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Buckets and balls

Payback says...

>> ^videosiftbannedme:
Don't ask me why, but I got the same feeling I get when I watch any of the Maru cat videos. And sure enough, at the end, it was Japanese. Now that makes me wonder what qualities of both videos are distinctly Japanese. Points to ponder...

No Death Metal or Britney Spears playing the background.
No intense, prolific swearing when the ball/cat goes into the item at hand.
No running around giving high fives at the same time as above.
No stupid sound effects.
No cackling girlfriend/wife/landlord/random-passerby.
No introductory voiceover explaining exactly what it is we are about to see. Verbatim.

Hardball: Matthews "You Don't Even Know Their Names"

Bill O'Reilly Mocks Hillary Clinton's Laugh

How to speak fluent Japanese without saying a word

Driver Wins Biggest Jerk Alive Award

Shepppard says...

So..if I've got that right, the guy, who you have no idea why he was going fast, could have been sick, wife could've been having a baby, hell, maybe he just really had to poop, deserved to get a window broken over this?

Lighten's water.

>> ^dannym3141:
>> ^Stingray:

I remember on my route home from university a while back, i have to walk down a large hill that has poor drainage. On any rainy days it is impossible for me to get home without delicately picking my way down the edge of it which is also a fairly busy car route. I could do that or go through a park and get more wet there.
Anyway some car went screaming through it just as i was going past and of course i got soaked. Luckily i knew it was going to happen and had a stone in my hand which i immediately hurled at them, cracking one of their windows. Cackling with sodden glee, i disappeared into the park.

Driver Wins Biggest Jerk Alive Award

dannym3141 says...

>> ^Stingray:
While I certainly do not condone the drivers actions, a pedestrian waiting a bus stop should have enough common sense not to stand in front of a giant puddle in the roadway.

Idiot. Going through puddles at pedestrians is indicative of a type of sadism - and i don't mean the fun kind. If anyone i was in a car with did that to someone, i'd order them to stop and i'd get out and go and apologise and probably give them the name and address of the person in case they wanted to report them. Probably wouldn't speak to that person again either. It's so pathetic - "i'm alright and you're not har har har isn't this funny!" Makes me feel sick that i have to share a planet with tools like this.

I know it seems like an over reaction but i can't help it, it resonates somewhere with me. Like someone spitting at another person, it just makes me see red.

I remember on my route home from university a while back, i have to walk down a large hill that has poor drainage. On any rainy days it is impossible for me to get home without delicately picking my way down the edge of it which is also a fairly busy car route. I could do that or go through a park and get more wet there.

Anyway some car went screaming through it just as i was going past and of course i got soaked. Luckily i knew it was going to happen and had a stone in my hand which i immediately hurled at them, cracking one of their windows. Cackling with sodden glee, i disappeared into the park.

"Extras" Easter Egg - Darren & Barry (from EastEnders) dance

Bill O'Reilly Supports the Public Option

Age Old Myth Tested - The Old Carrot On The Stick

Age Old Myth Tested - The Old Carrot On The Stick

Age Old Myth Tested - The Old Carrot On The Stick

Age Old Myth Tested - The Old Carrot On The Stick

A conversation with a Scientologist

bcglorf says...

>> ^schmawy:
Do they have a course that teaches that crazy Tom Cruise cackle?


That's not a joke even, I'll try and dig up the documentary that shows it.

One of Scientology's regular practices for all participants is pairing people up and getting them to go at each other. Sometimes one person is supposed to do their best to not respond at all, while the other tries to do and say anything they can to get a response. They practice all manner of variations on the same idea and theme, calling it all a part of 'training'. Something about controlling your emotional responses. Incidentally they end up practicing this kind of back and forth attacking, baiting and antagonizing at great length and in large groups.

It's like training people to be a55holes.

A conversation with a Scientologist

"You be da Man": Bachmann to GOP Chairman Michael Steele

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