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Halo 3: ODST Live Action Trailer


spoco2 (Member Profile)

spoco2 says...

It's the same reason I refuse to watch 2 girls 1 cup... although that's a far lower rung than actual death.

And the internet thing... we do have many players in the market, but the process for me to switch is painful due to a number of problems.

Really painful.

But pricing and download limits in Australia is a lot to do with the distances needed to be covered vs population density.

Although our new 'national broadband plan' is supposed to fix all that.


I'll believe that when I see it.

>> ^blankfist:
It's hard to get that image out of your head, so you're right not to want to watch it. Sometimes things are hard to unwatch. I refused to watch any of the beheading videos online back when they seemed to be circulated freely, and I'm more than glad I didn't watch them. Just the before and after images they show online are scarred into my mind's eye.
You've passed your data allowance? Good ol' nationalized internet!
In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Two things stopping me watching or voting for this:
1) I would rather not have the image of someone being beaten to death in my head
2) We've reached our data allowance at work so it'd cost 15c a Mb to watch it.

spoco2 (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

It's hard to get that image out of your head, so you're right not to want to watch it. Sometimes things are hard to unwatch. I refused to watch any of the beheading videos online back when they seemed to be circulated freely, and I'm more than glad I didn't watch them. Just the before and after images they show online are scarred into my mind's eye.

You've passed your data allowance? Good ol' nationalized internet!

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Two things stopping me watching or voting for this:

1) I would rather not have the image of someone being beaten to death in my head
2) We've reached our data allowance at work so it'd cost 15c a Mb to watch it.

Mentally Challenged Man Beaten to Death

spoco2 says...

Two things stopping me watching or voting for this:

1) I would rather not have the image of someone being beaten to death in my head
2) We've reached our data allowance at work so it'd cost 15c a Mb to watch it.

But from reading about what it contains it sounds pretty darn disgusting.

The reddit thread has a lot of cyber investigation going on trying to track down those involved.

It would seem that Bobby Joe Blythe posted this video with great pride. And has another video of what he did to the person who fought this man afterwards because he took 'too long' to down him.

What a disgusting individual, and what disgusting individuals all who were there.

It will be interesting to see if this turns out to be some sick hoax however as it's quite odd this coming out like this now...

Also, there are some reports (although it would seem only from BJB) that the man survived this and ended up in a mental institution.

You Know What's Bullshit? Printers.

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I tend to agree that inkjet printers are pretty frustrating. I have an old HP inkjet and the cartridges are pretty hard to find unless I go to a big office store like OfficeMax. And even then they are hidden in a dizzying array of about FORTY different HP inkjet cartridges. HP invents some new printer once every 2 or 3 years, and creates an entirely different cartridge for each one. That's pretty lousy company policy.

I haven't had the test page print issue the AVGN ran into here, but I sure do hate HP's DRIVERS. HP drivers are the most ungodly, bulky, massive, unwieldy, invasive drivers I think I've ever seen for ANYTHING - let alone for printers. Even the notoriously bulky 3d video card drivers aren't as nasty. And the download times from HP's website are the pits.

So you have to download 200+ MB drivers (when 2KB would be plenty) on a 1KBPS server. And 99.9999999% of the download is just a crappy, clunky, badly designed user interface. HP printers are nice engineering, but their software is about the worst on the planet.

How boringly can you present your products?

spawnflagger says...

>> ^Sagemind:
... Asside from being a great word processor...

as long as you don't try to have a single document over 140 pages, or more than 10 figures or references, or try to paste objects from any other version of word, or attempt to export to PDF using Acrobat, or expect it not to auto-generate 337 new styles on it's own, or want you to take a survey to help improve it, or require 500+ MB patches... then yes, it's a great word processor.


My question is - why is MS so effin' cheap that they can't provide their employees with a laptop? she's gotta use kiosks, cybercafe's, hotel guest computers, etc etc. Like I would trust any one of those computers to be virus-free and not running a keystroke-logger.... but she goes right in to her sharepoint site, enters username and password, to make those "critical" changes... minutes later, those confidential Microsoft documents are leaked. (don't worry, they'll blame firefox for the breach)


all in all, truth in advertising. She's not excited because it's not exciting.

