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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Trailer #1

who are the 99%

Sagemind says...

I find it strange how they compare those that make $100,000-200,000 against the 400 richest.
In my opinion, that totally slants the figures because the majority doesn't make between 100,000 - 200,000.

I'm considered to make a (moderately) decent wage, (between $30,000-36,000.) And when you throw a mortgage on that, I'm basically broke most of the time. The bank owns the majority of my house, so I still have no wealth stored up in my home. Food on the table is slim, and clothes are second hand.

I have trouble believing that these numbers significantly represent the average home as there is still a major percentage of the population that makes less than I do.

This video needs to add that third tear of the population that make closer to the $25-50,000 mark.

I understand that they are saying that those that are earning 100,000 - 200,000 are not the issue in the 1% Vs. 99% debate. Kudos to those able to earn that wage, that's great, I agree with that premise. But, to raise the bar and use those stats, assumes that the majority of the population is in this bracket which is the false premise because we all know that's not the fact. In their equations, those making under 100,000 and even more so, those under 50,000 are being excluded from those figures entirely. Face it, this (under 50-100.000), bracket is the majority and needs fair mention in these assumptions.

TYT: Occupy Melbourne Police Vs Protesters

*Quirky Channel - Allow or Deny (User Poll by lucky760)

Ron Paul: Don't Blame All Muslims, Tea Party: BOOOOO!

Ron Paul: Don't Blame All Muslims, Tea Party: BOOOOO!

Drachen_Jager says...

That wasn't a 'boo' from the audience. That was the sound of Ron Paul's incredibly slim chance of ever being president evaporating in an instant.

Being right is irrelevant to these people. They're spoiled children who want to be told how wonderful they are. Disrupt that myth at your peril.

Horrible Canadian Rapper Celine Dion - Treat her like a lady

CornerShop- Brim full of Asha

Are you a Possibilian? Probably

westy says...

This is actually pretty dumb ,

TLDR ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
this guy invents the idea that scientists and new athiests converse in a certain way and then uses that to invent his needless Possibilian thing. ( I don't know any athiets that state that god could never exist) ( this is also why you have the word agnostic to describe if someone believes what we can or cannot know)

I have never heard famous atheists , like dawkins or sam haris for example , claim that there is catagoricaly and most deifntly no god at all or that its imposable , thay have said that all the gods as decribed in the current major religoins are rediculouse , and that it would seem from the current data that there are no gods or that the likely hood of the universe being created by a god is slim .

no ohnist scentist claims they know annything for deffinate , but only to degrees of certainty , and all profecoinal scientist I have read or listend to always promote the fact that we know so littel and its important to be open minded and not alow human bias affect things.

If you are speculating beyond the scientific tool set then you are simply a philsipher ,
I dont get why this guy is inventing a whole bunch of words and acting as if what he is talking about is something new rather than just drawing atention to what alredy exists and is the prvaling atitude in science.

Crime Fighting Mom Chases After Beer Thieves

bareboards2 says...

I'm not accusing her of any crime. I am speculating. As are you.

Why does it bother you so much that I think there is a possibility she is racist? If she isn't, good for her. If she is, wow, look at that, that is some crazy shit.

Besides, she can be right about hating lawlessness and still be a crazy ass racist. These aren't mutually exclusive points of view.

>> ^chilaxe:


"I'm just sick of the lawlessness," the 42-year-old Alvin woman said. "They knew their chances of getting caught were slim to none. Those kids would have gotten away with it, celebrated their theft and probably continue to do it."

We could speculate she's a racist. On the other hand, we could speculate she thinks it's good to stop repeat criminals because, as is often the case, she's been personally victimized by criminals like them in the past.
At worst, her crime is being excessively prosocial --behaving as if the good of society matters when it doesn't.

Crime Fighting Mom Chases After Beer Thieves

chilaxe says...


"I'm just sick of the lawlessness," the 42-year-old Alvin woman said. "They knew their chances of getting caught were slim to none. Those kids would have gotten away with it, celebrated their theft and probably continue to do it."

