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Six Seconds of the Best Acting I've Ever Seen

Amazing popper from So You Think You Can Dance 2008

Third Batman Trailer - The Dark Knight

Shepppard says...

Man..I'm incredibly excited about this movie now.

It'll be interesting to see what they're actually going to do with the joker..

to quote IGN:
""I see now what I have to become to stop men like him."

These are the words of Batman in the film's new trailer, and they are the key to the dynamic between the Dark Knight and his arch nemesis, the Joker. In fact, the original Batman film from Burton played up this theme as well (while also taking it far too literally and kind of screwing up both Batman and the Joker's origin stories in the process). The idea is that somehow neither character is fully complete without the other, that neither can exist if his foe is not in place, and that they need each other in order to live. What good, after all, is a Batman when there's no Joker around?

The Joker, though portrayed in the 1950s and '60s as a more harmless sort, is basically a homicidal maniac and a genius who has, depending on what comics continuity you're paying attention to, killed thousands of people (including women and children), a Robin, and crippled Batgirl.

Interestingly, Frank Miller's seminal The Dark Knight Returns has an aged Batman finally taking out the Joker for the better good, which raises the question of why the hero never did that earlier.

So one wonders how the Bat will deal with his enemy in this film, seeing as how villains are traditionally killed off in superhero movies. That, plus the death of actor Heath Ledger - who looks to be giving us the ultimate Joker portrayal in The Dark Knight - makes for an uncertain future for this cackling villain.


The point is you don't need to kill your bad guys every time out. Kill the Joker and Two-Face and you kind of render Batman useless. He's supposed to exist to fight guys like this, and besides, if you knock them out of the scene then you're suddenly resorting to second- and third-string villains in your next film."

fissionchips (Member Profile)

The revolution is now the institution: DFT hits 500 (Dark Talk Post)

Crosswords says...

As you sit atop your throne of sifted videos cackling as the madness of power spreads though your veins like warm butterscotch pudding, take a moment to reflect upon those who have helped you reach such dizzying heights. Those who dutifully upvote videos in your forced labor camps, lest they feel the sting of a whip at their back.


Hillary Cozies Up To Scaife?

How To Avoid A Tough Question.

Obama to Hillary: I look forward to you advising me

A Video for America part 1 of 2

Hannity "interviews" bigger prick than himself

Lurch says...

MINK, well I disagree with you on just about everything I see in comments here on the sift, but that's fine of course. I like that you can get civil conversations here that don't boil down to name calling and 200 page arguments.

Rougy, same as MINK with the disagreeing. Seeing your comments in other past threads, I just find your viewpoints to be so extreme on certain topics. Sometimes it can come across as frothing at the mouth rabid Bush hatred instead of reasoned logic. Bush did this, Bush destroyed that, etc...

Now I don't like Bush all that much as a president. I don't agree with everything he does. I just can't understand how people think that everything that goes wrong on this planet somehow came from some twisted plan of his. People (not necessarily you guys, just some I've seen posting here) seem to believe that Bush is simultaneously a bumbling fool and a criminal mastermind. The two just aren't compatible. Is he a great president? I don't think so. Is he destroying all life as we know it from a dark tower, cackling with steepled fingers? I don't think so either. I'll never understand how that one man can cause so much virulent hatred in people. The way I see it, it boils down to two simplified options for the beginning of the war. Either intelligence was incorrect and bad decisions were made as a result of it, or the president knowing concocted a plan to frame a foreign country for personal gain and has been managing to manipulate his way out of being caught by Democrats that have absolutley nothing but pure hated for him. I think given past evidence of our president's public speaking ability and general intelligence level, I'm going with option A.

Generation Chickenhawk: Will College Republicans go to Iraq?

Mike Patton Hates Wolfmother

myn says...

The dudes busy making music in a day where radio bands either sound the same or sound like they would have rocked ten years ago. I have friends who /love/ Wolfmother, but his reaction was almost exactly my reaction to bands like that.

At any rate, this video makes me cackle in a very happy way.

Who said stoners are too lazy to run?

Panda prison break

AeroMechanical says...

I bet it's supposed to be able to go in there. Why else would there just be a hole there? The poor thing's just trying to get the hell away from its cackling audience. Very cute, though.

Arnold is in ur bottle, drinken ur japanese beer

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