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If you don't know DKs -- you don't know punk!

Springs & Masses

National Geographic: Fight Science Ending Section - Katana

phelixian says...

I agree with everyone about the shirtless aussie. Totally lame.

I also didn't groove the movie preview voice. "Beyond skill, Beyond Science" *chokes*

I do like katanas though. I don't think that a jello mold human is the same for testing. Especially for the slice in half. It would seem that the rigidity of the spine would help the slice to be more effective. That gel stuff just gives way too easily, it's like slicing homer simpson.

Feature request: queue suggestions (Sift Talk Post)

djsunkid says...

No way- When I go on a video hunt, I keep text files of'em- a queue of videos to queue. Most of my published vids I got in probably two or three hardcore sifting sessions, where I'll watch dozens and dozens of CRAP videos to try and find each sifted one.

I don't think it would be something I'd be interested in. I'm jealous of my finds, and I think that others would agree. There is a certain level of cooperation to be found on VS, but some competition too. Farhad, for example, finds stuff (shpongle, what) that kicks my butt, but I think I've found a few that he digs too. We cooperate on some level, but we're also looking for the best vids for our own.

That leads to another interesting dichotomy. I'll be the first to admit- some of my sifts are pure "this will get lots of votes" - anything with richard dawkins, my penn&teller, etc. But then there are videos that I don't expect to even make it out of the queue, but I sift anyway- stuff that I feel is culturally significant, interesting , cool, or important for other reasons. Sometimes just videos that I find hilarious for my own reasons.
And so we have this dichotomy: On the one hand, anybody could post the daily show and get votes, but on the other, it's good to find quality content that would normally be missed.

To me, it is the mix of these elements that makes VideoSift strong- the "hot clips" that everybody on the internet has seen, along with the neglected super-cool "elite" gems that get passed over elsewhere.

So maybe you want to share your finds, but I'm keeping my hand close to my chest. They are my finds- and I'll sift them when my queue has room.

Dead Kennedys' in studio "Rawhide"

Dead Kennedys' in studio "Rawhide"

Lene Alexandra - "My Boobs Are OK"

djsunkid says...

I'm really really close to downvoting this... somebody want to make a plea for how it is somehow scathing parody? Because it seems to be just a little too close to the truth. This sort of this really upsets me. It's one thing for Jello Biafra to get up on stage and sing "I'm no artist, I'm a business man, no ideas of my own" because it is obvious parody.

I've hung out with models, and far too many of them coast on looks. They might find this funny, but I'm afraid that most people will find this funny for the wrong reasons.

If this Lene Alexander were a known feminist, and a PhD in Politics or Political Theory, that would be one thing, but this video is just disgusting.

Nah, I've talked myself into it. This is a definite downvote. I feel bad, because I'm all for titilation- girls who are into their boobs are great. Girls who are into being stupid? Not cool. Not cool at all.

Ka-Blammo - Incredibad - from makers of Lazy Sunday

djsunkid says...


You just won the lottery - that's Ka-blammo!
You kissed Shannon Dohortey - that's Ka-blammo!
You joined a sorority - that's Ka-blammo!
You lied about the lottery - not Ka-blammo!

You met Fred Segal at a debutante's ball,
you gave him your number- he gave you a call.
He told you to meet him on the corner at eight,
You met him at nine- that's right, you were late!
You stupid idiot, you don't know what you missed!
Fred Segal's a star and you cold dissed!
His pimpin' ass, coolin' ass, mack ass building,
with diggity ivy on the wall but not around the lettering,
you dissed fred segal, and everybody knows!
ha ha ha ha ha - you're not Ka-blammo!

The doc disses your arties- that's Ka-blammo!
Your mouthwash is gargley - that's Ka-blammo!
Your water is watery - that's Ka-blammo!
I majored in Pottery - not Ka-blammo!

You're chillin' with your dudes and they stab you in the face,
on the way to the hospital you're bleeding all over the place,
your leg is amputated cos you've got gangrene,
and then you get cancer and you die in your teens!
but then this pretty girl, who you've always really liked
shows up to your funeral and that's a real mixed blessing

Your jello is wobbly - that's Ka-blammo!
You met Hugo Godvery (?) - that's Ka-blammo!
You're Harlem Globetrottery - that's Ka-blammo!
You watch the disorderlies - not Ka-blammo!

When you're mining for coal and you forget what coal is,
and you're sure to be fired because that's your job.
when a mole is in your ass, and you wonder where the mole is,
you're screwed man, cos there's a mole in your ass... Job!
the meaning of life is revealed to you,
and all of the drinks are english brew
your whim is the word of the people on earth
but the whole mole in the ass thing is haunting you... Earth!

When your fluids are bodily- that's Ka-blammy!
What happened to Ka-blammo? I mean Ka-blammo!
Good, that's better - that's Ka-blammy!
Wait, I'm confused... we said Ka-blammo!


Errol Morris - The Movies Movie (Short for Oscars '02)

maudlin says...


*deep breath* I saw Phillip Glass, Lou Reed, Laurie Anderson, Iggy Pop, Gorbachev, Christy Turlington, Susan Sontag, Fran Leibowitz, Lani Guinier, Leontyne Price, Charlie Sheen, Jello Biafra, William Wegman and some Weimaraner, Al Sharpton, Walter Cronkite, several faces I damn well know but can't remember the names for, and a whole bunch of Hey! It's That Guy!s

I could have done without Trump and Laura Bush. Trumpie gets by for this being so NY-centric, given this was the spring of 2002, but Laura's presence was pure ass-kissing.

Nerdcore Rising Trailer

djsunkid says...

My friend Jesse Dangerously is featured in the Nerdcore for Life movie, although he says he doesn't know how much actual screen time is devoted to him. Is this a different nerdcore movie that is somehow also about to be released? wtf?

Anyway... what Jello Biafra said is totally true. While Jesse does have tracks like Level 3 boss, which is about waiting in a room for a video game character to come and defeat you, he also does a lot of more serious material as well. He definitely doesn't self-identify as being "nerdcore"

However, that being said, his music really is quite a bit more intelligent than a LOT of rap that is out there. I would say he's closer to say Sage Francis than MC Frontalot, although admittedly he did produce beats on Frontalot's album.

Hey, am I allowed to post a video of my friend rapping? I had nothing personally to do with the creation of the video- it just happens to be a guy I know.

Jim puts Dwight's office supplies in a vending machine

pass.the.grog. says...

crap, didn't mean to upvote. It was kind of funny, only I had seen a much more humorous version with gareth and tim off of the bbc version. The thing is, there was build up with stapler/ jello mold. F'ing yanks - can't even come up with their own jokes.

3 little pigs

Falling Head-first Out of a Moving Car into a Parked Car (20

deathcow says...

From Daphne's linked page:

> For now Im gonna go try my hardest to eat jello and take
> some morpheen

(bucks up for the injured) You need to recover more so we dont want to tax you, let me take the morphine.

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