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Marriage proposal at Comic-Con...wait for it


hpqp says...

Yes yes, of course it's "harmless"; no one's getting their clit cut off, or being sold as a child bride, or being beaten to a pulp, etc.

That being said, the fact that this "humorous" equation between wife and property, an equation which echoes the true tradition of marriage, can be so easily dismissed by some just illustrates how easy it is to ignore/forget the struggle towards equality (even in these "harmless" examples). Equality of treatment which is far from being achieved.

DerHasisttot (Member Profile)


spoco2 says...

Wow, I am really quite stunned at the things people can get worked up about.

YOU are making the jump from him thinking that she's precious and wanting to keep her safe during the carrying over the threshold tradition to her being an object and his possession.

You are truly looking for sexism where it doesn't exist.

Maybe pick your battles, fight the ones that are worth fighting, because this has NO malice, NO intent to reduce the woman to an object, PURELY thinking 'Hmmm, our movers are really good at taking stuff into houses. What could be the most precious thing to this guy? Maybe his wife. Is there any occasion where he may have to take her... ooooh oooh, the tradition of taking a bride over the threshold. SOLD!'

Just lighten the fuck up. Scream and rage against Katy Perry being regarded as some sort of female role model before you rage against this sort of harmless ad.

Russian Cow Transport

Taking Home His Bride - Cattle Transportation

Strange Arrangements

The Sean Bean Death Reel

poolcleaner says...

Also, it's important to check out the Youtube comments and the video uploader's description. If you did that, you'd know his non-dying performances outweigh his dying performances. Someone did all that work and now you don't need to:

Airborne - bye bye Toombs
Caravaggio - Rannuccio gets his throat slashed
Clarissa - Lovelace is skewered by Sean Pertwee
Don't Say a Word - Patrick Koster is buried alive
Equilibrium - Death by Poetry - Partridge is blasted away by Christian Bale while reading Yeats
Essex Boys - Jason Locke meets a nasty end in a Range Rover
Far North - Loki is frozen. Naked. In the snow. A chilling end if there ever was one.
The Field - the infamous Death by Cow - Tadgh falls over a cliff, pursued by a herd of stampeding cows
GoldenEye - Alec Trevelyan falls a long way down and is crushed by a satellite dish thing
Henry VIII - Robert Aske meets a gruesome end
The Island - Death by Clone. Merrick is shot in the throat by a nasty grabber thingy with a sharp
hook and a cable that gets wrapped around his neck, and while he's struggling with Lincoln
Six-Echo, the catwalk they're on collapses, and Merrick ends up dangling by the neck. Currently
the most creative dispatch of Sean's career. Definitely well hung.
The Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King) - Death
by Orc. Boromir. Arrows. Need I say more?
Lorna Doone - Carver Doone drowns
Outlaw - Dead Dead Dead. Was there ever any question? Dead.
Patriot Games - Sean Miller is beaten up, boathooked and finally blown up by Harrison Ford
Scarlett - Lord Fenton is dispatched
Tell Me That You Love Me - Gabriel Lewis is stabbed by Laura. Or he stabs himself. We're not
quite sure about this one, actually.
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion - Death by summoning a god's avatar. Martin Septim (the son of the Emperor, aka The Lost Heir) meets his X-Box end when he attempts to save the world.
The Hitcher - Surely you jest. You need to ask? (There were two different versions filmed. He dies
in both of them.)
War Requiem - The German Soldier dies, but returns in the afterlife

(Leo Tolstoy's) Anna Karenina
A Woman's Guide to Adultery
The Big Empty
The Bill
Black Beauty
Bravo Two Zero
Exploits at West Poley
Extremely Dangerous
The Fifteen Streets
Fool's Gold
How to Get Ahead in Advertising
In the Border Country
Inspector Morse: Absolute Conviction
Lady Chatterley
The Loser
My Kingdom for a Horse
National Treasure (But only because of a rewrite. In an early version
of the the script Ian Howe got eaten by alligators in the subways of
New York. Really. Honest. I wouldn't lie to you. I wouldn't.)
North Country
Percy Jackson (Zeus is more or less an immortal so death seems a bit
redundant, really...)
The Practice
Samson & Delilah
Sharpe (14 films)
Sharpe's Challenge
Silent Hill
Small Zones
Stormy Monday
Tom & Thomas
The Canterbury Tales - The Nun's Priest's Tale
The Dark
The True Bride
The Vicar of Dibley
When Saturday Comes
Winter Flight

Major Theatrical Performances:
Macbeth ... Yes. He dies. And gets his head impaled on a spike.
Romeo & Juliet... What do you think?
Fair Maid of the West ... Spencer doesn't die!

