A new documentary series by Adam Curtis, known by many from Charlie Brooker's Newswipe
Guardian: The new series, called All Watched Over By Machines Of Loving Grace, takes complicated ideas and turns them into entertainment by the use of the vertigo-inducing intellectual leaps, choppy archive material and disorienting music with which all Curtis fans are familiar. The central idea leads Curtis on a journey, taking in the chilling über-individualist novelist Ayn Rand, former chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan, the "new economy", hippy communes, Silicon Valley, ecology, Richard Dawkins, the wars in Congo, the lonely suicide in a London squat of the mathematical genius who invented the selfish gene theory, and the computer model of the eating habits of the pronghorn antelope.
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Ti_MothAdam Curtis is brilliant.
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
This looks awesome. I will watch it.
rottenseedIs the show gonna be as cool as the trailer? Can I move to England?
RadHazGCreepy. Weird to think this was made by the BBC.
rottenseedWhat pulled me in (and what usually does as a former psychedelics connoisseur) was the music.
That being said, the songs are
1) Roy Orbison - In Dreams (if you don't know that one, get out of my house)
2) NIN - Right Where it Belongs v1
3) Burial - Forgive
4) Stereo Total - Aua
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For while it's still available on youtube, I've playlisted the entire documentary and submitted it to VS.
Trancecoach>> ^rottenseed:

Is the show gonna be as cool as the trailer? Can I move to England?
You won't have to...
For as long as it's still on youtube, I've playlisted Adam Curtis' latest documentary, "All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace," and submitted it to VS:
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