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Grave Digger's record breaking front wheelie

newtboy says...

Nice. They must have built that motor (and trans) with this in mind...dry sump, front pickup, huge external reservoir....or it probably would have seized being vertical that long.
*quality driving

YouTube's Rules Don't Apply to Everyone

ChaosEngine says...

Youtube are consistently inconsistent. As much as I admire some youtubers and think making short films would be a great way to make a living, I am so glad my income is not dependent on the increasingly arbitrary whims of google.

For example, Brady Haran of Numberphile made a video about "derangements", a concept in combinatorial mathematics. Fairly dry stuff unless you're a math geek. YouTube flagged the video and even when he submitted it for "manual review" it was still deemed inappropriate for advertisers.....

although the problem has apparently since been resolved. Nothing to do with Brady also having an immensely popular podcast where he complained about it, I'm sure. (For the record, Hello Internet is awesome!)

Lawn Bubble

Stormsinger says...

I had to think back a's been a few decades since I spent any time on a lawn of zoysia. But once I thought a bit more carefully, it does seem that zoysia changes it's texture with the season. Over the winter (and dry times) it gets tough and spiky, like walking on a bed of nails. But during the (limited) times when it's fresh and green, it is pretty soft. I think you can tell which season sticks in my memory.

00Scud00 said:

On the bubble or on the zoysia? Based on my limited reading zoysia is really soft.

ORVILLE S1E3: The Crew Preps For A Wild Wild West Showdown

newtboy says...

It was dry, dark humor, but Mal was hilarious at me.

ant said:

Firefly had little humor to me. I am still mad at Fox for messing it up! I wonder if Orville will have be axed by them too.

Near Miss

bcglorf says...

Rewatch the video, when it starts the light is green.

-The time on the video is 1 second in when the light turns yellow
-His speed at that time is 54km/h, default speed limit in Canada in urban centers is 50km/h but plenty of stretches are 60km/h, decent odds his 5k under versus over.
-The time on the video when his front wheel hits the stop line is 3 seconds.

From that we can say the time from the light turning yellow, to him reaching the point he needed to stop was 2 seconds. At 50km/h, lets work out the distance. 50 km/h works out to 13.9m/s, so the moment the light went yellow he was maybe 28metres from the stop line.

Australian government says that dry road stopping distance for a family car at 50km is 35m. Now, sometimes a bike can perform better braking, sometimes it can perform worse, but it doesn't seem that it's obvious a biker should be able to stop in 28m the instant a light goes yellow, seems that passing through is not only prudent, but quite likely the only option that physics allows.

Drachen_Jager said:

Or when you're on a motorcycle actually follow the rules of the damn road?

Yellow means stop if it's safe. He had tons of room to stop and decided to hit the gas instead. LOS doesn't matter, he was the one breaking the law, yellow light is the left turner's chance to turn.

Guy was being a prick and then complains about the other guy's driving.

There's a reason the majority of organ donations come from motorcyclists.

Also, missed this the first time round. He's in an urban area doing 60. So on top of running the light, he's speeding!

The Only Handheld Printer You'll Ever Need

olyar15 says...

And like a typical inkjet printer, the ink cartridges will cost a fortune, claim it is empty even if there is still ink inside, and dry out if you don't use it for a few weeks.

Fantomas (Member Profile)

Liberal Redneck - Virginia is for Lovers, not Nazis

Asmo says...

You obviously haven't been watching too much of the footage then, and you've bought the narrative hook, line and sinker.

The "anti protestors" showed up with bottles of quick dry cement, balloons filled with urine and feces, fireworks, glass bottles, mace, hairspray cans used as impromptu flamethrowers etc. Plenty of signs advocating the scalping/punching of nazi's of course. But yeah, totally impromptu and they were totally peaceful... 8 |

After the ACLU stepped in to get the permit reinstated for the right wing rally, the police the next day were ordered to stand down, leaving the rally attendees with zero protection and access to the event required passing through the anti-protester crows, which precipitated rapidly in to violence. Funny that, right? Almost like the powers that be set the whole thing up to guarantee it turned in to a riot... And then there's the grandstanding afterwards by the (D) mayor about those horrible racists... /grin

This has been documented by many left, right and center sources for anyone who bothers to look for it. It's less to do with Trump and more to do with the constant narrative that white = shit and how people are getting pissed off about it.

