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Declaration of War Against Justin Bieber Haters

legacy0100 says...

I do feel bad for that Justin kid. Kid knows how to perform and give a good show which not many from his peer age group could do, let alone in the music business. But he has become this go-to-target and has become a scapegoat to all the things that people think are wrong with American youth today.

It's not the kid or their fan's fault. Before Justin there was Britney Spears, before Britney Spears there was Madonna, before Madonna there was Nirvana, Michael Jackson, the doors, the Beatles, Elvis, so on and so forth.

But I digress. This video ironically makes to be an open call for a flame war, with teenage trolls ripen with hormones and anxiety could unleash their rage against some silly kid on the internet. Well, there's nothing that I haven't seen before and the ending result is very predictable. Some teasing, kid gets his feelings hurt, rage-quits teh interwarbs for awhile, victory for the trolls.

Nothing much else to be said about this issue.

the believer cafe scene starring ryan gosling-intense racism

Trancecoach says...


BTW, did you know that Ryan Gosling started out in the Mickey Mouse Club with Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake, and Britney Spears? I certainly didn't!

>> ^alien_concept:

>> ^Trancecoach:
He isn't.
Project selection is as much of the craft of acting as the method of acting, itself.
>> ^alien_concept:
>> ^Trancecoach:
Anyway, I think Gosling was really good in this, but I wouldn't say he's a great actor.
The Notebook? Really?
Ed Norton, on the other hand...

That's like saying Leo Dicaprio isn't a great actor. The Titanic, really??

That's why Ed Norton was in Incredible Hulk 2 then I guess?

QI - Beatles Album Covers

Russian voice casting session with helium

mgittle says...

Haha...everyone's having a great time and then there's that chick at the bottom right singing the national anthem @0:51.

Also, why are half of the songs in English...why friggin Britney Spears and Celine Dion? I hope they were told to sing that crap for the audition and it's not some bizarre culture thing.

Franz Ferdinand "Womanizer" (Britney Spears Cover)

TDS - Sarah Palin's Mamma Grizzly Coalition

Groovy jazz version of "Toxic"

Groovy jazz version of "Toxic"

Home Taping is Killing Music

Matthu says...

I haven't bought a record since I paid $18.99 for Eminem's Marshall Mathers LP.

You think I'm going to dish out hundreds of dollars a year to here the latest music? Sorry... I'm not a sony CEO.

Maybe the record label cartels should pay their composers more then 7 goddamn cents per copy sold? And the artists? How much do they make per copy sold? 25 cents? 1 dollar? Where does the rest go?

It goes to the label. And what's the labels job? From my understanding the label's job is to call the music store and say hey this is good, put it on your shelf. So essentially without the record labels the artists wouldn't be on any shelves. Oh wait... we don't even need shelves anymore.

I'd gladly screw Britney Spears out of a dollar if I can screw Sony Music Entertainment out of 10 dollars.

Furthermore, these are evil corporations who stand ONLY for profit. So why should I not stand only for profit? It's disgusting. All these corporations who can never be held morally or legally resposible for anything they do and who operate *SOLELY* for profit now are crying, literally crying because of the apathy of the consumer when it comes to piracy.

I do wish I could make a contribution to some artists. Eminem for example. I'd love to send him 20$ for his hard work.

Sarah Palin Boo'd at Her Own Book Signing

Buckets and balls

Payback says...

>> ^videosiftbannedme:
Don't ask me why, but I got the same feeling I get when I watch any of the Maru cat videos. And sure enough, at the end, it was Japanese. Now that makes me wonder what qualities of both videos are distinctly Japanese. Points to ponder...

No Death Metal or Britney Spears playing the background.
No intense, prolific swearing when the ball/cat goes into the item at hand.
No running around giving high fives at the same time as above.
No stupid sound effects.
No cackling girlfriend/wife/landlord/random-passerby.
No introductory voiceover explaining exactly what it is we are about to see. Verbatim.

Thinking too Much? Try Mainstream Media!!

Wingoguy says...

I disagree. For me this fails as comedy because it makes its case as, "You're stupid if you watch the TV news, and we're too hip/cool to tell you why! That's how cool WE are!!" Okay, they do state mainstream media covers Britney Spears...does that mean to be a freethinker I need to get my news from the blogosphere or the Village Voice?

What Britney Spears Really Sounds Like

What Britney Spears Really Sounds Like

Girls with violins rock out Toxicity - System of a Down

deathcow says...

> BTW There's no way this is live

livemusic tag is also qualified for videos of the performers, alive, playing the same thing
i.e. in concert videos can include britney spears and milli vanilli

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