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The Ayahuasca Project - Film Trailer

shagen454 says...

I've always thought psychedelics would be good for treating drug addiction. But, try telling that to people who are addicted to hard stuff like China White and you know what their sentiment'll be. A person really must be up for the battle since they're definitely setting themselves up for an emotional ride of a lifetime. I'd certainly not want to be a trip sitter for a serious street crackhead haha.

This reminds me that I've gotta go get me some San Pedro while it's warm out! Have fun out there Trancecoach.

Cosplay at its finest - Dragoncon 2011

Zifnab and Ant Ascend to Galaxy Level (Sift Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

cheers guys, well done.

i briefly felt the need to sift 500 more videos just to see a tiny, psychedelic Bob Dylan logo with @dag serenading me doing his best impression of the man in some sort of high-pitched, coke-fuelled, nasal Australian accent.

QI - What'd Happen If You Pushed a Hippo in a Pool?

Stoned Ape Theory

ACLU-just say no to the war on drugs

shagen454 says...

People are changing their minds about drugs. I'm not sure but if you look to the 1990's where every kid was prescribed ritalin in junior high - once those kids got to college they started snorting it down as cocaine. "Man, it might not last as long but this shit is waaay better." (And no, I don't believe that -but it is more entertaining at least). Then on to psychedelics and natural drugs.

Don't get me wrong I don't think psychedelics will make you realize the next technological feat but society cast them out and ushered in crack & heroin & meth. And when I look at the fact that something that is non-addictive, makes one compassionate, imaginative, happy (well some ups and downs maybe) and is the sort of thing most "normal" people wouldn't want to do for a long while after even though they had a blast. And then I think about these horrific new drugs we've been seeing. It's like comparing a bowl of fruits and vegetables to pouring a bowl of battery acid on your brain.

Get over it - not all drugs are addictive or all around bad. Some "medicines" are actually very positive if taken properly. But, the government DOES have something to fear from psychedelics... and that might be a realization to an aversion of corrupted authority.

Groovy in a Far Out Kinda Way

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from '60s, psychedelic, liquid visuals, trippy' to '60s, psychedelic, liquid visuals, trippy, jerry abrams, blue cheer' - edited by Eklek

Serenity with Mixed Liquids - HD

Trancecoach says...

Very chill. Reminds me of the kind of makeshift psychedelic images The Pink Floyd used to project during their shows back in the 1970s (not that I was there, but I've seen archival footage) except in high definition and rich depth and colour.

rottenseed (Member Profile)

Trancecoach says...

For as long as it's still on youtube, I've playlisted it and submitted it to VS:

In reply to this comment by rottenseed:
What pulled me in (and what usually does as a former psychedelics connoisseur) was the music.

That being said, the songs are
1) Roy Orbison - In Dreams (if you don't know that one, get out of my house)
2) NIN - Right Where it Belongs v1
3) Burial - Forgive
4) Stereo Total - Aua

All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace

rottenseed says...

What pulled me in (and what usually does as a former psychedelics connoisseur) was the music.

That being said, the songs are
1) Roy Orbison - In Dreams (if you don't know that one, get out of my house)
2) NIN - Right Where it Belongs v1
3) Burial - Forgive
4) Stereo Total - Aua

Weirdly Wicked Nena- 99 luft ballons video

Sagemind says...

Thanks - Translation is here:
s%2F2616672.html (Edit: the darn link keeps fracturing itself after submit - just highlight/cop/paste to use the link)

Since 2007, ARTE has made a habit of upsetting its summer program to revive through music and film moments that have made our common history. After the success of the Summer of Love, held two years ago in psychedelic swirls and Summer of 70's as rich as revolts of musical creativity, celebrated last summer, here comes the 80, which we will devote every Tuesday and Thursdays this summer 2009.

>> ^BoneRemake:

Can you read this ?
maybe that will help. I think this is a recent remix as it seems more technoish.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

Dave Grohl dances to A-Ha's "Take On Me"

rosekat says...

>> ^bamdrew:

80's electro pop had a resurgence, and since maybe 2004 can be regularly heard in the mix at clubs and 'cool' bars.
They keep on playing the entire Talking Heads 'Stop Making Sense' soundtrack at a bar I go to a lot... not that I'm complaining, but, I mean, there's new music thats drum-heavy, synth/electro-heavy, psychedelic-influenced stuff out there... was listening to the last Bear in Heaven and Deerhunter albums today at work, for instance. Same story with 80's electro pop.
... wow, wondering comment...

I wish Bear in Heaven's albums sounded a bit more like their live shows - they kick it up substantially in concert!

Dave Grohl dances to A-Ha's "Take On Me"

bamdrew says...

80's electro pop had a resurgence, and since maybe 2004 can be regularly heard in the mix at clubs and 'cool' bars.

They keep on playing the entire Talking Heads 'Stop Making Sense' soundtrack at a bar I go to a lot... not that I'm complaining, but, I mean, there's new music thats drum-heavy, synth/electro-heavy, psychedelic-influenced stuff out there... was listening to the last Bear in Heaven and Deerhunter albums today at work, for instance. Same story with 80's electro pop.

... wow, wondering comment...

NeuroSoup: 5 Reasons to Use Hallucinogens

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