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What Happens When You Crack an Egg Underwater

The Eyes Have It

ghark says...

>> ^Payback:

>> ^ghark:
>> ^artician:
I can attest to the fact that the second portrait is not shopped. It's a somewhat-famous photo from a national geographic photographer, taken in the mid-80's. I have the original print of it, and though it's possible some enhancements were done during development, I would think the effects would be quite slim compared to straight up photoshopping it.
So... there's at least one in here you can appreciate.

Agreed, they even went back and found the (National Geographic) lady many years later and confirmed it was her through retinal matching of the eyes - not via color of course, but in the documentary her eyes still looked the same as the photo.

...the pathetic part being how her "husband" had treated her over the intervening years.

Ahh yea, had forgotten that, was very sad.

The Eyes Have It

Payback says...

>> ^ghark:

>> ^artician:
I can attest to the fact that the second portrait is not shopped. It's a somewhat-famous photo from a national geographic photographer, taken in the mid-80's. I have the original print of it, and though it's possible some enhancements were done during development, I would think the effects would be quite slim compared to straight up photoshopping it.
So... there's at least one in here you can appreciate.

Agreed, they even went back and found the (National Geographic) lady many years later and confirmed it was her through retinal matching of the eyes - not via color of course, but in the documentary her eyes still looked the same as the photo.

...the pathetic part being how her "husband" had treated her over the intervening years.

The Eyes Have It

ghark says...

>> ^artician:

I can attest to the fact that the second portrait is not shopped. It's a somewhat-famous photo from a national geographic photographer, taken in the mid-80's. I have the original print of it, and though it's possible some enhancements were done during development, I would think the effects would be quite slim compared to straight up photoshopping it.
So... there's at least one in here you can appreciate.

Agreed, they even went back and found the (National Geographic) lady many years later and confirmed it was her through retinal matching of the eyes - not via color of course, but in the documentary her eyes still looked the same as the photo.

The Eyes Have It

artician says...

I can attest to the fact that the second portrait is not shopped. It's a somewhat-famous photo from a national geographic photographer, taken in the mid-80's. I have the original print of it, and though it's possible some enhancements were done during development, I would think the effects would be quite slim compared to straight up photoshopping it.

So... there's at least one in here you can appreciate.

Cheating in College

RFlagg says...

I got to go with Sepacore on this one if we are talking about the ATM just suddenly starts spitting money out on the ground without being prompted to do so and there is a mad rush for the cash.
First I highly doubt they record every single serial number they put into the ATM. The bank people are paid by the hour, and banks are among, if not the, the most profitable business per dollar earned, so they wouldn't waste time counting every single serial number. They do count the total dollars in and out before that teller leaves for the day. Now there is a slim chance it can read the number as it spits it out, but I have to doubt it is doing that.
Second, as pointed out, the money is traded too fast. Let's say the ATM spit out $2000, and you got $80 in the mad rush. Odds are that money will be spent before the bank/FBI and everyone gets involved in looking over the video. Then that money is likely to have been given as change. So even in the unlikely event that the ATM has an optical scanner to read the numbers it dispenses, it would be useless as the money would have traded hands too many times by the time they put a trace on it... even if it had an RFID chip in it, it would be too late.
That all said, the video does have you. They might not know how much you took or which ones you took, but the video does have you taking some in the mad rush. They will likely eventually ask you to return what you took. So Yogi is in part right on that one...
Now. If we are are simply talking about the ATM gives out some extra money out when you do a withdraw (you withdraw $80 and it accidentally gives you $100) and don't return it, then they probably be able to tell when it malfunctioned, and will seek you out quickly.

Police Video: No Blood, Bruises On George Zimmerman

dystopianfuturetoday says...

How unsurprising.

Here is a comment from reddit -

Yes. Martin's nickname was 'Slim'.

And Martin was only 100 feet from his father's house down the pathway between houses where he was killed by Zimmerman.

And Martin was on the phone with his girlfriend telling her he was scared that he was being chased by some strange man. And she told him to run home.

And the initial confrontation of Martin by Zimmerman was overheard by the girlfriend who heard Zimmerman demanding to know what Martin was doing.

Every new piece of evidence continues to paint Zimmerman as a liar:


"Zimmerman said he had stepped out of his truck to check the name of the street he was on when Trayvon attacked him from behind as he walked back to his truck, police said. He said he feared for his life and fired the semiautomatic handgun he was licensed to carry because he feared for his life."

