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Hitchens and Rushdie Play a Word Game

Rick Perry's bigoted campaign message

shinyblurry says...

The Mayflower and the people aboard her were a deeply religious sect of people that did indeed flee to the colonies to practice their religion. I fully understand that.

What you, and most cherry-picking christians fail to acknowledge is that the Mayflower crew was not the first nor the second or even the third permanent settlement in the new world. Jamestown, roughly 20 years prior was established without pretense of religion by wealthy Europeans hoping to find gold. The were ill-equipped and not manual laborers so to speak and that's why the first Jamestown settlement was in dire straights. A second crew arrived and began growing tobacco, which, at the time, the sale of tobacco seeds was outlawed outside of Spain. John Rolfe acquired some and thus established the first functional, economically viable colony at Jamestown a full six years before the Mayflower even sailed from England.

Economy, money and enterprise is what established America, not some freedom from religious persecution as, again, Americans have been force fed for years.

You're right, the first wave of settlers weren't strongly committed Christians, although one of the first things they did upon arriving was join the Rev. Robert Hunt in a communion service. However everything else is the complete opposite of what you said. Indeed, John Rolfe was the first to establish the colony, but what you've left out is that he was a deeply committed Christian! He is the one who converted Pocahontas to Christianity and took her as a bride. He had a Christian purpose for Jamestown such as to "advance the Honor of God, and to propagate his Gospel." He also said:

"no small hope by piety, clemency, courtesy and civil demeanor to convert and bring to the knowledge and true worship of Jesus Christ 1000s of poor wretched and misbelieving people: on whose faces a good Christian cannot look, without sorrow, pity and commiseration; seeing they bear the Image of our heavenly Creator, and we and they come from one and the same mold. . ."

So yes, Christianity was there at the outset, and it continued to be the prevailing influence in shaping this country.

I am not discounting what the pilgrims did at Plymouth. They did amazing things, especially with the Indians. I just want to clear that Plymouth was not what founded the colonies. They were not the first and were one of many.

If you won't listen to me, listen to the library of congress:

>> ^Hive13

Norm MacDonald's Hilarious Appearance on Conan

packo says...

>> ^thepinky:

Yeah, America is useless. I mean, just look at our movies: Airplane! The Big Lebowski, Blazing Saddles, Duck Soup, It Happened One Night, Some Like it Hot, Annie hall, The Princess Bride, There's Something About Mary, The Producers, etc. You're right, America sucks at comedy.
Who's ethnocentric now?
>> ^westy:
very good , Conan delivers again. maby if i watch conan clips for another say 4 years i might respect American humor.

any movie newer than 1998?
was rhetorical btw, just pointing ^ that out... plenty of funny ones since then

deathcow (Member Profile)

Cast of "The Princess Bride" reunited after 24 years

rex84 says...

>> ^Sylvester_Ink:

The book is also amazing. If you haven't read it, do so.

Agreed. Absolutely fantastic, and goes into much more depth than the movie. Written by William Goldman, who also wrote All the President's Men, Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, Marathon Man and Chaplin.

deathcow (Member Profile)

Bridesmaid faceplant: Don't lock your knees!

Bridesmaid faceplant: Don't lock your knees!

ulysses1904 says...

I figure the bride is already highly charged emotionally, having waited for this moment for a long time. Then something unexpected and upsetting happens, no doubt that's why she's crying.

Bridesmaid faceplant: Don't lock your knees!

Bridesmaid faceplant: Don't lock your knees!

Bridesmaid faceplant: Don't lock your knees!

Ann Coulter gets Owned by Bill Maher

The Ultimate trick

Surprise! This is Your Wedding Day!

Payback says...

I'd never do that. I'm attracted to women with sarcastic, playful personalities. She'd probably kill me for ruining her stagette.

I'm in the limousine business, and I have to say, however, it's really rare to see a bride THAT happy. Usually the build up and stress tends to bridzilla even the most laid back of brides.

Marriage proposal at Comic-Con...wait for it

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