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Mix Master Mike rippin it up on the Turntables, worth seeing

MINK (Member Profile)

EndAll says...

Amen!! Glad I found this old comment at 14 votes and was able to get you a power point for it

In reply to this comment by MINK:
SHE is fake. Not the video.

The fact that she sucks money out of naive little girls by selling them porn and body image problems doesn't do her any credit either.

"but she can't be expected to sing and dance at the same t..."

If I remember correctly, the golden age of music didn't have talentless sluts like this at the top of the list.

Jimi Hendrix anyone?

MINK (Member Profile)

Britney's Real Voice

Britney's Real Voice

Groovy jazz version of "Toxic"

Old russian women cover Britney Spears

Drunk Man Drives into Backyard Pool in Oz; Dag Doing Fine

Michael Jackson debuts Moonwalk - 1983 Motown Show

Fred_Chopin says...

One more cue : You can even hear the music track fading out at the end.
Impressive dancer however. Shame that he had to lip-sync ; common practice or not, it sucks.

I'd rather listen to someone sing for real (with more conservatives movements) then watch someone dance on some studio track. Not much different then what Britney Spears and the rest are doing really...

Michael Jackson is Dead, Joins Farrah Fawcett (News Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

My opinion is that if he hadn't gone completely loony, disturbingly weird, and rightly suspect, he might have prevented Madonna from turning the pop world into Britney-Spears-land... It might have been about "MUSIC" rather than about young (sometimes too young) "SEX APPEAL"...

Look at Jackson's "Black or White". Tell me that Britney or any of her mimics had a message like that. Tell me for that that they landed a prime spot on cable TV after the most prominent TV show there was available for just a new MUSIC VIDEO! FFS, he made a Simpsons episode even MORE watched just so people could see his video...!!!

The announcement was similar too:

Incredible. And I have no doubt that it had some significant effect. I SAW it happening as I expect anyone who was there at the time did so... in middle America at least... and that is where it was targeted.

Racism is far beyond old news and far beyond acceptable and Michale helped make that possible and I respect that.

His later years sort of destroyed any message he had, but his message was already ingrained in his early listeners and I hope that they won't abandon those good ideals due to his possible mistakes.

Torture- Never Say Never? (Philosophy Talk Post)

blankfist says...

deedub81: Well, some would say that you were morally justified under the circumstances. Regardless of the outcome, the fact that there is a 'ticking time-bomb' justifies the use of torture.

What circumstances? That there are people who want to kill Americans because of Britney Spears and our foreign interventionist policies? And regardless of what outcome? Any outcome? As long as there's a ticking time bomb it's okay to torture anyone even on a hunch or via hearsay? Then the answer is always no, because those are bad arguments in favor of torture.

What if we were talking about executing somebody to save lives?

How can you prove that? The fact that you must use torture proves it's torture brought out of suspicion - you have no proof he knows anything, it's just suspicion. Even if the government said they knew he was hiding something, they were also the same government that told us there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

They are 100% sure this guy is a kidnapper. He has a history of kidnapping and he lived next door to you, but they aren't sure if this is the actual perpetrator.

Then they aren't 100% sure. This is the fallacy of all pro-torture arguments. "What if it's 100% absolutely true that this guy knows something, even though we can't be certain he does."

How to get raped by a Jesus impersonator

Lily Allen - Womaniser (Britney Cover)

Krupo says...

Wicked awesome.

>> ^eric3579:
So, I had to go listen to the Britney Spears version of the song. What a huge piece of shat that was! I mean extra-large sized huge.

Remember, crap-ass performer. Someone else no doubt wrote it, hence the difference - go *livemusic about, um, *love?

Pirate Bay: Guilty

HaricotVert says...

It's one thing to disagree with an opinion, it's another to disagree with a logically sound and valid argument. But nevermind that.

You don't seem to realize that shutting down the Pirate Bay changes nothing. Everything on the Pirate Bay can already be found in umpteen other places. Should the Pirate Bay lose their appeal and get taken down completely, boo-f$!*ing-hoo. You have not solved the problem - you've merely relocated it.

If you really want to stop piracy, you have to change how digital media is marketed and sold. Take a hint from Radiohead releasing "In Rainbows," or iTunes' business model of $0.99 per song. Release your indy games on XBox Live and Steam for reasonable and convenient prices. Make a subscription-based game. Or just make a damned good game that people actually think is worth the $50 price tag, like Fallout 3, Half Life, Starcraft, Call of Duty - the list goes on. The biggest deterrent to piracy is NOT MAKING GARBAGE.

You know what one of the most commonly pirated pieces of software is? It's not a game. It's Adobe CS4. Why? Because the retail price tag is over $1500 for the full suite. I guarantee you if the price was $100 or even $200 for the full suite they would see an immediate and precipitous decline in piracy. Because suddenly it doesn't cost two mortgage payments for someone to copy and paste their face onto the body of Britney Spears.

>> ^CaveBear:
>> Actually, I have. I just don't write games for Windows or Macintosh anymore, and I've shipped over a million games. Now I just write for iPhone / iPod touch since they are harder to steal. Who loses? You guys - the consumers.
I still disagree with many of the your arguments. It seems like Pirate Bay supporters just want to justify their pirating by arguing specific points to obfuscate the big picture. Pirate Bay just facilitates stealing stuff, and that's wrong. It's just as simple as that.

eric3579 (Member Profile)

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