There are no street signs at the spot where Zimmerman killed Martin - it's a pedestrian walkway between the backs of houses that leads to Martin's father's house

There are no signs of grave injury to Zimmerman like he claimed or any hospital trip

There are only three streets in the entire gated community. Zimmerman didn't need to get out of SUV to check which street he was on

He didn't get 'attacked' by Martin - the girlfriend heard Zimmerman approaching Martin demanding to know what he was doing

Zimmerman expects people to believe that this 17 year kid racing home to his father's house at night in the rain while being stalked by a 250 lb unknown adult armed with a handgun suddenly turned around and attacked Zimmerman savagely enough for the nutcase to shoot Martin and leave no obvious signs of serious injury on Zimmerman's body.

Just When You Thought Islam Could Not Get Any More Pathetic

A10anis says...

>> ^bobknight33:

Islam is such a bad false pathetic murderous religion. Its bad enough they want to kill everyone who is not one of them but also treat their women like shit and kill them for what ever reason. The dog gets better treatment.
When will the world wake up and ban this religion in their countries?

It may be too late. A muslim once said; "Why are my muslim brothers blowing themselves up? All they need to do is wait". He was, of course, referring to their higher birth rate. Ironically they will be, sooner or later, in a position to bring down democracy with the self same tools of the democracy that they so detest. Selfishly, I can only say that I am glad I will be gone, and will not have to witness a theocracy dragging humanity back to the dark ages. However, maybe there is a slim chance that, as you say, the world will wake up and not sleep walk into a tyrannical, nightmarish, future.

Santorum: Obama a Snob: He Wants Your Kids to go to College

kceaton1 says...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^entr0py:
Sounds like godless liberal elitism to me. Slow down there Lenin H. Rockefeller

That's disappointing. College should kill faith. Well, maybe not kill it, but certainly wound it. If you go to higher education for a few years and you aren't exposed to ideas that make you at least question your faith, you and/or your college have failed in your education.

I agree with you, but what you are saying is EXACTLY what doesn't happen. I know many people that hold doctorate level degrees yet they still think creationism is great; even THOUGH the science they (literally) use in MANY instances is BASED on evolution and it working as purposed by many scientists--over a very long amount of time; and the evidence is ONLY getting thicker and higher not falling apart and slimming it's waistline--it's madness. BUT, the key thing here is that all of these people have one thing in common, all of them... They all wanted to learn about THEIR field, but when it came to anything else outside of it--even fields that are directly linked to their fields--it didn't matter, because they are of a single-minded process.

They happen to not be as curious as you or I and of course many other people that even when they learned a lot about what interested them, they realized that there was NO FENCE and that the rabbit hole (as it is said) keeps going. I think many other people have successfully quarantined sections of their life of from other sections. Their mind functions like the CDC and it is why we start ending up with people with seemingly underlying psychological issues like Rick Santorum, as they treat their life like it is literally a world alone unto themselves.

They can hear and see all the information you say, but unless you have gotten their curiosity they will treat it as a contamination and try to find a way to dispose of the information--meanwhile, if they have psychological problems, their brain is actively helping them in their routine.

I've been confounded as well, for a longtime. Like I said if you pay attention the one thing you SHOULD learn from EVERY class you have taken is that the rabbit hole has yet to stop. So it seems like education would in fact drive a wedge between you and any faith as you learn more, the more you should realize how much we still have to learn. It should make your faith seem even smaller than you feel compared next to the Universe if you ask me... Some people must just be too fat and get stuck in their relative rabbit hole.

Girl Falls While Texting on Live News

MilkmanDan says...

I remember people making fun of me back in gradeschool for doing the low-tech equivalent of walking-while-texting: walking-while-reading. I was good at it though, I don't recall any incidents of falling down stairs and/or wandering into traffic, etc.

Then again, if I had managed to pull a cunning stunt like that, the likelihood of being caught on news camera or somebody's mobile camera would have been slim to nonexistent compared to now. The internet age -- if there is one thing it had ruined, it is plausible deniability in these sorts of situations.

Old Spice - Bounce

Great Commercial, Wait For It...

Avicii - Levels

Avicii - Levels

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