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Happy Easter from Prankster Parents

Skeleton on a Motorcycle Prank

Metal Mulisha rider dies immediately after motorcross stunt

zor says...

If this video had been titled "douchebag motocross rider gets knocked out cold" we wouldn't be having this discussion. I see plenty of videos on the sift and on youtube where it is very probable that someone died. The only difference is that you know here what the outcome is. I think this video serves a broader purpose in countering the notion that these types of stunts always end Johnny Knoxville style with a bunch of cackling drunks laughing at the perp whose clutching his battered testicles. There are real actual consequences to these types of stunts and highlighting that in a tasteful way is not snuff.

Chainsaw Bayonet - Live Fire Test (24 sec)

Freak of Physics Loses and Catches Hat on Free Fall Ride

Atara of the Great White North gets her Gold star! (Scifi Talk Post)

bigbikeman (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Gawrsh (blushes), Thank you.... evilly of course.

In reply to this comment by bigbikeman:
Just wanted to congratulate you on a masterful comment. Brilliant even.
I couldn't help but cackle....evilly.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
What should we do with evil? Well, for starters, I'd give it a manicure; Then I'd poke it with a stick, after which I'd rub it on my genitals. Finally, I'd put it on a bagel with some cream cheese, but eat only half, saving the rest for breakfast tomorrow morning.

Evil is intangible. You could sooner defeat the color orange. The man asking the questions has a very small mind.

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

bigbikeman says...

Just wanted to congratulate you on a masterful comment. Brilliant even.
I couldn't help but cackle....evilly.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
What should we do with evil? Well, for starters, I'd give it a manicure; Then I'd poke it with a stick, after which I'd rub it on my genitals. Finally, I'd put it on a bagel with some cream cheese, but eat only half, saving the rest for breakfast tomorrow morning.

Evil is intangible. You could sooner defeat the color orange. The man asking the questions has a very small mind.

Angry chef tells Today Show ladies to shut their pie-holes

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

Ron Paul: Redefining terms for Selfish Gain?

choggie says...

Why redefine words when you can make up new ones?
Why make up new ones, when you can fill the place with people who can't read, nor desire to do so.
Why fix something as broken as a (so-called) party system, which has become only one....self-serving, damaged and toxic.

High time to declare a National emergency on stupidity, rhetoric, and the disinformation machine which creates the sycophants, who work for nothing but hidden totalitarian agendas, and their cackling familiars....meaningless dribble.....How's it feel to have been groomed for dupeage NR??? Shock yourself out of it....metaprogram yourself otherwise-feel the burn!!

BNF: Sorry FOX we won't let you trash Michelle Obama

choggie says...

-like to see Obama get elected, then hold a party for all his friends who put him in the place....but he has that party a few times a year to fuck his old lady while he's gone, but be able to turn on a closed-circuit monitor so he could watch from the meetings.....Why can't he simply change back into Tommy, and discontinue the pollution he passes off as uninformative cackling-sit him down and shut him the fuck up-change the channel

A Witch Flying Across The Sky! (Not Fake!)

Dumbass of the Day!

deedub81 says...

Of course I wouldn't apologize and tell them "I'll get glass that shatters less." That would just be silly. Vandalism is wrong, and he did have it coming to him. I just don't take pleasure at other's misfortune.

...Unless they get hit in the nuts by their 5 year old with a whiffle ball bat. Now that's funny!

>> ^Kerotan:
I don't understand those who feel sorry for this stupid mug, lets say he was proving that he could kick though one of your windows, and while doing so, the window cuts his leg to pieces, would you go "oh I am so sorry that my window cut your leg to shreds, next time I will get glass that shatters less" or would you cackle and tell him serves him right for his mindless destruction of property that isn't his. However in fairness to all the "your so cruel" party, if I was there at the time I wouldn't laugh, I would most likely puke everywhere, but I wouldn't feel sorrow or pity for someone who damages property that in the end some one other than him is going to have to pay for.

Dumbass of the Day!

Kerotan says...

I don't understand those who feel sorry for this stupid mug, lets say he was proving that he could kick though one of your windows, and while doing so, the window cuts his leg to pieces, would you go "oh I am so sorry that my window cut your leg to shreds, next time I will get glass that shatters less" or would you cackle and tell him serves him right for his mindless destruction of property that isn't his. However in fairness to all the "your so cruel" party, if I was there at the time I wouldn't laugh, I would most likely puke everywhere, but I wouldn't feel sorrow or pity for someone who damages property that in the end some one other than him is going to have to pay for.

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