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Here's your brain on "Bath Salts"

shagen454 says...

I think salvia should be legal but it's quite humorous that salvia is legal and mushrooms aren't. It's like they want kids to buy salvia just to have a snake infested psychedelic trainwreck go flying through their mind to scare them off from the good earthloving medicines.

Oh, just drink your Budweiser, go to work, eat at Subway, shop at Costco, vote some pigs into office and STFU. You have it so good, right? RIGHT ?!

DMT Revelations with Terence McKenna

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'DMT, Ayahuasca, Mckenna, amazon, consciousness, psychedelic, spirits' to 'DMT, Ayahuasca, Mckenna, amazon, alex grey, consciousness, psychedelic, spirits' - edited by enoch

Dirty Pictures FULL- Alexander Shulgin Documentary

shagen454 says...

Besides for the cheesy Burning Man footage this is a really great doc on psychs. A lot of docs keep true with mystical experience but the way Ann describes it is in reality the way it is and a reason they are useful experiences not to be taken lightly. The whole part where she says one must face he/her inner shadows/monster and learn to accept them by working through them. A good psychedelic experience can be like a birth, a death - the happiest or the most distraught.

The first few times I took a psychedelic it was a little nerve-wracking because I wasn't sure what I might see in myself. I think many people are afraid of taking psychedelics because of that unknown factor. For me the tranquility in what I would call ego-death is what made me embrace some form of spirituality. Before taking psychedelics - "spirituality" was a four letter word that made me cringe.

The amount of ignorance and deception out there about psychs is staggering.

"I'm A Wizard" - (Click Here & Scroll Down For Part 2)

Why Can't We All Get Along? (de Botton vs. Myers) (Religion Talk Post)

direpickle says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

I think you two have different meanings for 'spirituality'.
jonny is referring to the brain euphoria you get when communing deeply with those you love, nature, art and/or the universe; the euphoria you get playing music, dancing or experiencing a psychedelic drug trip; that weird and beautiful feeling in your brain that everything and everyone is connected. For me it feels like invisible tendrils shooting out and intermingling with other peoples invisible tendrils. This type of 'spirituality' is a brain state - a feeling - not a supernatural force.
I believe you are speaking about 'spirituality' as a supernatural force, dealing with spirits and deities.
IMO, we are all spiritual. When you go deep into playing guitar and singing, you are in touch with your humanity. When you are connecting with Lann on a deep level, you two are in touch with your humanity. We all seek out those feelings of connectedness in a variety of ways.
Religion does activate the same part of the brain that creates the euphoria I speak of. If you want, I can dig up an article that goes into more detail on this. I think this is why religion has traditionally had problems with music, dance, sex and drugs. Spiritual competition.

Using a hocus-pocus word to describe being a social animal is not helping. There are no definitions of spirit, spiritual, or spirituality that do not rely on some belief in the supernatural.

Why Can't We All Get Along? (de Botton vs. Myers) (Religion Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I think you two have different meanings for 'spirituality'.

jonny is referring to the brain euphoria you get when communing deeply with those you love, nature, art and/or the universe; the euphoria you get playing music, dancing or experiencing a psychedelic drug trip; that weird and beautiful feeling in your brain that everything and everyone is connected. For me it feels like invisible tendrils shooting out and intermingling with other peoples invisible tendrils. This type of 'spirituality' is a brain state - a feeling - not a supernatural force.

I believe you are speaking about 'spirituality' as a supernatural force, dealing with spirits and deities.

IMO, we are all spiritual. When you go deep into playing guitar and singing, you are in touch with your humanity. When you are connecting with Lann on a deep level, you two are in touch with your humanity. We all seek out those feelings of connectedness in a variety of ways.

Religion does activate the same part of the brain that creates the euphoria I speak of. If you want, I can dig up an article that goes into more detail on this. I think this is why religion has traditionally had problems with music, dance, sex and drugs. Spiritual competition.

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (October 29th 2011)

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (October 29th 2011)

kceaton1 says...

Psychedelics (Psychotropics; and their main "term" in the next sentence) are definitely interesting mind wise. As I have in my own profile, Psychoactive drugs are indeed ALL very interesting.

This can include something as mundane as Codeine all the way up to LSD. Quick Message: Cocaine and Heroine are the same "type" of drugs technically: i.e. changed perception, mood alteration, etc... But, these ARE very dangerous to play with, versus the reward you receive: the reward here being an expanded mind that has the ability to understand any information from the remembered mental states that are achieved at the height of the drugs half-life in the body. Typically, specifically with shrooms or Psilocybin, it will create a calm-well being, and positive affirmation after affect that will even defeat depression in certain cases. This has been researched in atleast two studies that I've seen, Bill also talks of yet another--yet, he didn't mention that there is a 1% chance, and it may actually be lower than that now with further testing, that a "bad trip" will occur causing the reverse, but luckily not lasting in a long-term manifestation like the "good-trips".

