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Dog Needs To Hold Hands While Driving

Lendl says...

>> ^ponceleon:

>> ^Lendl:
>> ^ponceleon:
Gaaaaah. I want a husky!!!

No, actually, you don't. Ate the back seat in my truck. Ate my garage wall. Ate the shop vac in my garage. Actually ate everything in my garage...the phone line, the cable, the wall. Ate the wall and the stairs in my house. The stairs! Ate everything. My friends tried to warn me. I didn't listen.
He's now racing sleds up north. Ate their chickens.

Are you sure they gave you a husky at the breeder? I think there may have been a slight mixup and given you a very similar breed that looks the same, but has different behavior. I think they are called Godzillas.

See for yourself
(obviously I suck at embedding in comments)

Dog Needs To Hold Hands While Driving

ponceleon says...

>> ^Lendl:

>> ^ponceleon:
Gaaaaah. I want a husky!!!

No, actually, you don't. Ate the back seat in my truck. Ate my garage wall. Ate the shop vac in my garage. Actually ate everything in my garage...the phone line, the cable, the wall. Ate the wall and the stairs in my house. The stairs! Ate everything. My friends tried to warn me. I didn't listen.
He's now racing sleds up north. Ate their chickens.

Are you sure they gave you a husky at the breeder? I think there may have been a slight mixup and given you a very similar breed that looks the same, but has different behavior. I think they are called Godzillas.

enoch (Member Profile)

Heavily-Modified Japanese Cars!

Payback says...

>> ^skinnydaddy1:

Why are people surprised about this? A country that could come up with something like the Mach 5, A Mech for Spiderman, Godzilla, Pokemon, Tentacle Hentai, Vans and trucks with enough lights to make the Vegas strip look dull and the Lap Pillow. This is by far one of the tamest things they have. If any civilization in the universe could take all the weirdness and bazaar shit they ever created or found and concentrated it in one spot it would still never match Japan.

Ya... North American car trends are COMPLETELY normal.

Heavily-Modified Japanese Cars!

skinnydaddy1 says...

Why are people surprised about this? A country that could come up with something like the Mach 5, A Mech for Spiderman, Godzilla, Pokemon, Tentacle Hentai, Vans and trucks with enough lights to make the Vegas strip look dull and the Lap Pillow. This is by far one of the tamest things they have. If any civilization in the universe could take all the weirdness and bazaar shit they ever created or found and concentrated it in one spot it would still never match Japan.

Full CGI Godzilla from Always 2

Full CGI Godzilla from Always 2

ToastyBuffoon says...

There are rumors of a new American Godzilla film in the pipeline. Supposedly he will square off against another monster in the film. I've been a huge Godzilla fan since my childhood and have seen and owned all the films available on home video/DVD. The Roland/Emmerich remake left me beyond dissapointed. Here's to hoping this new rumored film get's the ball rolling and stays much more true to the spirit of the Toho film series. I'd especially love it if Toho gave the right to use the theme that is used in this clip. Gives me chills of excitement everytime I hear it.

Full CGI Godzilla from Always 2

Making of the Godzilla Suit!

A.B.C. Movie Monsters

Sagemind says...

A. Alien
B. Beatle Juice
C. Chucky
D. Dracula
E. ET (Extra Terrestrial)
F. Freddy Kruger
G. Godzilla
H. Incredible Hulk
I. Incubus (?)
J. Jason Voorhees
K. King Kong
L. Hannibal Lecter
M. The Mummy
N. Nosferatu
O. Octopus (??)
P. Pinhead
Q. Queen of the Damned
R. Razorback
S. Satan
T. Terminator
U. Uruk-hai
V. Darth Vader
W. Werewolf
X. Xenomorph (?)
Y. Yeti
Z. Zombies

The Amazing Spider-Man - Trailer

Fletch says...

So tired of all the remakes, reboots, and re-imaginings. They redid Willy Wonka, FFS. Willy f'in Wonka! One of the greatest movies ever made! That's just wrong! What's next? "Citizen Kanye"? "Da GodFatha"? "Arbor Day", about a guy who wakes up over and over on the same insignificant holiday in perpetuity?

Hollywood, you wanna remake something that needs remaking? How about the last three Star Wars movies? Or anything with Ben Affleck in it? Take your pick of Stephen King movies. Godzilla without Ferris Bueller. King Kong without Jack Black. Gullivers Travels without Jack Black. Year One without... ok, anything with Jack Black without Jack Black.


Upvote for Emma Stone.

Gallowflak (Member Profile)

Gallowflak says...

Recent Searches always cracks me up:

Kpop, christwire, gang rape, girl, bewbs, rape, godzilla, The Big Bang Theory, pimples, skyrim, masterbating, dave story, sex education, changing room, physics, tits, boobs, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Oliver Sacks, male

Not snow. SPUME!

FAST Electronic Mouse Navigates A Maze In 4 Seconds

shuac (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by shuac:
You mean this one?

I recently replaced it with a spanish version since the english version no longer exists anywhere on YouTube. But look how many times I had to beg before it was sifted. Your average Sifter just doesn't care about movies.

In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by shuac:
"things to do in denver when your dead"

My dead what?

fixed ya bitch.
you ever seen it? its pretty awesome.
i was tryin to find the scene with treat williams and steve buscemi.
"your reputation far exceeds your skills" but i only found it buried in a much longer clip.

thats the one.
there are a few movie lovers here on the sift and those who also share my love of music and the incredibly large amount of wasted brain space i have devoted to trivia and pop culture.
i post mainly to archive and to share with other fellow peeps who may enjoy a gem they may have missed.
i know many sifters have hooked me up to music or movies i may never have seen or heard.
you are one of those peeps my friend.
and for that i say thank you.

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