Idiots Sign Idiot-Vow

MaxWilder says...

If we could have REAL traditional marriage, where the woman is property, men get a dowry along with the bride, and men are free to have as many mistresses as they want... I might be up for that. Of course we'd have to take away women's right to vote, since property doesn't vote.

Just saying, their idea of "traditional marriage" is really only a few years old in the broader view of human history. It is also what led directly to the massive increase in divorce.

Personally, I think they should all STFU and stay out of other people's lives.

Zipline Wedding Crash

Sam Harris on the error of evenhandedness

hpqp says...

(a copy of the messy comment above)

A collection of verses from the Qur'an about unbelievers

A person's beliefs about life (and afterlife) have a huge effect on how they live and perceive the value of other people's lives; it is nothing like blaming school shootings on violent video games, unless you assume that the shooters actually believed they lived inside a videogame.

The Qur'an, Islam's founding text, makes it quite clear that
a) The unbeliever will burn in hellfire forever (e.g. 4:56)
(nothing new here, M's recycling the holy texts already in existence)
and b) the unbeliever must be killed if he does not accept Islam (4:89), either by God or "or at our hands" (9:52); only Islam can exist on earth (2:193).
See this article on the history of Jihad and martyrdom in Islam.

Of course, the majority of muslims, like any other group of human beings, aspire to live their peaceful lives, etc. The difference between Islam and Christianity or Judaism, apart from its youth, is that it is founded upon a character and his book that are highly impervious to the effects of secularization. While the Bible is an edited compilation of transcripts written by several authors over centuries, the Qur'an was written by one warrior general in the space of his lifetime; questioning any part of the book's infallibility puts the whole faith in question, a risky thing when you read what the book in question has to say about non-believers. (I could go on, but really, Harris says it so much better than me in "The End of Faith" ...for free!).

But you want evidence, so here are a few things to ponder, in relation to what the Qur'an, and thus Islam, has to say about the topics in question. (Keeping in mind that Mohamed did not invent the barbarities that the book contains; they were contemporaneous, he simply enshrined them as the "infallible" word of God. Also: Mohamed's life, as transcribed in the Hadith, is considered a role model).

Honour killing: women considered property of men (see s.4:34)
Honour killing: adulterers should be killed anyway, no?

Because of sharia law's stance on adultery, it remains a crime in several Islamic countries
(sharia law is for the most part copied from the Torah/OT; in Islam, adultery is one of the worst sins/crimes: ):

Also, denouncing rape can get you jailed... for adultery:

homosexuality: illegal in 75/195 countries; 32/48 Muslim countries. In 8 countries it is punishable by death... under sharia law, of course (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Sudan, Nigeria, la Mauritania and Somalia).

Condoning slavery:

forced marriage of minors: what Islamic doctrine/scholars say:
women protest age limit laws:
more statistics on child brides (once again, the problem did not stem from Islam, but is upheld by it... Mo+Aisha):

Apostasy and human rights:

Of the 126 designated terrorist organisations, 73 (60%) are religious, 65 (51%) are Islamic extremists. To compare, the second highest ranking terrorist-fueling ideology, communism, has only 21 (17%) groups. Jihad anyone?

Government report on link between Koranic schools and terrorism:

Of the 17 "Significant Ongoing Armed Conflicts of 2010", only 5 are not marked by religious ideologies (only 2 if communism is counted as a religious ideology). Eleven of these conflicts involve Islamists, who are either trying to instate an Islamic theocracy (in accordance with the teachings of the Qur'an), or they are fighting Muslim governments that are considered not "Muslim" enough.

Sam Harris on the error of evenhandedness

hpqp says...

A collection of verses from the Qur'an about unbelievers

A person's beliefs about life (and afterlife) have a huge effect on how they live and perceive the value of other people's lives; it is nothing like blaming school shootings on violent video games, unless you assume that the shooters actually believed they lived inside a videogame.

The Qur'an, Islam's founding text, makes it quite clear that
a) The unbeliever will burn in hellfire forever (e.g. 4:56)
(nothing new here, M's recycling the holy texts already in existence)
and b) the unbeliever must be killed if he does not accept Islam (4:89), either by God or "or at our hands" (9:52); only Islam can exist on earth (2:193).
See this article on the history of Jihad and martyrdom in Islam.

