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Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators

newtboy says...

Um, because I don't live there today, (and you have absolutely no idea how long that's been since I moved, do you) it doesn't mean I have no contact with Texans and that I don't spend time entire family didn't move. I am privy to the insanity that happens in Texas on a daily basis, I am a Texas native, I talk to Texans daily, and I can read. Your position that 'if you don't live here, you can't comment on our actions' is insane and just dumb. Today's Texans don't follow that rule and constantly talk shit about other states they've never visited, much less lived in. Some (many) of you talk major shit about the entire nation excepting Texas (Chingalera, I'm looking at you here).
Really, you're claiming it's the it's the right wing Texans that are up in arms about the anti-choice bills that the right wing Texan legislature is forcing into law? That's such utter BS it doesn't deserve a response, but I'll give it one anyway. I'm sure there are some, perhaps even thousands of Republicans in the entire state that agree with the 'liberal douchebags' (I've rarely heard the former not followed by the latter from a Texan) on this issue, and MILLIONS upon millions of their compatriots that believe the opposite. (perhaps you're confusing what I wrote with what your love, chogie, in his typical fashion misrepresented as my position. Only he said ALL Texans are right wing nutjobs, that wasn't me). Fail.
The problem is all the 'hill billy cusin fuckin po dunk Texas trash' and the 'high falootin rich Texas debutantes' vote for the right wing nut jobs even if they don't agree with their positions. (Honestly, most Texans I've talked to usually don't look into the candidate's positions, just their party, to determine who to vote for, and these are well educated people.)
I'll say it once again, there is no utopia (it's the only straw man you have left, so I'm burning it). Because there's no place that's perfect does not stop me from seeing that some places offer more 'freedom' than others, and Texas is not one of those places if you aren't a right wing Christian.

peggedbea said:

No, choggie my love is correct.

As someone who hasn't lived in Texas since you were 13, you do not hold an insiders perspective and therefore should not speak as if you do.

This video exists because all of us "typical texas freedom hating right wingers" are SCREAMING by the thousands to stop these insane laws in their tracks. We're far from the only state with these types of laws on the books or attempting to weasel their way onto the books. And these laws are making it to the books not because people are so pro-life and against reproductive choice, it's because these laws are making someone with much more power a lot of MONEY.

The problem is not that your average poor stupid fuck red neck hill billy cousin fuckin po dunk texas trash is actually in favor of this shit, the problem is $$ in government. And thats a problem common to the entire GLOBE. No matter what superior state you're typing from your high horse in.

Brave Texas woman speaks out against legislators

peggedbea says...

No, choggie my love is correct.

As someone who hasn't lived in Texas since you were 13, you do not hold an insiders perspective and therefore should not speak as if you do.

This video exists because all of us "typical texas freedom hating right wingers" are SCREAMING by the thousands to stop these insane laws in their tracks. We're far from the only state with these types of laws on the books or attempting to weasel their way onto the books. And these laws are making it to the books not because people are so pro-life and against reproductive choice, it's because these laws are making someone with much more power a lot of MONEY.

The problem is not that your average poor stupid fuck red neck hill billy cousin fuckin po dunk texas trash is actually in favor of this shit, the problem is $$ in government. And thats a problem common to the entire GLOBE. No matter what superior state you're typing from your high horse in.

newtboy said:

Ahhh, more Chingaleraese. It's so difficult to wade through the morass of disjointed thoughts you spout. I think that's your intention with your ramblings. That is typical of Texas rightwingers.
Mixed metaphors and run on thoughts not withstanding, I left Texas because my family moved for business when I was 13, so I didn't 'run from' anything. I did quickly decide that moving back was not in my best interest, because I'm not an anti-abortion, anti-minority, anti-liberal, anti-union, anti-tax, anti-intellectual, anti-evolution, anti-science, anti-education, anti-nonchristian, right wing nutjob.
True, there is no utopia of freedom, but there are certainly far better examples than Texas. In Texas, you have complete freedom to do as they say, but not the freedom to publicly disagree. As someone who has lived in many states, I can say with authority that Texas is one of the most hard nosed, anti 'freedom' states I've lived in. They love to talk about loving freedom, but hate to give it to anyone that thinks even slightly differently from them...consistently. They're simply too stupid or dumb to realize that real freedom means the freedom to do the unpopular, and consistently outlaw the unpopular in the name of freedom and liberty. It's just sad.

