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Late bloomer - Sex ed by HP Lovecraft

Late bloomer - Sex ed by HP Lovecraft

Talking Funny: Gervais, Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Louis CK

Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women

Porksandwich says...

Just look at actors and actresses that are on most television shows. They have people who in most locations in their viewing areas would be considered much more attractive than any of their viewing audience. So much so that when they have to portray someone as someone who was picked on due to their looks......they also tend to be maybe one notch below these actors and actresses, but still way beyond the typical audience.

It's just what people expect to see and probably want to see. If they stuck a bunch of normal "ugly" people on television, without the make up, lighting, hair, etc.....unless it's some sort of comedy to make fun of the normal state of probably not going to make it.

As for how they portray men, they make special efforts for men to make sure the short but "hero" guys are filmed in ways where they appear as tall as any other man on the show. Often by having the "hero" stand on a curb or the other guy stand in a low spot. You'll especially notice this when they have basketball players making appearances on movies and such, they would probably be lucky if the typical male reached their shoulders in height but often they are face to face.

I am sure if you looked for heroes/heroines and such you'd notice there's something specific Hollywood does with lighting, make-up and music to ingrain into our minds when the hero is on screen versus a villain on screen. Often using males with larger noses, heavier brows, scars, etc...whether natural or cosmetic to portray villains. And never forget the villain "cackling" laughter for both genders.

I think it's a little more evident in women because both men and women pay attention to the women on screen. Men mostly out of attraction, and women out of their "catty" natures. You can see catty-ness in person when you see women who work in service places like a bank, and a woman comes in dressed'll see the women at the bank whisper to each other and often be rather rude. You might see similar behavior in them when a man comes in, but they are pleasant even flirty toward the man, not rude. You might get rude behavior if a homeless guy comes in. Women are also really rude to any woman they feel use their good looks to get anything. IE if a woman is a dancer/stripper/porn/model/nude model/trophy wife/etc. They are looked down upon by all women but women who've done something similar in the past or were on the verge of doing something like in the past (IE they could, but didnt..not they wanted to but no one would have them). You'll see something similar to this in males when it comes to sports. Especially when it comes to how much the sports stars earn or if they screw up a play.

I am not saying it's not a real issue when they tamper with bodies via photoshop and what not, but I also think it's got a lot of jealousy mixed in as well.

Jumping into snow fail

Ricky Gervais - Pwning the Golden Globes

meggymoo says...

I made my most unholy cackle at the Mel Gibson joke... I think perhaps he will not be asked to do those ceremonies again but he is alot funnier and geniune then some of the guys they have hosting these bore fests

Mic Cuts Out On Young Girl During the USA National Anthem

TDS: Arizona Shootings Reaction

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Props to JS for keeping it classy. Slops to the rest who just can't keep their partisan bias in their pants. People here should be following JS's example, rather than diving headfirst into the sewer of partisan hate speech.

Those complaining about poisonous rhetoric are exhibiting a very curious case of blindness. On the one hand they are able to make the most distant, tenuous, tangental links to supposed right wing hate and tie it boldly to this tragedy. On the other hand, they stubbornly refuse to acknoweldge the left wing hate that permeates the political world, news media, blogosphere, and themselves. To these kinds of specimens, when a right wing guy says something provocative then they are blasted as a hatemonger - but when a left wing guy says something provocative they are cheered.

I find such hypocrisy to be odious in the extreme, and those who are a prisoner to such a mental outlook can only be said to be complicit in perpetrating the very hate they supposedly condemn. Its practicioners are literal buzzards, feasting on tragedy to fatten themselves. There is no evidence of any kind that Loughner was motivated by anything except his own psychosis. For slimy opportunists to wrest this terrible event so they can cackle like demons while pointing fingers at only ONE side bespeaks the same kind of evil that motivates the worst examples of humanity.

I reject utterly the accusation that it is only the right wing that contains angry, violent rhetoric. The left also inundates the national discourse at equal levels of angry, violent rhetoric. You can condemn them both or you can exhonorate them both and be fair. But if you only condemn one while exhonorating the other then you disqualify yourself from any and all intellectual validity - to your shame.

Presidential Seal Falls off Lecturn and Obama Has Nice Save

Kids, don't do drugs and then walk up a gentle slope

Kids, don't do drugs and then walk up a gentle slope

Freak Storm Front Formation In Finland

Woman's Laugh Sends Asian Carp into Flying Frenzy

67 year old White Dude Told Him not to Fuck with Him

nomino says...

Wrong. From what I understand, the black guy said "Why should a black man spit shine your shoes?" as the white guy was passing. The white man simply engaged... to a certain extent. You can see that he knows himself well enough to move to the front of the bus just before the shit is about to hit the fan. He knows he will do some damage if he stays. And that's why he looks violated after the rumble. There's an expression on his face that says: "Why did you make me do that to you? Why? I tried to be good."

You might wonder why someone would simply blurt out "why does a black man have to shine your shoes?" for no reason to a big white dude. Consider this, it's the middle of the day and the perp is drunk, on a bus, acting tough for cackling hens. Enough said. >> ^peggedbea:
that roided up old jackass totally escalated this beyond the point of return and probably instigated it too, and the first thing i heard out his mouth was him asking the black guy how much he'd charge to shine his shoes.
fuck that cocked up old jackass.
he is a motherfucker.

Louis CK - "Chimps"

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