of gender are changeable besides the brain, and many humans with male gonads have female brains, and vice versa. Today, gonads can be surgically changed, so where is gender? I argue it's in the brain, which today can't be changed.
Gender is different from sexuality, clearly, no?
Edit: I guess I do think gender is different from "sex", if sex is determined solely by your gonads. to who cares about gender....the bigoted bakers do. ;-)

We're talking perceived race, gender, sexuality, ethnic group, as identified by the discriminating individuals. They don't DNA scan or brain scan customers before serving (or denying) them, they react based on perception.

Skin color, that's totally changeable. Never heard of spray tans or bleach? Try watching Eddie Murphy's 'White like me'.

Odd you might argue against perception being the measure, since you seemed to argue that gays could be perceived as acceptably heterosexual by not acting on their uncontrollable urges and desires, bypassing the bigoted discrimination, essentially by lying.

Again it's about perceived ethnicity, not actual genetic heritage. Like you say, your actual heritage is unidentifiable by strangers, so less important to this discussion of public business discrimination.
If I want my wedding cake for me and Chris, and I wear my pink paisley silk shirt, leather chaps, choker, and heavy makeup to buy it that doesn't make me gay but the bigot baker would still deny me because he would assume I was.

De-Icing 2.0

De-Icing 2.0

AeroMechanical says...

I wonder how this method compares to just spraying the liquid butane and whatever directly onto the ice. I suppose it's probably not good for the rubber and polymer parts, but then, neither is fire.

De-Icing 2.0

Shelfish- The Bathroom Shelf Song

noims says...

I believe Lynx is what you call Axe body spray.

i.e. I don't blame her for trying to get rid of it, and she might be subtly trying to get rid of him too.

newtboy said:

Can anyone tell me what a tin of lynx is? Are the tins enormous?

Police K9 attacks innocent woman dumping her garbage

newtboy says...

What? Apparently we didn't watch the same thing.

They had both her arms, tight, and the third one seemed to be reasoning with the dog, while telling her "your fine" as she's held tight and repeatedly bitten. They didn't ever try to pull her away either, they held her still (probably hoping that would calm the dog enough to stop mauling her).
If it was biting one of them, they would punch, kick, taze, pepper spray, and shoot that dog. No question in my mind, I've seen dozens of instances where they did just that for far smaller, non threatening dogs.
I sure as hell wouldn't want them to hold me down where I couldn't defend myself at all while they let the dog continue to bite....that's how they did it in the 60's, and it's still not ok.

bcglorf said:

Did we watch the same video?

The officer's weren't 'just watching her get mauled and restraining her from defending herself', two of the officers were trying to pull her away from the dog and the third officer was trying to pull the dog off. If I was unlucky enough to get bitten, I'm not sure what more I'd want to officers to do. About the only faster way out is shooting the dog which is admittedly risky when it's still chewing on your arm.

Dog attacks car trying to get to cat

greatgooglymoogly says...

What a useless cop. No taser or pepper spray? Water hose? The lady should have just gotten into the car and driven off. Amazing they would both stand there doing nothing

Gigantic Hornets Nest Extraction in Louisiana

eric3579 (Member Profile)

Old Spice Rick and Morty Commercial

newtboy jokingly says...

The one true Rick wouldn't debase himself by intentionally communicating with those lesser Ricks or poison himself with spray on anti sweat stink by actually using it himself.....even for around $8000.

But I suppose you aren't a "true" fan, so you wouldn't get that.

TheFreak said:

Or if you're a true "Rick", who despises this world full of Morties and Jerries, you would use the product ironically as a dog whistle to all the other Ricks.

But I suppose you're not a "true" fan so you wouldn't get it.

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Beggar's Canyon