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Sixty Symbols - Watching paint dry

Sagemind says...

As an artist and a painter, there is nothing new here that I didn't already know or understand.
I had hoped he would zoom in more and identify the bonding precess of the latex particles.

Different types of paints bond differently. (oil, water colours, latex, acrylic, gouache, egg)

Acrylic is quite different than most paints as once the medium evaporates and the pigment binds, it cannot be redissolved.Once the barrier between the pigment particles is removed, the pigments bond to one another to become a larger particle, on and on until the paint is dry and the particles form one large piece of solid plastic - never again to be separated.

Water Colours have no binders in them at all so once the water evaporates, the pigment just drys on the paper. Re-introducing water again will lift the pigment again as the process starts over. (minus pigment particles that get caught in the tooth of the paper.)

Oil paints stick together in linseed oil and are bonded by the linseed. It causes a strong bond but oil paint can be dissolved again using the right solvents. A varnish is used not to adhere (or fix) the pigment but to both hide linseed imperfections and to protect the paint surface from scratches.

Latex paint is a rubber (unlike plastic acrylics) and the process for the drying is different again. Anyone ever watch a foam rubber pour?

With all the differences, this video gives a rather slim and elementary vision of what is going on. It's more a document of evaporation more than anything as we watch the water dissipate and leave the pigment behind to stack on itself.

I would really like to have seen the actual pigments bonding with each other. I would also have liked to have seen different paints in comparison.

Circumcision - Another Form of Child Abuse

MaxWilder says...

A friend of mine recently had his son circumcised, a day or two after he was born. After the procedure, the boy went into shock. Whether it was from blood loss or anesthetic or simply the trauma of the procedure, they never really found out. The boy was teetering on the brink of death for almost two days. I kept my mouth firmly shut, but oh how I wanted to scream at them for having the procedure done at all. Completely unnecessary.

Google circumcision and death. The number isn't terribly high compared to many dangerous things in the world, but why would you volunteer to put your baby at risk like that, even if the chances of death are slim? As others have said, let them grow up and choose for themselves.

Macho Man Randy Savage RIP - The beat goes on

Imagine If All Atheists Left America

SDGundamX says...

*lies (yes I know I can't invoke it, but after reading my comment maybe someone will be kind enough to do it for me).

The "majority" of professors are not atheist--not in the U.S. It's actually closer to 20-30%. The source they cite is for the number of university scientists that are atheist.

Also, a lot of the figures their sources cite include agnostics and atheists, which aren't the same thing. They are basically inflating their numbers. Just because a scientist on a survey says they don't know for sure if a god really exists doesn't mean said scientist doesn't practice a religion (check out how the source they cited came up with their results). In reality, scientists who describe themselves as not having a religious association (again, this does not necessarily mean they would describe themselves as atheist) have only a slim majority (52% vs. 48%) over those who do have a religious association. Another example of number inflation--they claim 10% of the US population is atheist or agnostic but the source they cite actually says that only 7.1% of the survey participants responded that way--the 10% is the number who had no response OR atheist OR agnostic. Again, they are fluffing the numbers.

And clearly, the implication that the problems of former colonized countries around world are primarily due to how much of their population is religious is a logic fail of the highest caliber. If only those poor countries had more atheists, then everything would be all right... :rolleyes

I find it a bit ironic that when religious folks misuse or abuse statistics and use poor logic to support their agenda the Sift crucifies them but when atheists do so they get 22 upvotes within seven hours. Sorry, but I gotta buck the trend.


Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women

peggedbea says...

this thread got tldr.

here's my 2 cents. an over abundance of advertising is damaging. not just for how it portrays women, not just for impressionable girls and boys who are possibly likely to grow up with a skewed sense of identity and self worth. it's just damaging. to everyone. to cultures. to the psyche. it's too much. and it's constant.

women are intelligent and can think for themselves. i'm not falling for the "you don't look like kim kardashian?!? get your fat ass some slim fast and some loreal, dye your hair, wear this underwear, smell this way, use this roller ball crunch machine you fat fucking ugly cow" ads. and neither is my daughter (so far). because we are not at all exposed to it consistently.

know what it takes to brainwash someone? a few hours a day of content and a peer group who agrees with said content. that's it. period. so you take 10 elementary school kids who watch television 2 or 3 hours a day and have them all hang out together 8 hours a day at school. eventually you will get a generation who eat doritos and snack cakes and think that their bodies and their make up and their shaving cream represent them. thats not just damaging to women. its damaging to culture. period. my complaints are not as feminist, but as a human being. enough is enough already. can we please quit buying sooo much stupid shit already?!?!??

