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Maddow: Which of these is Three Mile Island?

Girl Gets Accidental Orgasm from Sling Shot Ride

Your Grocery Bill Will Double In 2011 - Marjory Wildcraft

Some guy engineers his own 9/11 experiments

messenger says...

@joedirt @Shepppard
I think there WAS a comment here about Mythbusters refusing to do any 9/11-related shows, but I don't see it anymore -- cue the conspiracy theorists. Anyway, I think MB refuses because they doesn't want to be painted into the fringe wing-nut conspiracy theorist camp, so they refuse to test anything that has to do with 9/11. Not that all 9/11 truthers are nuts, just that MB doesn't want to be tarred with the same brush.

Wicked Game - Chris Isaak

Geese Doing Cardio

Smartest Machine on Earth: IBM Watson

Onion SportsDome:Crystal Meth Hallucination Championships

Damien Rice - Rootless Tree (Live from Abbey Road)

Mario Brothers themed Church Event "Wii Love JESUS"

Oliver Stone's P.

TDS: Don't Mess With Textbooks

Real vs. Fake Net Neutrality

NetRunner says...

@charliem, I don't know about two entirely separate beasts. Prioritization is otherwise known as class-based traffic shaping. You're right to say I shouldn't ignore that technical distinction, but the whole discussion with Net Neutrality is about intent.

If you're using traffic shaping to sell a capped amount of bandwidth from a larger pipe, I think we all agree that's okay, so long as the provider is upfront with their customer about what they're purchasing. Net Neutrality hasn't, won't, and shouldn't stop that use of traffic shaping.

I also think that if you use traffic shaping to enhance the overall end-user experience (by prioritizing throughput for video, latency for games, and prioritizing neither for bulk data transfers), that we agree that's ethically kosher.

My point is that it's easy for someone to pretend they're "enhancing the user experience", when their intent is really to limit free speech, or engage in anti-competitive business practices.

We also have the network providers saying they want to implement QoS tiering based on subscription fees as well as implement metered bandwidth services (i.e. you don't pay a subscription fee for a piece of a pipe, you pay per MB or GB of bandwidth used). Only they don't express it as a desire so much as saying that if they don't, their profit margins will be smaller the internet as we know it is doomed.

5 minutes of Syria

Keeping It Together FAIL

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