We could speculate she's a racist. On the other hand, we could speculate she thinks it's good to stop repeat criminals because, as is often the case, she's been personally victimized by criminals like them in the past.

At worst, her crime is being excessively prosocial --behaving as if the good of society matters when it doesn't.

On civility, name calling and the Sift (Fear Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I hope that the only favoritism I show is in the direction of star levels. eg. I would feel no compunction about banning a "p" member for calling someone a pig fucker - as the chance it's some inside joke is very slim - more likely they are just not a good fit for the community.

The reason I rescinded the ban on BF is less because it was Blankfist and more because Netrunner made it pretty clear that this is a running joke between them. I don't want to ban the word "pig fucker" - as it's very rich and descriptive. I thought Blankfist meant it with malice towards Netrunner - I misjudged.

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

It's all in print.
The insult:
The line:
The crossing:
The ban:
It was cool of Netrunner to plea for mercy and for dag to give it, but they wouldn't have done that for just anyone. You are a special, prominent member of this site. I'm not saying that dag's favoritism of you is a bad thing, it's more the kind of favoritism one family member has towards another. It's something you have earned. You have a long standing bond with dag and this web community, and that bond has allowed you to get away with things that would not have been tolerated from other sifters. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. There is no conspiracy against you.
I suppose we could summon @dag for clarification and hugs. You may be right. I may be crazy.
I agree that there are gender issues, but I'm no more inclined to call sexist language 'equality' than I would be to call racist language 'equality', but that's a whole 'nother topic. I'm up for that discussion whenever you like.
Anyway, I'm off to make dft a better person.


BoneyD says...

>> ^MaxWilder:

>> ^BoneyD:
MaxWilder Can you really blame him for lying though? For starters, it's not the first time a politician has done it (/cough Obama) and there is an incredible incentive for doing so in these sexual cases. I.e. Given that ANY instance of promiscuity, no matter how well you do your job, will result in your permanent expulsion from the field.
I can't say I'd be above lying to cover my own back, if there was even a slim chance that the whole thing will just blow over if I did.

History has shown time after time that liars get treated far worse than those who immediately own up to their mistakes. Especially for cases like this, where there were no laws broken, and he wasn't using his family values as a centerpiece of his political career.
BTW, did I miss Obama being caught in a scandal for lying? I don't remember one.

I found the lie about saying he never promised to deliver single-payer health care, a program that would literally save the lives of many many millions of Americans, far more heinous. That *should* have been a scandal, but wasn't.

Edit: BTW, I agree that he's handled this badly, he'd have come out a helluva lot better if he'd just said balls-out (sorry) "Yes, it was me and I apologise". But it's not like it's the first time a politician has lied and it sure as hell won't be the last. He didn't rape anyone, he didn't even have actual sex with anyone. I seriously don't see why we're giving so much of a shit about the sort of thing that I bet 999,000,000 other guys have done behind their wives back and then not owning up to it when challenged.


MaxWilder says...

>> ^BoneyD:

MaxWilder Can you really blame him for lying though? For starters, it's not the first time a politician has done it (/cough Obama) and there is an incredible incentive for doing so in these sexual cases. I.e. Given that ANY instance of promiscuity, no matter how well you do your job, will result in your permanent expulsion from the field.
I can't say I'd be above lying to cover my own back, if there was even a slim chance that the whole thing will just blow over if I did.

History has shown time after time that liars get treated far worse than those who immediately own up to their mistakes. Especially for cases like this, where there were no laws broken, and he wasn't using his family values as a centerpiece of his political career.

BTW, did I miss Obama being caught in a scandal for lying? I don't remember one.


BoneyD says...

@MaxWilder Can you really blame him for lying though? For starters, it's not the first time a politician has done it (/cough Obama) and there is an incredible incentive for doing so in these sexual cases. I.e. Given that ANY instance of promiscuity, no matter how well you do your job, will result in your permanent expulsion from the field.

I can't say I'd be above lying to cover my own back, if there was even a slim chance that the whole thing will just blow over if I did.

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