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Yes, I do have the right to be upset, my friend. That is always my right.

I had asked in the comment stream for folks to wait to dupe it, and chic didn't honor that reasonable request. It's possible s/he didn't see it, of course.

I have solved my own distress about this by promoting the original. And chic isn't mad at me for being upset, s/he understood.

I have figured out a way to avoid this in the future -- and that is to ask the original person who called dupe to uncall it, if they agree that a greater good is served by having a greater audience of new folks see the latest posting. After all, the odds of seeing the original are slim. Then, when the new traffic has abated, we can go in and dupe and isdupe and transfer all the votes to the original.

That is a win win win solution -- the sift doesn't have duplicates, the original poster gets an infusion of new votes and folks who wouldn't stumble across the old vid still gets to see something fun or touching or soothing or informative.

I love win win win solutions.

In reply to this comment by gwiz665:
You have no right to be upset by this, as it was a dupe. The rules aren't suspended because people are suffering in Japan. If you want to post antidotes, go right ahead, but find something that isn't a dupe. Or promote/quality the original.
In reply to this comment by bareboards2:
So I don't normally get upset about actions taken on the sift, but why the bloody heck did you isdupe this so soon?

All you did was deprive some folks of a little bit of joy in a world full of horrifying images of Japan.

Nobody is going to look at the original vid right now -- it is buried in the depths.

Why would you do that? To get some dupe badge?

Sorry for going off on you -- this whole Japan thing has got me emotionally strung out. I posted this vid as an antidote. To have it arbitrarily tossed when it was doing ABSOLUTELY NO HARM is more than I can stand right now.

In reply to this comment by chicchorea:
*isdupe>> ^Ryjkyj:

Sorry, it's a great vid.

Corporations slimming portions, charging same price.

Sagemind says...

I agree with the intent of this video.

Like everyone, I don't want my food prices to go up BUT if they go up, I see the difference and adjust my grocery accordingly. Most people would never notice the package size difference, especially if the package shape is designed to actually look bigger. The fact is, they don't want the consumer to notice so they hide/disguise the idea of the package decrease. Completely dishonest in my opinion. If the commodity price goes up, reflect the price in the product so the consumer can be aware and make purposeful decisions on their product shopping.

I have been very aware of this lately. Here are some examples:

1). Chocolate bars - The new trend is to offer "Slim" chocolate bars (you know, for people who want a more controlled portion size). These chocolate bars sell at the same price as a normal bar but is half the bar.

2). Chocolate Bars again - The other day, I went out to buy a 4-pack of bars (4 family members) at Wal-mart, they were $2.50 for a bag/package. but when I looked at the weights. some brands of bars drastically less. Snickers won the heaviest at about 4.2 while some packs weighed as little as 1.8 - Less product, same price. AND

3) Restaurants - The Big Mac is roughly half the size it used to be, McDonalds has taken it's "BIG" burger and transformed it into the Lil' Mac -

4). Have you been for a Banana Split lately at Dairy Queen? What used to be the headliner treat and the biggest Sunday around has become a joke! The banana split still has three blobs of ice-cream ice-milk with a banana but the toppings have been drastically reduced to a table-spoon of topping on each blob, not even enough to cover the Ice cream.Slightly enemic on the toppings - if you ask for a little extra, be prepared to ad a couple more dollars to the already to high of a price $4.50

Of course, this is in every product - since I do the shopping for my family, I always look at size and weight. Normally, the "Brand Name" always has the smaller package/higher price, while generic and store brands almost always end up the better deal.

