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Top Gear tests out Toyota's i-Real

11807 says...

>> ^thepinky:
I upvoted the video, but I don't really love the idea. If it went 60 mph, that would be something. Of course, it would need some serious safety upgrades. Like, if you got in a collision, the chair should have a feature where it coats you in jello and then ejects you in a soap bubble.
Dang, I should work for Toyota.

I'd buy one if it supported lime jello.

Top Gear tests out Toyota's i-Real

thepinky says...

I upvoted the video, but I don't really love the idea. If it went 60 mph, that would be something. Of course, it would need some serious safety upgrades. Like, if you got in a collision, the chair should have a feature where it coats you in jello and then ejects you in a soap bubble.

Dang, I should work for Toyota.

Tame tiger reveals its true nature.

US government should be buying drugs in Afghanistan

Irishman says...

The opium in Afghanistan is the source of all the corruption and is now the source of funding for the Taliban who tax the farmers.

The farmers are too scared to sell it to anyone else apart from the warlords, despite what further meddling America might want to do.

Afghanistan BANNED opium production in 2001 and the production dropped to zero that year. The farmers cried out for international help for irrigation, seeds and fertiliser and the west didn't do a fucking thing.

So they all went back to growing poppies, the warlords and Taliban regained control, and now the whole country is a mess of war and death again.

And as soon as it got close to breaking point, in went the troops.

"You see emergency, go to war"
Jello Biafra.

Bill Cosby loses his mind on ESPN

Kevlar says...

Clearly, Cosby is deconstructing the antiquity of the spoken word to a less-than-appreciative audience. His masterful dismantling of the TV spot, as it were, into a near-Dadaist sound poem will likely only be appreciated decades after his performance. Lastly, where Cosby's brilliance can be sh----AND TONIGHT LADIES AN GENTLEMPRRR DEPURRRR DEPURRR JELLO.

(In case you think that was a joke, you're only half right.)

VideoSift 2nd Presidential Debate Liveblog Party (Sift Talk Post)

mauz15 says...

>> ^my15minutes:
^ which is why i thought that obama's reminder of the 'bomb bomb iran' quote was the proper response, when mccain was trying to shovel that shit about "walking softly" and not "telegraphing" our response.

Dont forget the Jello on the wall thing...

VideoSift 2nd Presidential Debate Liveblog Party (Sift Talk Post)

Dido - "White Flag"

deathcow says...

liked the song when it came out, never seen the video or her, one reference quality hottie there...

this song will always take me back to late 2003, when my house had no heat in September, and was raised on pilings and the entire building shook jello like.. I telecommute, so I would work in the cold room with a thermos of hot coffee while dressed quite warmly. A super unique mood is conjured. Also Trapt-Headstrong puts me there,,, so bizarrely Trapt-Headstrong and Dido-White Flag induce the same moode in me.

eX-Girl - Hettakorii No Ottokotou (Live)

MrFisk says...

They claim to hail from the planet Kero Kero. They are described as psychedelic, space rock, jazz fusion, jagged alternating vocal harmonies, sugary synthesiser pop, punk, prog, epic/atmospheric, noise-rock, wavering 3 part a capella, borderline operatic vocals, often in the space of a single song. Live performances are known to include home-made costume during the show, synchronised robot dancing and frog-related items. Enthusiastic supporters include Mike Patton and Jello Biafra:
"eX-Girl are a beautiful example of information overload. Jagged 3 part vocal harmonies, adventurous arrangements, and songs that hook you like the sucker that you are. Take all of these treats, wrap it in an ultra-bright technicolor live show with surreal homemade costumes, and you've got the sensation of being strapped in on an out-of-control carnival ride that will leave you standing in line waiting for another turn."
—Mike Patton
- wiki

The Deepest Pool in the World

Stop The North American Union Documentary

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

Karate - Hand Chopping a Brick in Slow Motion

Government Flu-LIVE-Dead Kennedy's

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