There are generally two ways your going to enlighten yourself. Drugs like Marijuana will give a "high". Hopefully, with a mental state induced called: euphoria. The euphoric effect will allow you to feel very much "mood-stabilized". If you were depressed euphoria can completely reverse it, which can cause problems as it may cause you to become "psychologically addicted" to it due too it's affect; especially if depressed and more-so if you have an addictive personality trait in your genes (if this were Cocaine it would most likely always lead to a downward spiral and death). This is how many people lose the addiction game with bad drugs like Cocaine and Heroine, or even the Codeine you're doctor prescribes you. Anyway, the Euphoria allows many people to reach a level of peace and comfort that they can't otherwise. The sheer change in the organization of how you synapses fire to give you perceptual information, memories, and your own thoughts--have changed from your normal state. You literally think different. But, when you start to think about what you're working on, the same ideas no longer come back as they did just before you started to use: they come back changed. This is where change happens, it's where inspiration can come from.

For drugs like acid it becomes even easier to understand why you may think much greater things. Once the drug works it starts linking many of your perceptual areas, with your thoughts together into one giant drawing board. Sometimes, most of the time your subconscious mind, specifically your dream center starts to play with you using random memory sequences or perceptual information. Then when it fully takes hold you leave Earth as you've known it, while the drug is in full affect (this is why usually friends get others to watch over them, lest you do something incredibly bad--this is also why you really shouldn't play with the scarier drugs). It's very easy to see where these great ideas come from now, as now you are walking in a dream that is semi-controlled and mostly not. It begins to add random merging patterns, what the overall goal of the mind is at this point most likely is just to link all the information together; like a new song with a DJ. But, the experience is a lot like a journey, sometimes without prodding you will literally walk into a room with the "treasure chest", or the game changing idea that you need.

What you truly get in the end is the ability to realize that the human body is grand, with the brain a magnificent structure, designed in simplicity, but able to grow to see past that simplicity, that structure, those people that never went and looked, and you see the men that can stand on the shoulders of giants. Those that push the envelope.

If it was me go for shrooms, acid, and marijuana. But, read up on each and every one first so you know what to expect and NOT what to do to jeopardize your life; lastly, this is ILLEGAL...). All of these type of drugs are able to create a very unique experience while active on your active brain. Hopefully, like may others in history you can act like a Psychoactive compound on our collective psyche, as many have before.

/long but hopefully informative
//they're still Illegal...
///edited for grammar

Bill Maher ~ New Rules (October 29th 2011)

shagen454 says...

Always glad to hear positive comments about psychedelics in the media. I definitely know that mushrooms made a positive impact on my life. But, I definitely wouldnt push acid around lightly. Its certainly magical but I have my reservations about that drug. Although, nothing has been proven I think acid does have minute but negative long term side effects and plus its more visual which is awesome but doesnt have the same sort of introspection psilocybin has... in my opinion. Of course it is different for everyone and with acid, the dose is a major factor. Everytime I took acid I had to 'recover' the next day.

Oh and psychedelics probably shouldnt be used by kids, but I dunno since I only smoked pot when I was a kid.

Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera

Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera

ForgedReality says...

So if you thrust it upwardly whilst holding it, and never let go, simply pull it back down quickly, after a few seconds, it would snap a panorama while it rests in your hands since it doesn't use a gyroscope to tell where it stops accelerating. Right?

This means that if you thrust it upward quickly enough, you could pull it back and hold it there while in amongst a crowd, and when the mechanism reaches the predicted time based upon initial acceleration for predicting its apex, then it will take the photo from within the crowd. Seems like it would make more sense to detect DEceleration, as that would facilitate either an upward OR a downward motion, and it wouldn't be reliant on possible bad guesses at when it would stop moving (dependent on environmental influences such as air viscosity, temperature, wind, obstacles in the path, etc).

Cool idea anyhow. I wonder what it would look like to spin it really fast as you toss it.. Neat psychedelic blurring on MOST of the photosphere, but on the axis, it would be less blurred.

"Death" Tales Of Mere Existence

shagen454 says...

I think every religious person should take a different psychedelic every single year until they run out of psychedelics; theyre definitely allowed to repeat a psychedelic for a year if they feel it. Then they should reconvene with the world and let us know if they think any religion from the beginning of time is really worth worshiping... or if the world is just truly much more magical and mysterious than we will probably ever know.

Respect them, become tolerant of people who are different than them, feed the poor... you know do everything their religion tells them to do, but maybe theyll end up doing it because they intrinsically feel the love that we are all apart of, naturally... just without the guilt and the poisonous lies or having to fill the coffers every weekend or vote for a certain political party, eatch certain things, read certain things... you get the point.

The Channel Depot (Sift Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^critical_d:


techno = #electronica, boats are in #water, and evil is crazy subjective. Just imagine the resident wingnuts putting every Dan Savage video in it because gay = sin.

Everything else is added.

The Channel Depot (Sift Talk Post)

Getting High On Krystle

shagen454 says...

I'm glad this FINALLY came out! It sucks that the LSD lab was shutdown - it's a pretty hard to find substance now. Well, thank goodness for the Silk Road, haha. Anyway, I like Hamilton - I think he's funny. He is sort of like a Nick Cave meets Lurch kinda guy but I appreciate his intentions. I really like the one where he goes to South America to get Ayahuasca & super envious of the time he went to the Blue Lagoon in Iceland and did shrooms, that would be incredible.

I certainly cannot imagine what it would be like to be "poisoned" with psychedelics... it'd surely not be too fun to know you've been poisoned and locked in by someone with evil intent. Ugh. I'm having a bad trip just thinking about it. Krystle was playing with fire & she's super lucky she didn't get burned worse than she did. I still don't understand why she didn't just leave that asshole when the abuse began instead of being a narc.

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