We Are 3rd Place In PC Demo At Breakpoint 09! (Blog Entry by Zonbie)

vairetube says...

Cool...That made me dizzay!

Totally add some more dynamic lighting/texturing and post again!

If anyone wants to play around with stuff sort of like this, but you dont know how to code, etc.... download a program called Alice.. its free from carnegie melon and can animate things while showing you a little about object oriented programming. Your imagination is pretty much the limit.

"Free scripting and prototyping environment program for 3D object behavior. Runs on Windows 95/98/NT."

Your demo ran ok after locking up for a quick second on starting up the exe as you stole all my databases j/k.

Here's my baby's specs fyi:

System Information
Time of this report: 6/30/2009, 23:40:23
Operating System: Windows Vista™ Home Premium (6.0, Build 6001) Service Pack 1 (6001.vistasp1_gdr.090302-1506)
Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
System Manufacturer: Gateway
System Model: P-7801u
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU P8400 @ 2.26GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.3GHz
Memory: 4090MB RAM
Page File: 2338MB used, 6046MB available
Windows Dir: C:\Windows
DirectX Version: DirectX 10
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
DxDiag Version: 6.00.6001.18000 32bit Unicode

Display Devices
Card name: NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS
Manufacturer: NVIDIA
Chip type: GeForce 9800M GTS
DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC
Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_062C&SUBSYS_0696107B&REV_A1
Display Memory: 2797 MB
Dedicated Memory: 1007 MB
Shared Memory: 1789 MB
Current Mode: 1280 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz)

Looking forward to the new iPhone 3GS (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Yeah, same here - glad I'm not on AT&T - though the Australian ISPs are not far better. Actually, the coverage in major cities is pretty damn good, but the data prices are exorbitant.

Optus for
Charges about US $60 per month for 700 MB of data.

Arma 2 Huge Battle 1000 AI

griefer_queafer says...

Why does this particular brave soldier feel every single explosion warrants a good looking-at? Does he know he is in a video game or something?

Seriously, this looks intense. Does it mean I will have to upgrade the old 64-mb video card?

Bite My Shiny Metal X - The Math in Futurama Explained

Auto-Tune the News 4 (Feat. Joe Biden)

NetRunner says...


EG: where all the shawties on the court?

JS: It's ridiculous, one woman on the Supreme Court, uh, doesn't seem right to me.

EG: Ain't nobody have a breakfast with all sausage and no eggs.

MG: We need a shawty with a hot body and sexy legs.

EG: When the court convenes it's an ancient sausage festival.

MG: Only two ovaries, sixteen testicles..

BB: There are so many qualified women out there.

MG: Qualified to get low in they apple-bottomed robe.

MB: I completely agree with you.

EG: And I complete agree, too.

MG: How does Ginsburg stand being the only woman who ain't a man?

BB: Judge Ginsburg said, she's really very lonely without another woman.

MG, EG, BB: Without another woman, lonely without another woman!

EG: I know what it's like with a woman gone, cryin in the nude with the curtains drawn.

MB: Breaking news!

EG, MG: Oh snap! News is broken! Breaking news, in ya face!

MB: Obama has picked Sonia Sotomayor.

EG, MG: She's a shawty, She's a Boricua!

EG: Jurisprudent!

JS: With soft thighs!

MG: And other soft features, that Ginsburg can appreciate, stayin up late, makin sure to thank
heaven above.

EG: because she ain't

All: lonely without another woman, lonely without another woman!

EG: Listen up, y'all, Joe Biden's got a shout out!
This one goes out to all the serbians
And also the ladies
But mostly the Serbians

JB: And until the Serbian people
Look themselves in the face
Understand what their leaders have done
And convinced them of
Until that moment arrives
Serbian people will not
Be able to shed this notion of victimization
That all of their leaders prey upon
And manipulate them with
Until that moment arrives
Until the Serbian people look themselves in the face
Until that moment arrives
Until that moment arriiiiiiiiives