Far, far too easy just to label them all Trump loving nazi's than invest even the slightest bit of effort in to trying to work out what's truly going on, eh? \= |

newtboy said:

You must be fucking kidding, Asmo. The white nationalists are clear why they are feeling safe to unify and license to mobilize, their guy won the white house and he's gonna help them take their country back and make America white....I mean great again. When Trump tried to spread the blame for the violence, they saw that as another endorsement, as did most people. It's not a reaction to antifascists, antifascists are a reaction to their resurgence imo. Which came first, the KKK, the Neo Nazis, the alt right, or Antifa?
To be crystal clear, so you aren't confused again, my mention of the antifascists here is not an endorsement of their group or methods.

British Airways safety video - director's cut

Guy Swims Across Rapids to Save Raccoon


Jinx says...

You can't really say the driver started it for much the same reasons you can't be definite about their reasons for meandering in the road.

Buuuuuut....since we are all bein innanet jurors I surmise that the plebestrians had been obstructed traffic for some time. Mayhaps it was some sort of revenge play followin an earlier altercation or maybe there were just being dicks. We don't know. No witnesses have presented. I'd guess they turned back around because they had detoured to block the prolemobile.

Anyhoo. Fine for littering & obstruction of a highway for the wet muppets. Fine for use of a horn in anger or frustration and deliberate splashing of pedestrians for the dry muppets. JUSTICE SERVED. Let their stupidity go some way to filling a pothole somewhere.

notarobot said:

Not at all.

They two pedestrians should have moved over for the car in the first place.

Why didn't they? Can't be sure.

Was there a giant puddle they were avoiding? That's not clear. It looks like there was a sidewalk, but still no bike lane for the cyclists who starts the video avoiding other traffic on a narrow road.

One thing that is clear is that it's not the pedestrians who started yelling. Even if the pedestrians were in the wrong for not yielding to the vehicle (they should have moved over) it was the driver who escalated the situation. This makes the driver the biggest jerk.

(I still think it looks staged.)

Did Robert Johnson really sell his soul to the Devil?

How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

Mystic95Z says...

Yep, no marinades here too when cooking a good cut of beef. My fav is a nice grilled Porterhouse. About the only thing I marinate is beef strips i've cut up from a roast to dry for beef jerky.

RFlagg said:

I really dislike marinades. I want the steak. Pure. Simple.

I like Ribeye, but there ends up being so much thick fat cut to the side, that I feel I got ripped off, and my 12 oz steak is basically an 8 oz worth of edible meat, while the New York Strip gives more meat for the buck, and if done properly is normally good enough.

Rude Lady Fires a Long Time Janitor For Leaving 8 Min Early

newtboy says...

What a disgusting bitch. As if she isn't ugly enough physically, she has to display an even more sickeningly ugly personality publicly.

There's no way she would have paid him overtime for being there 15 min longer, and the fire dept might have fined them if he hadn't given them access, or just left and not inspected, closing the school and definitely costing the janitor his job for not letting them in.
Do they not have a punch clock? That should back him up completely with HR. I can only hope they're addressing Susan's inappropriate behavior and reprimanding her strongly.

He's better off. He'll get another job thanks to this video, a better one with a boss who's not using a pineapple for a butt plug.

I think you are going to be sorry....Mrs Susan Opferman of Alpharetta Georga, for this behavior. Someone's going to be offended and find you and/or use these overhanded, insulting, unfair and dehumanizing tactics against you and your children. I expect Webb Bridge middle school will be getting a large number of complaints about this woman working with children, maybe costing her job. Turn about is fair play...get ready for a shit storm.

A good question I have, why would a custodian's hours end at the same time school gets out? Do they leave the daily messes to dry and harden overnight until 6:30 am? It would make far more sense if he got off at 4.

Edit: oops. I made a mistake. I just realized this is normal and accepted behavior for a beachmaster. Carry on.

How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

Mordhaus says...

Another thing you can do to cheap steak is to use coarse sea/kosher salt and coat it really well, then let it sit an hour per inch of thickness. After that, rinse it off and pat it dry. You can also use kiwi, pineapple, or papaya to tenderize it instead, it is quicker but some people don't want the flavor marinading the steak.

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