Corporations slimming portions, charging same price.

History of Hip-Hop Told Through Beatboxing

Extra Credits: Piracy

spawnflagger says...

I agree with DRM "punishing your customers". The only DRM I can tolerate is what Steam uses to encrypt files. And that's because Steam is more convenient than physical media and constantly-patching all your PC games.

Disagree with his notion of "always on" network connection solving the DRM problem. Ubisoft does this with their newer titles, and I don't like it. Even for single player games, like Assassins Creed 2, you have to be constantly connected. You lose your connection, game pauses or doesn't start. Ubi's servers went down too - no one could play AC2 for 6 hours the day after it was released. They claim it was a DOS attack, but likely it was unexpected demand. Oh, can't confirm it, but that DRM was already patched out and there are pirated versions of UBI games out there already. I won't purchase any new UBI game which uses this Always-On-DRM.

The reward system is up to the reseller, not up to the publisher. Truth is that resellers don't make much profit from selling new games. That is why Gamestop is always pushing their used titles (and have rewards program for it) - the profit margin is astoundingly higher. Although the publisher can offer some rebates, like if you own the prior title, you get a discount on the sequel. These are few and far between though.

I bought a PS3 to put linux on it. But that was when it first came out, and there aren't many games on it, so no compelling reason to own it. I only put linux on it to try out Cell programming. Honestly YDL was slooooowwwww on the PS3. Other than Cell programming, there's no compelling reason to put linux on a PS3. Sony was selling the PS3 at a loss, and could do so because of future profits from selling games. I'm not sure if the newer Slim models are profitable or not, but I understand them removing support for it. (my conspiracy theory is that IBM also twisted their arm, since a Cell-BE blade or workstation is $8000+). Now, I use my PS3 for games occasionally, but mostly for blu-ray. I don't feel ripped off. The PS3 still does quite a lot, just not Everything.

Disagree with "shuts off servers for favorite game" argument too. If they want to stop running "official servers" fine - but they should just release open-source version of a dedicated server for anyone who wants to run their own server, after they stopped caring about their old titles. id software consistently released the source for their entire games, not just the server.

I don't think I've ever heard of someone justifying piracy because there was no demo available...Did anyone pirate a game just to try it, then like it and buy the full version? I've heard of people buying the game, hating the DRM, then getting the crack for it so they could actually play what they paid for.

He left out high school and college students (bulk of game pirates) in the "I'm too poor" argument. They all got the consoles or PC's as presents from their parents, and can't budget $60/month for games because they aren't working. And if the parents are already paying for their housing and food, they don't want to buy their kids new games every month, so those kids do what's easy - pirate games.

In all though, I do agree with him - that you should pay for games because developers worked hard on them.

Also if you see a title that is older and discounted, and a new copy is $19.99 and the used one is $17.99 - please buy the new one, cause the developers get $0.00 from used game sales.

Texting Fountain lady, Suing mall for her own dumb actions

sadicious says...


It was a blurry picture. If you didn't tell anyone you fell in a water fountain, and then didn't say "Yes! That was me!", there would of been no damage done. Nobody would be saying "Hey! Are you that lady that fell in the fountain?". Your life would be just normal.

Opportunity is here: You can ride the viral train, learn to laugh at yourself, and enjoy the mini celebrity train, OR you can sue, make an ass of yourself, get a load of people talking trash about you for a slim chance that you might get paid. Too bad she took the low road.

Huh? Title? Just a minute...

Real Life Kick Ass(s) Offered Reality Show

Roast '11: Feelin' Fisky (Parody Talk Post)

rottenseed says...

>> ^Shepppard:
Sorry, but I'm going to have to tap out of this one.
My mom's going in for surgery, so odds of me being on a computer are slim.
Keep me in the loop for the next one, though.

How about you give me your password and I'll log in as you...that way somebody will think you can actually be funny.

ps: Hope your mom is ok, I couldn't hear her safe-word with the ball-gag in her mouth

PPS: No really, I hope your mom's surgery goes well.

Roast '11: Feelin' Fisky (Parody Talk Post)

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