KC: April showers bring May flowers
But what do May flowers bring?
AG: Romance for a shawty
KC: Possibly lead poisoning
AG: ::Barf::
KC: Lead poisoning
AG: ::Barf, barf:: I'm gettin sick like
::Barf, barf, barf, barf, barf::
KC: Before you dig in and start to enjoy all the
Fruits and vegetables of your labor
AG: Shawty
KC: You'd better get your soil tested first
AG: Oh
KC: Your soil tested first
AG: Oh, I live in the ghetto
So I'll expect the worst
KC: Paint chippings and old pesticides
May be buried insiiiiide
AG: Me, oh my
KC: Raising the level of lead in the soil
The tests are inexpensive
And some local health departments
Do them for freeeeeeee
AG: Even for a talking head thug like me?
KC: Once you're in the clear
Mary, Mary quite contrary
Plant away
AG: Okay
And when asked how does your garden grow
Tell them it's healthy, green and lead-free
AG: I'll say it's healthy, green and lead-free, shawty
KC: Healtheeeeeee
AG: Healtheeeeeee, believe me
I ain't tryna munch on a poison zucchini

NG: This bill actually has the secretary of energy
Regulating jacuzzis
Now, the ideastrikes me
As close to being nuts

AG: I agree--I'm an angry gorilla and that makes me angry

JI: The only jacuzzis this will regulate
Will have to produce 2,500 mega watts of energy

AG: You made me angry with lies
Hurt my angry gorilla pride; I'm angry

NG: On page 233, uh
Line 5: portable electric spas

All: Portable electric spas!

MG: No spa is above the law!

NG: Now, I don't know what a portable electric spa is
I was told it was a jacuzzi
But that's in this bill

AG: So it's true!
I'm no longer angry at you
My original anger's renewed

JI: We will give you a hot spa
That is energy efficient
I hope that doesn't offend you

AG: He might have a point
My anger's makin a switch
Cuz you're being a little b*$&
But maybe not
Maybe you're just defending freedom and justice for jacuzzis
What's this? a single tear that is wet that i shed

When an angry gorilla cries
Who's gonna be there to dry his eyes?
And when an angry gorilla's depressed
Who's gonna heal him with a soft caress?
Ooh ooh ah ah, the tears are rolling down my cheeks
Ooh ooh ah ah, liquid sorrow that my eyes excrete

And I'm a soulja, but a soulja's got feelings,
Don't know whom to lend my anger to,
And that's why I'm crestfallen and confused

7 Year-old Girl White Supremacy

Lumm says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
I could be wrong, but Canada has no First Amendment; Canadians are valued less as individuals than in non-socialist nations. Therefore these Canadian children belong to the State first and their parents second.

Well, of course Canada has no First Amendment. You see Canada is a whole different country from the U.S., and has its very own laws. However, the rights guaranteed in the US First Amendment (freedom of speech, religion, etc) are guaranteed to Canadians under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
( It doesn't even end in North America - there are countries around the globe that also guarantee these rights.

As for the case, there were other issues that made the home unfit for children ( that simply were not brought up in this media story.

I apologize to those who have qm ignored for quoting.

Modern Warfare 2 reveal trailer

fuzzyundies says...

Thanks for posting this, thegrimsleeper!

>> ^thegrimsleeper: Infinity Ward always makes sure their games run at 60fps on the consoles. Although they had to lower the resolution of CoD 4:MW to 1024x600 to get it to run at 60fps.

Actually, the framebuffer size is due to a limitation of the Xbox 360. The 360 has only ~10 MB of eDRAM, which means it can't fit an HD (even 720p) framebuffer with antialiasing without using tiled rendering. This is more expensive and a big price to pay if you're trying to get your frame rendered in 16.67 ms. So, as a starting point, you use the biggest buffer you can fit with antialiasing for the majority of your scene (rendering the UI using tiling, since you want it pixel-accurate). If you're content to make a 30fps game, then the hit from tiled rendering isn't nearly as big a chunk of your frame.

More info: HD problems in Xbox 360 and PS3

VideoSift Fundraiser (Sift Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

I gave 10 bucks, that'll have to do for now.

Now, I don't want to be an accountant or anything, but $12k sounds like an INSANE amount for a webserver. Do you pay per MB?

I have a server in Denmark with 5gb space and unlimited bandwidth for under $50 a year.

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