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enoch (Member Profile)

shuac says...

You mean this one?

I recently replaced it with a spanish version since the english version no longer exists anywhere on YouTube. But look how many times I had to beg before it was sifted. Your average Sifter just doesn't care about movies.

In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by shuac:
"things to do in denver when your dead"

My dead what?

fixed ya bitch.
you ever seen it? its pretty awesome.
i was tryin to find the scene with treat williams and steve buscemi.
"your reputation far exceeds your skills" but i only found it buried in a much longer clip.

35 yrs. constructing San Francisco replica out of toothpicks

Godzilla: History, Biology and Behavior

EPIC Ping Pong - Anime

skinnydaddy1 says...

Insert Anime name here, "Oh god! Officer, It was horrible! It started of as a normal ping pong game and then the next thing I know is the table was on fire and so was little Neko. Cthulhu and Godzilla were fighting in the parking lot! Mt. Fuji erupted and a giant Twinkie was floating in the harbor. Two guys where kissing in the hallway. A girl dress in her school uniform was rooting for Cthulhu to win and that guy over there keep yelling its over 9000"

Officer, "So who won?"

Insert Anime name here. "Oh Neko did the little bitch"

Japanese ghost prank taken to the next level

Olsen Twins Being Adorably Racist

Footage of the explosion at Fukushima I NPP

Footage of the explosion at Fukushima I NPP

Giant Whirlpool In Japan After 8.9 Earthquake

Japan's 8.9 Earthquake - Amateur Footage

Shepppard says...

Two things came to mind, one is that I am curious as to how much of this really is the ground shaking, and how much is the person filming it shaking from being scared..

..and two, and I'm going to hell for this, but I kept expecting to see Godzilla.

...also, did they leave the safety of their house to stand underneath POWER LINES!?

Skyscrapers dancing a boogie in Tokyo during earthquake

Skyscrapers dancing a boogie in Tokyo during earthquake

Cars Swept Away like Toys in Japanese Tsunami

8.9 Magnitude Earthquake Triggers Devastating Japan Tsunami

CCTV video of Japan Volcano Eruption

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