Pump-Action Shotgun Fail.

chingalera says...

This guys a complete idiot-Crap knowledge of the weapon, terminology and with his finger constantly on the trigger, forgets he chambered a shell.....Someone needs to take Billy's boom stick away till he turns big- person age.

probie said:

Well, I suppose he should get points for not looking directly down the barrel.

(shakes head)

Tap Dancing Seagull

PSY Reacts to Being Called "Herpes" by Billie Joe Armstrong

Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique - Record Release Party 1989

Trancecoach says...

Now I rock the houseparty at the drop of a hat
And I can beat a biter down with aluminum bat
A lot of people they be jonesin cause they hear me rock the mic
They be starin at their radios
Stayin up all night
So, like pimp, I'm pimpin
Got a boat to eat shimp in
Ain't nothin wrong with my leg I'm just B-Boy limpin
I got arrested at the Mardi Gras for jumpin on the float
My man, MCA's got a beard like a billy goat
Ooha Oooha! It's a disco call!
MCA, uh huh! Get a rope, ya'll

The routines that I bust
And the rhymes that I write
And I'll be bustin routines and rhymes all night
Like eatin burgers and chicken and you'll be pickin your nose
And I'm on time, homie, that's how it goes
You heard my style, I think you missed the point...

It's the JOINT

CCTV Documentary 'Naked Citizens'

chingalera says...

Indeed, the inescapable irony.

These tactics are time-honored, cameras and tech simply gives them new tools:
These thugs still use covert operations, undercover agents, and perlustration (now made simple with facebook/twitter/etc) and agent provocateurs.

How 'bout we all call this techy cunt being used by these other cunts and let him know how much safer the world is for the assholes in charge now that Billy is working for the secret police??.....MEH!-"Crowd-sourced policing": A euphemism for creating a police state, one-citizen-at-a-time.


+44 (0) 208 417 2858


L0cky said:

"One of the world's leading scientists behind the development of smart cameras is Professor James Orwell."

You couldn't make that up.

What Kind Of Asian Are You?

Guy Captures an Amazing Lightning Strike Near his Home

Ever see a joint THIS big??

chingalera says...

I have always subscribed personally to a moderate combination of study as well as the "destrucktion of my mind" with drugs.

Sex = drug
Food = drug
Sleep = drug

Yeah Billy, all of these legal and universally-practiced exercises cause one's own body to produce drugs and can manifest as periods of altered states of consciousness, illness, etc. Everythings' a fucking drug man, your body is nature's chemistry lab and we continually introduce variables to the soup.

Some of the highest people I ever knew in my live were Korean, you can't tell me Asians don't like their drugs...If it were not for the opium pouring into the U.S. during the civil war music would be square as shit and everyone would be a lot meaner from pain!

Back to the video, fucking stupid hippies wasting good weed....D U M B A S S E S

What To Do While Waiting For Police

hatsix says...

Since when is a gun the ONLY way to protect yourself? Buy a taser, buy a baseball bat, buy a billy-club. Invest in self-defense classes. Spend the $1000 on better locks or a thicker door.

You want to know what to do if someone burglarizes your house if you don't have a gun? Same as if you do have a gun... you're on your own, and you do your best to prevent yourself from being killed. If that means hiding in a closet, it's better that than dead.

Freddie Mercury Last Moments In Color

Fare dodger hides in train

A10anis jokingly says...

How civilised that the fare paying passengers are happy to let the free loader get away with not paying. Beating him with billy clubs, and throwing him from the moving train - as they did back in the day - is the correct response...

"Who's On First?" - The Sequel


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