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Depressing 1950s Jello Pudding Ad

Depressing 1950s Jello Pudding Ad

Blankfist roasting on an open fire (Parody Talk Post)

AronRa debunks a creationist ignoramus over Ida

Black Sheep - Flavor Of The Month

MrFisk says...

For a second, I'm wreckin
I got ya double checkin
Then again,
when to you knees did you beckon
Hold me only if you wanna get naked
Play before a crowd only if you wanna wreck it
The name is Dres, like silk I get slick
Drop rhymes like a basehead Bic flicks
Constantly, yes it's me
So yes, I guess, unless, confess
you can get down
To serious business, with this
I never boned a honey that I didn't like
I never saw a mile that I couldn't hike
I never had a spliff to make me choke
I never had a pocket that was broke
Hate no one but love only a few
Franklin, Grant and yeah mom too
I run buckwild for self or with the crew
But then again, huh I thought you knew
Now I hear the voice
Is it what you want?
I hope it is kid
you're the flavor of the month

So you got the fever for the flavor of the other
Chocolate, sasspirilla, or is it you like another
Flavor in my socks
To the curly locks
Black Sheep rollin hard
and kncokin peons out the box
Never have I ever never
ever felt much better
Did the whole nine
on the tenth I was no wetter
Ready and I'm eager
Eager as a beaver
On the radio and good to go
says your receiver
Not to be the baddest
or the oldest nor the wackest
Neither am I needest
or the newest or the blackest
Just a brown fellow
Who's not afraid of Jello
To the people of the world
I would like to say G'day
Had to wait a while
But the while has been waited
Never gave up hope
in myself, nor debated
Didn't shed a tear when I wasn't picked
Cause I got a cone now, want a lick?

Now I catch a number
when before I caught a glare
Now I give a pound
when before I got a stare
Now I guess I kinda got it goin on
I get a wake-up call on the lawn
I used to try and push a demo
Now I have a Coupe
That's a bit more than a little
But then not quite a few
Funny how they find you
when they told you get lost
Tell me why you're grittin
when you have no dental floss
Wasn't my loss
Thought you were the boss?
You never knew how much the Sherbert cost
Forget it, I never sweat it
Your girl will give me play I'll wet it
It only happens just because you let it
Now everybody wants to play my phone
I see em with a spoon
I see em with a cone
You never knew I knew it
but I knew you would pursue it
Hurry up and get a scoop before it's gone

Bush - Torture isn't indicative of American values

Farhad2000 says...

From al Arabiya, after Abu Ghraib:

"It's important for people to understand that in a democracy, there will be a full investigation. In other words, we want to know the truth. In our country, when there's an allegation of abuse ... there will be a full investigation, and justice will be delivered. ... It's very important for people and your listeners to understand that in our country, when an issue is brought to our attention on this magnitude, we act. And we act in a way in which leaders are willing to discuss it with the media. ... In other words, people want to know the truth. That stands in contrast to dictatorships. A dictator wouldn't be answering questions about this. A dictator wouldn't be saying that the system will be investigated and the world will see the results of the investigation." - Bush Al Arabiya interview.

"But we are not asked to judge the President's character flaws. We are asked to judge whether the President, who swore an oath to faithfully execute his office, deliberately subverted--for whatever purpose--the rule of law," - John McCain arguing for the impeachment of Bill Clinton for perjury in a civil suit, February 1999.

"Anyone who knows what waterboarding is could not be unsure. It is a horrible torture technique used by Pol Pot," - John McCain, October 2007.

"We've got to move on," - John McCain, April 26, 2009, reacting to incontrovertible proof that George W. Bush ordered the waterboarding of a prisoner 183 times, as well as broader treatment that the Red Cross has called "unequivocally torture."

As I said in China this spring, there is no place for abuse in what must be considered the family of man. There is no place for torture and arbitrary detention. There is no place for forced confessions. There is no place for intolerance of dissent. While we walked through the Rotunda. I explained to President Jiang how the roots of American rule of law go back more than 700 years, to the signing of the Magna Carta. The foundation of American values, therefore, is not a passing priority or a temporary trend. - Newt Gengrich

Collected from Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish -

Chronicle of Information that has come to light recently from the Empty Wheel, links to sources at their main page:
John Lopresti noted that it might be helpful to have a timeline of all the torture documents released in the last several weeks. And you know I can't resist requests for timelines. So here goes:

April 6: NYRB posts the Red Cross report on high value detainees

April 9: CIA Director Leon Panetta bans contractors from conducting interrogations

April 16: Obama statement on memo release, torture memos released:

* August 1, 2002: Memo from Jay Bybee, Assistant Attorney General, OLC, to John A. Rizzo, General Counsel CIA
* May 10, 2005: Memo from Steven Bradbury, Acting Assistant Attorney General, OLC, to John A. Rizzo, General Counsel CIA ["Techniques"]
* May 10, 2005: Memo from Steven Bradbury, Acting Assistant Attorney General, OLC, to John A. Rizzo, General Counsel CIA ["Combined"]
* May 30, 2005: Memo from Steven Bradbury, Acting Assistant Attorney General, OLC, to John A. Rizzo, General Counsel CIA

April 21: Senate Armed Services Committee releases declassified Inquiry into the Treatment of Detainees in US Custody

April 22: Senate Intelligence Committee releases declassified Narrative Describing the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel's Opinions on the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program (Jello Jay's statement on the release)

April 23: Ali Soufan, FBI interrogator, publishes NYT op-ed describing early interrogation of Abu Zubaydah

April 23: DOJ announces it will release a number of photos showing detainee abuse that had previously been FOIAed, along with thousands more

April 24: Greg Sargent gets a copy of Cheney's request for two documents to make his "efficacy" case

April 24: In ACLU FOIA case, Judge Hellerstein orders a more expansive response on torture tape documents from CIA

April 24: WaPo releases JPRA memo--which had been circulated among the torture architects--using the word "torture" and warning that torture will beget false information

Everything looks better in ultra-slow-motion

Everything looks better in ultra-slow-motion

Everything looks better in ultra-slow-motion

Everything looks better in ultra-slow-motion

Everything looks better in ultra-slow-motion

spoco2 says...

I think you'll find it's not JellO. It would explode into many smaller Jelloettes if you dropped it on the floor like that.

I'll be about the only one to say that the Cheerleaders do NOT look better in slow motion, their facial expressions are not pretty.

I LOVED the section with the fire breather, showing the heat haze around the fires, and the very bored looking boy on the ground.

Everything looks better in ultra-slow-motion

If Atheists Ruled the World

10 Helpful Suggestions for Killing John Connor (Actionpack Talk Post)

Science Experiments with Electricity, Jello and Fire

deathcow says...

"Dude lets make some Jello from corn fuel and hit it with high voltage." *wtf

It is with great pleasure the committee presents this years Nobel prize to a man who has advanced the understanding of high voltage desserts. Presenting our award tonight, please welcome, Mr. Bill Cosby.

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