Of course, the majority of muslims, like any other group of human beings, aspire to live their peaceful lives, etc. The difference between Islam and Christianity or Judaism, apart from its youth, is that it is founded upon a character and his book that are highly impervious to the effects of secularization. While the Bible is an edited compilation of transcripts written by several authors over centuries, the Qur'an was written by one warrior general in the space of his lifetime; questioning any part of the book's infallibility puts the whole faith in question, a risky thing when you read what the book in question has to say about non-believers. (I could go on, but really, Harris says it so much better than me in "The End of Faith" ...for free!).

But you want evidence, so here are a few things to ponder, in relation to what the Qur'an, and thus Islam, has to say about the topics in question. (Keeping in mind that Mohamed did not invent the barbarities that the book contains; they were contemporaneous, he simply enshrined them as the "infallible" word of God. Also: Mohamed's life, as transcribed in the Hadith, is considered a role model).

Honour killing: women considered property of men (see s.4:34)
Honour killing: adulterers should be killed anyway, no?

Because of sharia law's stance on adultery, it remains a crime in several Islamic countries
(sharia law is for the most part copied from the Torah/OT; in Islam, adultery is one of the worst sins/crimes: ):

Also, denouncing rape can get you jailed... for adultery:

homosexuality: illegal in 75/195 countries; 32/48 Muslim countries. In 8 countries it is punishable by death... under sharia law, of course (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Sudan, Nigeria, la Mauritania and Somalia).

Condoning slavery:

forced marriage of minors: what Islamic doctrine/scholars say:
women protest age limit laws:
more statistics on child brides (once again, the problem did not stem from Islam, but is upheld by it... Mo+Aisha):

Apostasy and human rights:

Of the 126 designated terrorist organisations, 73 (60%) are religious, 65 (51%) are Islamic extremists. To compare, the second highest ranking terrorist-fueling ideology, communism, has only 21 (17%) groups. Jihad anyone?

Government report on link between Koranic schools and terrorism:

Of the 17 "Significant Ongoing Armed Conflicts of 2010", only 5 are not marked by religious ideologies (only 2 if communism is counted as a religious ideology). Eleven of these conflicts involve Islamists, who are either trying to instate an Islamic theocracy (in accordance with the teachings of the Qur'an), or they are fighting Muslim governments that are considered not "Muslim" enough.

edit: html's not working, so this looks like crap. sorry, i'm too tired to rearrange right now.

>> ^SDGundamX:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 25th, 2009" class="profilelink">hpqp
You repeated his speaking points and provided no evidence to support them and then insinuated that I know nothing of Islam's teachings to boot. You've clearly learned from your teachers (Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens) quite well.
Show me some evidence please that shows that Islamic followers are more likely to cause harm to fellow human beings than others. By evidence I mean an empirical study that controls for other factors that include but are not limited to: education, income, regional cultural factors (other than religion), and local political systems (or lack thereof as the case may be, for example in countries such as Somalia).
And no, you didn't correct that for me. It doesn't matter their stated reasons for committing the violence. People who resort to violence do so for a complex array of reasons. I dispute the notion that people commit violence soley "because of their religion" any more than school shootings occur "because kids play violent video games."

Anderson Cooper reacts to 51 YO marrying teenager

Super 8 is Good Retro Fun (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I don't think that's a huge plot hole - they were hoping for a quick capture, underestimating the smarts of their opponent - as the military is wont to do. then they realized they needed to go to Plan B.

Saw Brides Maids on the weekend - a damn good movie.

>> ^blankfist:

@dag, also my friend brought up a good point, why for three days when the air force know of this alien do they not do anything about it? They wait until the 3rd act (ahem) to evacuate the city.
Playing devil's advocate, obviously. I did like the movie.

Movies I've Walked Out of Because they're Really, Really Bad: a List (Blog Entry by dag)

Opus_Moderandi says...

>> ^dag:

I'm loving Netflix as a source of good movies that didn't get a chance at the Cineplex though. Watched this the other night -it was great.>> ^peggedbea:
one of the young women i work with has the most horrific taste in movies and a netflix account.
a good way to get her to do her lower extremity stretches without a fuss is just to let her watch a movie during them.
i have seen the worst movies ever as a result.
1. home alone 3
2. ski patrol
3. soccer mom
4. father of the bride 2
etc, etc, etc
i would beg her to watch highlander II.

In that respect, Dag, you should check out The Chaser, if you haven't already seen it...

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